

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"...Kumawuese, please come." Terfa called out to his wife on the farm land.

The steady look of his face prompted Kumawuese to follow without questioning, although with much questions on her heart to why her husband demanded for her presence in such a manner.

Was it that one of his traps had caught a game? She thought carefully.

"Kumawuese hurry please. There is a young boy who seems to have slumped on the ground over there." He said hastening her.

"A boy? I don't seems to understand. What will a boy be doing in this thick bush all alone?" She questioned, targeting no one in particular.

"I don't know. Look over here Kumawuese. That's the boy." He pointed.

"Jesus Christ!" She exclaimed and Terfa went over to the boy to inspect him.

"My husband please be careful." She cautioned.

"I will. Let me check if he is conscious." He told her.

He went over to the boy and turned him over to see that he was breathing faintly.

"Young one! Young one!" He called gently.

The young one opened his eyes blurry. He tried to mutter some words but his strength failed him.

"Kumawuese please let me take him to the farm and get him some water to drink. He seems to be very thirsty." He said and without wasting a dime time swung into action and lifted the poor child onto his shoulders.

As soon as they arrived on the farm land, Kumawuese brought water in a cup and they assisted him to take a few gulps. He emptied the cup and demanded for more which he drank some and called to be satisfied.

Once he was done eating, Kumawuese brought him the food they had eaten and remained. He ate slowly and faintly as strength restored back to him.

Terfa and his wife watched him keenly, waiting for him to be a bit strong before questioning his personality.

"Young one, who are you and how did you find yourself in this bush?" Terfa pushed himself close to him and asked.

"My name is Diego Junior. Son of the late Diego. That's how much I know of my parenthood. I had escaped from the hands of ruffians who held me captive for many years." He explained.

"Ruffians? That means they are after you and would soon catch up with you." Kumawuese exclaimed.

"You don't have to worry. I have come a long way, although I can't tell where it is from." He explained.

"Please we have to leave this place. No matter how far you have come, you are a young one and I believe the ruffians must have followed after you. I want you to assure me that you are saying the truth and we will take you home then hand you over to the police where we believe you will be more secured." Terfa suggested and Diego Junior nodded amidst sorrow upon the mention of police.

Terfa hurried his wife to pick everything as they left the farm land with the exhausted young one.

When they arrived home, Kumawuese had his beautiful daughter, Mimidoo Terfa (who was of age bracket with Diego Junior) heated water on the fire for him to have a warm and thorough bath.

When he was done, he waited only a little for the evening meal to be ready and he joined in the family round table to enjoy the heavily prepared pounded yam and egusi (melon) soup with them.

Terfa and Kumawuese had three beautiful children together; Aondokuma (God is enough), Mimidoo (truth is good), and and the youngest of them, Bemwam (my peace).

When they were done eating, Terfa introduced Diego Junior to the family and the family to him.

Then be asked his children to excuse him as he further asked Diego Junior some questions, yet he could only be told same story, only that he added to the agony he faced while in the jungle with the ruffians.

"We have a police station at the town square. I will take you there tomorrow and let them know about you. I believe they will know the appropriate thing to do concerning you better than I do.

Meanwhile, my spirit has accepted you. You will stay with me if need be until you are restored to your family.

And I will follow up with the case. Be assured that you are not in this alone any more." Terfa assured.

"You are God's sent sir. Thank you so much. It's just that I am a bit afraid what will become of me here after. I ran away from the ruffians because they were inducting me into witchcraft, with the aim for me to take over from the old witch. I had to run if at least I could fall into the hands of a good Samaritan. Sir, I am grateful the Lord brought you my way." He appreciated.

"Don't worry Diego Junior. Everything will be fine with you. I just want us to do the right thing.

You seem to have known God. How come you have knowledge of God despite in the hands of the ruffians?" Terfa asked.

"I have kept having encounters with the Lord and his holy angels. I see visions of me preaching on daily basis. Most often I see myself receiving lectures in dreams and and been shown around the kingdom of heaven. This is one the reason behind my escape, because I long to know the Lord and serve him as I believe it is my destiny.

I do use to see my father and mom too appearing to me and instructing me not to serve the devil.

Please sir, promise not to leave me. Be my father." He pleaded.

"Diego!" Terfa called out placing a hand over his shoulder.

"I promise to stand by you and see to the Lord's direction of your life.

I am a strong believer too. It's just that this community is far away from town. We are here purposely with the aim of farming."

"I hope we have a church built here soon." Diego responded promptly.

"You are such a determined young one." Terfa smiled and patted him lightly.

"I want you to go to bed now. We have a journey to make tomorrow early morning." Terfa issued a command and called his wife, Kumawuese to take him in to sleep.

She did so and returned back to meet him in the hut.

"I and Diego will be going to the station early morning. Please you would make something for us before our departure."

"That's alright daddy. I will ensure that is done." Kumawuese answered and they both retired to bed.

The following day, Terfa and Diego were at the attention.

He reported to the officers on duty and they Immediately brought out the list and pictures of missing persons which was sent to them from the headquarters.

With a thorough search, they found the name of a boy; Diego Junior and the picture besides it could show clearly that he was the one despite that he had grown from years back when he was Kidnapped and his mom killed.

For further verification, his data was logged into the system with his physical face scanned.

Everything showed that this was no other person but the son of the notorious kidnapper; Diego.

Without wasting time, the DPO of the unit phoned the headquarters informing them of the found lad.

This elated the heart of both Terfa and Diego Junior.

He would stay in the care of the police until the following day when he would be forwarded to division that was handling his case prior.

The police also agreed to keep contact with Diego Junior until he was finally reunited to his family.