

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


Surrounded by a great darkness, the feet of one was revealed who sat on the throne with the darkness of hell encompassing him.

As he spoke, his voice echoed and all hell bowed to his fury. Above the expanse of his throne was the inscription; "The Mighty Dragon."

Three demons flew to his presence, bowed before him and he spoke up in the midst of the darkness;

"It has taken you long to bring me report of the bearer of truth, the one marked for the wrath of the dragon.

What news have you bring?"

He questioned with his familiar face of rage and blood thirsty countenance.

The tree demons were enormous, ancient and graced with the ancient knowing of the depths of mankind.

They have monitored generations upon generations of the human race. As such, their Master, the great dragon had trust on them - most especially, to execute the mission with the tag to destroy the man; Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

One of the demons rose to his feet with his head still bowed.

"Master! You commissioned me as a watcher over the the ministry of Aondofa Daniel, to monitor and bring before you report of what goes in and out every second.

I am flying right away from the just concluded relationship Meeting scheduled every end of the month.

The bearer of the truth is surrounded with so many maidens from the ministry, those of whom we have taken advantage of their lust over him, we have intensified their lustfulness over him, ensuring that their hearts are more on him than the word of truth that he bears.

With this, many of them have become distracted, doing eye service and acting to please the bearer of truth; Aondofa Daniel, rather than the one that has sent him.

With this, they will not be able to come to term with what the Lord has intended for them." Then he sighed heavily and fell upon his knees.

"Speak on servant of darkness." The darkness on the throne ordered.

"My lord! I and the cohort you have given to me have fought hard with mechanisms of perversion to distract the ministry but there are stubborn ones who have refused to bow to our schemes.

My lord! These ones are being engineered by a pillar in the ministry called Esther." He submitted humbly and lay face down as he continued... "My lord! she is on fire for the righteous one and has disregarded all our attempts to penetrate the ministry with our devices. She subdues our efforts regarding our schemes for the bearer's upcoming meetings and programs through her intercessions.

Esther is a stumbling block for your servant ...."

"Enough! That is enough!! Do not tell of your weakness. I want to hear you confess your strength and not weakness.

Plot out anyone that stands on your way. I Lucifer, the great dragon and ancient darkness that ruled before time is bent on destroying the bearer of truth. He is a threat and must be taken down against all odds." The darkness on the throne burned with fury.

The second demon rose to his feet bearing his own account;

"My lord, you have placed me over the intercessors and helpers of Aondofa Daniel - to destroy their strength in helping to reality the bearer of truth.

My lord, I have done all but I am still weakened by three elements." He humbly bowed trembling.

"What are their names?" The darkness on the throne thundered..."Provide their bearings."

"My lord! These are their bearings; his mother.

She prays for him day and night. She has never for once given a breathing space for us to carry out our schemes.

The second is Esther, the one who calls herself the chosen one..."

"Chosen one?" The darkness asked

"Yes my lord!

She has seen into the realms that she is the chosen rib for the bearer of truth. My lord, this scares us to the bones.

We tried shielding the truth from her but she has decoded it and since the time of discovery has positioned herself as the spiritual watch gate over the bearer of truth."

"You still call the name of that little one? Let me see her face." The devil ordered and the face of Esther was revealed as she was in the room at the moment praying for the ministry and calling the name of Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

"What hour is it in the time of the Mortals?" He asked

"It is the 11th hour. She prays at the time daily for the bearer of truth.

My lord! She is a warrior and has opposed every of our attempts to humble Aondofa Daniel." The second demon submitted.

"And who is the third?" The darkness asked.

"The third is his Spiritual father, who has been a very keen watcher over his life and ministry.

The last time he came to the ministry, he spoke to the young men who have formed a formidable force of prayer where they intercedes daily for the bearer.

My lord, we have also tried to frustrate those who are financial pillars in the ministry but the other pillars of intercession has stood strong to oppose us."

"Intensify your efforts and use every means. We are running out of time." The darkness upon the throne replied.

"And you, faithful one! I have trust on you, seen that you have never disappointed. What report do you bring to the throne?" The darkness asked turning to the last demon.

The demon rose to his feet smiling broadly with a gaze on the darkness;

"My lord, I bring you good news. I am the demon you have commissioned to monitor the life of Apostle Aondofa Daniel (the bearer of the truth).

I have a gift to present to my lord." He said and vanished at once, then reappeared with a book in his hand. It was Apostle Aondofa Daniel's diary.

When hell saw the book, she broke out into laughter and jubilation.

Then the darkness upon the throne stepped down and revealed his face - it was that ancient dragon, the one with the mark of defeat on his forehead. The one called the devil.

"Speak on my faithful servant." He instructed gladly already knowing what the good news contained.

"My lord, this is the diary of the one you despise. In the diary is contained ....." He couldn't finish speaking before hell began to tremble.

"The book, sent back the book." The devil ordered and the book was returned back in a haste, then there was calm.

"You should know that the faithful one is anointed. His materials carry the presence of the righteous one.

This [he points to his left and a screen opened revealing the information that was contained in the diary regarding the drawing and what Apostle Aondofa Daniel had written of his expected wife].

When they saw the drawing, they laughed mystically with a great sense of satisfaction.

"Servants of hell, this is the place to attack. The servant of the Lord is soon to become the in-law of hell.

I will send to him one of my daughters, fashioned in the exact manner, carved with extreme beauty and adoring nature from head to toe." The devil spoke amusingly.

His expression of excitement did not last before he burned with anger and turned to the cohorts of hell.

"Esther! She has known whom she is and what she has been called to do. Do your best to distract her until she losses focus.

There are many men of the righteous one who are married to our daughters, but this shall be the biggest wedding, that hell shall organise for the bearer of truth." He concluded and was swallowed up by the blackness of hell.

The demons also left his presence and flew back to earth to continue where they had stopped.