

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"My Lord! There is great darkness among thy servants whom you have elected to bring thy presence among humanity."

The angel of the Lord who had stood in the presence of Apostle Aondofa Daniel ministered before the almighty who sat on the throne.

As he did, the curtains of heaven rolled exposing great mayhems and chasm of chaos among the sons and daughters of men as regarding their marrital misdeeds.

The almighty and the elders of heaven with all her host could envision the atrocities perpetrated by the married.

On a side there was a man assaulting his wife to the point blood was gushing out.

Another woman was being rushed to hospital as a result of conflicts between she and her spouse.

They could see malice, backbiting, hatred and bitterness among couples. Wives were envisioned nagging and assaulting heir husbands. What was displayed was just beyond what count could justify.

Then there was a display of a long queue of those who were lined up awaiting judgement. Such were the people who had died as a result of wrong marriages.

In their midst was a massive demon who was ruling over them as their Lord. He had four horns on his head which represent the authorities given to him by Lucifer to ordain and destroy marriages.

He had succeeded even in taking the children of God to their early grave by virtue of ignorance.

"My Lord!" the angel cried out.

"I am here in respect to your servant whom you are using to do great things and bring honor to your most holy name – Apostle Aondofa Daniel my Lord! Please deliver him. Save him from falling into the destructive arms of the ungodly one.

He has made every arrangement to have one of his daughters marry to him.

Please Lord, thou are a merciful God. Show mercy to thy servant and pardon his ignorance."

As the angel pleaded, the curtains of heaven opened yet again revealing this time Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Pastor Simon and his betrothed Okocha Vivian.

"My Lord! This is the dissolution thy children have fallen into. Encounter him and liberate him of this Ignorance which he has fallen into." The angel pleaded.

"But I have sent my servant to warn them." The almighty spoke referring to Evangelist Victor.

"My Lord, they have perverted the counsels of their friend, your beloveth Evangelist Victor.

Show them mercy and open their hearts to knowledge so they do not fall into the hands of the enemy." The angel of the Lord pleaded.

As he spoke, I saw one who sat beside the almighty stood to his feet and began to speak;

"My Lord! I have made seven provisions for your servant Aondofa Daniel, but his lust for the world hunts after him.

I have made the provision of the spirit of truth to guide him.

I have made the provision of intercessors who are stationed day by day to ensure the sanity of the assignment over his head.

For the third, there is a provision of my holy angel who will minister to him and help him accomplish the mission for which he has been sent among men.

The fourth is the provision of his friend, the one called to evangelize the nations to you. His duty is to offer him friendly counsels which would guide his path to righteousness.

The fifth is the provision of Spiritual heads who would caution him whenever he strays from the path. These are your children, his Spiritual parents, and his mother, the one that bore him from birth.

The sixth is the provision of a wife. To this, your daughter, Esther has been sent to stand as the wife of his youth.

All of these provisions have been provided but thy servant has been blinded by the lust of the world and fleshy desires which await to bring him into destruction." He paused and looked into the firmaments of the heavens and a curtain rolled opened, revealing one who sat by a desk during the night typing on his system.

He was so good at what he does such that looking and hearing the sound of his keyboard as he typed could easily steal one's soul.

The son of man beheld the throne and spoke to the almighty who listened with pleasure.

"Father! I have sort for the seventh and have found him.

That is my servant Aseer Terzulum.

I have anointed and filled him with all knowledge regarding the skill of writing. I have also sent to him my spirit to possess his ink and cause him to write with the ink of the spirit onto his generation.

I shall yet again commission him to produce a book that would disciple thy Servant on the necessity to sort for thy will in marriage.

I will send thy holy angels to guide his path and instruct the book into his hand.

Thereafter, it will be left to his obedient to commit to the instructions coined in the book.

Through the book, he and all other children of the kingdom shall be shown the light of thy word which teaches regarding the things of marriage." The one beside the throne ministered before the almighty.

"Very well! Commit to action all that the throne has summoned." The almighty thundered.

At his command, all heaven returned to duty and the angel that stood in the presence of Apostle Aondofa Daniel flew back to carry out his assignment.