

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs



"My king! Please wake up. It's almost time for office." Pamela said gracefully sitting beside Apostle Aondofa Daniel as she tried waking him from sleep.

He, responding stylishly with sleep still holding him hostage yawned and sat up on bed.

"Is it day already?" He asked.

"Yes my love. This is 10am." Pamela responded.

"O' my God! Time has gone that far?" He asked shocked.

"Yes my King. I should have allowed you sleep some more but I have to wake you up so as to have your bath, take your breakfast and be ready for the visit by evangelist Victor. Remember that you are also going to the office afterward." She reminded kneeling this time around beside him.

"What do you make for breakfast?" The Lord's Apostle asked.

"Let me take you to the bathroom first. I have made it a surprise." She quickly said with a burning smile and raised him to his feet placing a towel on his shoulders.

He went in and had a warm shower then returned back to the bedroom.

"Wait love, do we have visitors at the sitting room?" He asked.

"Yes, part of the surprise. Hurry up and put on something."

Pamela then dressed him up and led him out of the bedroom to the sitting room.

As soon as he could see what was at the sitting room, he sighted his mother sitting down smiling at the two of them as they came in.

"Wait, mommy? Love how did mommy appear here? Don't tell me you two have been planning this and leaving me out of it." He said, everyone laughing.

Pamela still smiling led him to the table which was full of Apostle's delight delicacies.

After sitting him down, she served the meal and all three of them sat down to eat joyfully.

When they had come to the end of feasting on the meal, Pamela stood from her seat and approached her husband then went on her knees and began to plead for his mercy as if she had not done so before.

But Apostle Aondofa Daniel stopped her from going further than she could.

Pamela also turned to mommy and asked that she be forgiven of all her wrongs.

She narrated her encounters on the day of her deliverance and informed them of the ministry the Lord had given her same day.

She promised to stand by the Lord's Apostle and ensure his ministry was a successful one all the days of their lives.

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline sat watching and could not help to control the tears that ran down her eyes.

She stood to her feet and brought them into her arms, hugging them passionately - it was a great reunion.

Just as she let go them, evangelist Victor drove in and Apostle Aondofa Daniel went to welcome him in.

The Lord's evangelist came in gorgeously dressed.

The two of them greeted and he hurried over to where Mrs Anee Mbazedan sat beaming with smiles and greeted her too.

"Hah, my two children are here. She said pulling them into her arms but just when she remembered that they should have been three, she sobbed and used an edge of her wrapper to wipe off her tears.

Pamela rushed over to her and comforted her.

She then hugged them three, looked into their eyes and asked;

"When are you three bringing home my son Pastor Simon?"

"Soon mommy. Soon, he will be in your arms soon." Evangelist Victor replied and she let them out to have their respective seats.

She quickly asked after evangelist Victor's welfare. Victor responded promptly and the conversation stretched further.

"See this two, my son (she said referring to Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Pamela. Pamela sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder) are they not looking gorgeous?"

"They are o mommy." He responded, everyone laughing out loud.

"Oya tell me, when are you bringing home that chosen daughter by the most high. I don't want you to continue like this." She cautioned.

"Yes Mommy. I am bringing you good news soon. I am just being careful so that the one I am bringing won't be the one you would carry cane and pursue after me." Evangelist Victor answered, everyone laughing.

"That's good my son. Search and pray very well o.

I was informed you two are to have a meeting. Let me excuse you and take a quick break to rest.

My daughter Pamela asked me to be here so as to stage a surprise for Aondofa. Thank God it was a successful game." Mommy said creating much humor.

"Mommy, mommy, you are still creating humor even in your old age." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said amidst laughter.

"You people should stay well o." Mommy said faintly and went in to have her rest.

Pamela cleared the table and served evangelist Victor fresh food. When he was done eaten, she excused the two of them to have their meeting.


"My Lord's Apostle, I have come to see you for something that has been on my heart for a while.

I planned saying it the other time I booked a meeting with you but then there was much on you so I thought it wise to wait for the right time. I am glad finally the Lord has perfected his plans concerning you and has given you peace all round." Evangelist Victor narrated.

"Okay, I hope I have not committed a mistake that warrants the meeting?" The Lord's Apostle asked smiling.

"Ah, no! Not at all. For the matter of fact, it's a good thing to speak with you about. I don't just know how you will take it." He answered.

"Mmm, you know, I have been highly careful since our reunion in order not to allow any wind blow in-between us considering that we are not just friends but people who call themselves brothers.

Please don't be offended..."

"Evangelist Victor, I am your friend. If something is bothering you, you shouldn't be afraid of relating same to me. Please speak to me. What is it?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked moving himself to the edge of the chair.

"Okay, it's about Esther. I have been seeing vision concerning her." He broke the news.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel was quiet for the next minute with his head burried causing evangelist Victor to repent of the words he had uttered.

Then Apostle Aondofa Daniel lifted his head and screamed his name, took hold of his hand and shook him excitedly.

"Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!" He praised God making evangelist Victor to feel lost.

"Man of God, I know you are wondering why I am acting this way. It is because you don't know what I have been praying for sister Esther about.

Since I returned from the mountain, I have been praying that the Lord should settle her maritally with one of his sons. Praise God the Lord has answered me beyond my expectation.

Man of God, I am happy and excited with the two of you.

Oh, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus." He jubilated, leaping like a little calf.

"Man of God, have you informed her?" He asked gazing into his eyes with expectation for a yes.

"No! I wanted letting you know first." He answered.

"Then what are you waiting for? Tell her Immediately, o my God. I can't wait for you two to be married." He said taking his seat.

"Ah, my Lord's Apostle. I don't even know if she would confirm same. I am a bit bothered." Victor answered.

"Confirm what? Better go and start preparing for your wedding. I am sowing a seed of one hundred million naira for the wedding right away.

"Pamela! Pamela! Come and hear this good news." Apostle Aondofa Daniel called out to Pamela who had just finished bathing and was herself rushing to dress up to come and know what the two men were jubilating about.

Evangelist Victor's fear was turned into joy.

With his romantic hoped brought to life by Apostle, he would approach Esther and expect a good respond.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel rushed in and quickly dressed up as the three of them boarded their cars to office.

This day marked one of the most beautiful and fulfilling days of the blessed and anointed bearer of truth, the Lord's Apostle Aondofa Daniel.