

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


Apostle Aondofa Daniel was in the office counseling when Gloria's call came in.

"Please daddy, I am at the park." She told him.

"Alright, hold on a bit, I'm driving in shortly to come pick you." He replied and dropped the phone.

When he was done with the counselee at the time, he had a thought briefly and dialed Esther's number and she picked from the other end.

"Daughter of Zion!" He called in the usual manner. "I am having a visitor at my place. I would love her to spend the night with you."

"Alright papa. As long as it is female, your daughter is at your service sir." Esther replied.

"Yes! It's a female." Apostle answered her and the conversation ended.

Leaving his office, he addressed the counselees and drove off to the park. Upon arrival, he parked in one of the car parking stand and went looking for Gloria.

When their eyes mate each other, Gloria could not contain her joy without allowing it to overflow.

She ran over to him and threw herself on the Apostle's body causing him to maintain a good balance in other not to fall.

They hugged each other intimately as it had been a while without seeing.

He took her to the car, after boarding, he pressed the automatic center control button and windshields locked up.

He placed his right palm on Gloria's shoulder and they admired each other, creating a sensational return of memories they had together before Gloria alarmed that she couldn't continue and each person went his way.

"I know you must be hungry." The Apostle cut off the gaze and said starting his car engine.

"Hmm, Daddy I'm very hungry. Is there anything in the house?" She asked and Apostle Aondofa Daniel simply nodded his head with a beaming smile.

After a short drive, they arrived home and went straight into the house as Benjamin welcomed them and took her bag to the guest room and returned to set the table.

Gloria went in and eased herself, put on a new dress and returned back to the sitting room.

Coming out of his own room, the Lord's Apostle walked over to her and invited her to the dining table, holding to assist her to a standing position.

"Daddy you have a wonderful place here. I wish I was there when you moved out of the former place." She teased.

"Thank God you are here to tell me why you were not here in the first place." Apostle Daniel replied her with a stern face of disgust.

"Gloria felt shy and smiled sheepishly."

"You look beautiful. You make me remember our old days when we were both in love." Apostle appreciated her looks.

"By the grace of God, I believe the present days would create better memories." She replied.

"I hope so," Apostle Daniel said and pleaded with her to eat before they could spend time to discuss.

He picked a little from the table himself and retired to his bedroom to rest until she was done eating.

While in his state of rest, a spiritual realm was opened to him;

He saw Gloria pulling out substances from her womb.

Other activities followed, causing him to shake on the bed in his subconscious mind.

Then the curtains of the trance were rolled away.

Dangled by such an impelling trance which seemed too real, he sat up trying not to believe all that he had seen.

He went into the bathroom and had his afternoon shower then came back to meet Gloria who was already done eating herself.

"Hope you enjoyed the meal?" He asked her and she nodded;

"Who prepared the meal? it's such a scrumptious meal." Gloria remarked.

"I have a great chef in the house here. He makes me eat delectable means daily." Apostle Aondofa Daniel responded with a smile.

"Are you talking of your brother?" She asked and Apostle Aondofa Daniel affirmed.

"Wow! God bless him for me." She said and called Benjamin to her presence. She appreciated his cooking skills and told him to keep it up, hopefully he would become a great chef one-day if that was what he desired.

Haven let Benjamin go, she now faced the Apostle for their talk.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel called in Benjamin and told him they needed privacy.

This prompt Godwin to leave the house to visit one of his friends in the neighborhood leaving Apostle Aondofa Daniel to his privacy with Gloria.

"I'm feeling so hot, please daddy can i bath before we talk?" She pleaded to be allowed and the Apostle gave her the go ahead.

"I will be in my room waiting." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said and left for his room.

Gloria left for the guest room which would host her temporary.

Inside his room, Apostle Aondofa Daniel began to fail to think straight for the memories he had together with Gloria since their university days. Such were flashing back so speedily and stuffing his head.

In the midst of thoughts and stress, he fell asleep.

He could only realize he had fallen asleep when a knock came through for him on the door.

Day dreaming and confused by his sleep, he ordered whoever was there to come in.

Probably he had thought it was Benjamin.

Gloria waited at the door half naked. She had bathed, refreshed, creamed her body and worn some highly erotic and sexual provoking lingerie - it was now clear she had a mission, different from the one the Lord's Apostle had dreamed of.

As she waited at the door, she thought carefully if she wasn't going to spoil things with the act.

Actually she never had known that Apostle Aondofa Daniel would come of such hight in his ministerial commitments until it was happening before her very eyes.

As a clever girl, she wanted a reunion where she would continue with their relationship and if luck has it, they would be married thereafter.

Who won't want to be called, honored and treated as the mama/general overseer's wife of Revival City ministry.

She had cried for month why she had let go the relationship seeing how much she was loved by the Apostle.

"No no no! This isn't right. It will rather cause issues between I and Apostle." She advised herself and turned back to go and change.

Walking into the guest room, she took a wrapper from her bag and wrapped it around her body and moved to go, but the voice of her friend echoed;

"O girl, Apostle is now every woman's dream. Don't go there and make a fool of yourself. You have to act smart. Try showing him some flesh but keep him hungry.

Make sure he doesn't have sex with you until he is the one pleading for it.

If you can arouse his sexual appetite towards you, he would desire you again and want you to be his.

In this regard, he won't have a double mind, his appetite will make him insane and drunk with your love." She counseled.

Her friend's words were too appealing. As a result, she resolved to act in such a manner.

She slammed the door behind her and walked straight into Apostle Aondofa Daniel's room where she mate him still struggling on the bed with his sleep.

"Love!" She tapped him by the thigh and sat on the bed.

The Lord's Apostle rose to a sitting position and tried clearing his eyes, then he sighted Gloria seating by him half naked.

His expression caused her to jerk to her feet.

When she stood, Apostle Aondofa Daniel glared over her from head to toe and was charged up at once by her sight.

She felt blessed by his expression and walked over to him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Someone slept so deeply. I'm done love, can we talk?" She asked slopping her fingers down his spine.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel buried his head and used his left hand do take off Gloria's hand.

"You have forgotten that I am a man of God.

You came to my house to seduce me and destroy my ministry?" The Apostle yelled

"Ah! No o daddy. How on earth can I do that. I'm sorry if my appearance provoked you. Please let me go and change into something better." She said heading to the doorway.

"Please come back Gloria." The Apostle ordered and she made her return shylishly.

[Apostle disliked to see her in that state, but the needful must be done].

"Gloria, Please answer me to the questions I am going to ask you." He said and she nodded her head.

"what do you want from me?

You left me after all I did for you.

I loved you as much as I have never loved a woman. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you.

You were not willing to bear the pains with me and you left.

Now you are back because it is days of glory.

That isn't the case.

I am willing to accept you back, but who is Tony, Brand and Joshua.

You will also tell me about Victor and Terzua...[He spoke prophetically]...

These are men you have been with aside other names I don't have time to mention.

That aside, I have no business with that since we were not together, it wasn't a big deal for you to have other relationships, but have you committed abortion?" He asked and waited for a response.

Gloria feared and nodded her head.

"For a period of three years, you have committed several abortions for seven different men...[he spoke prophetically]...

This is too much for me to handle..." Before he could finish, Gloria ran out into the guest room sobbing.

Moment later, Apostle Aondofa Daniel walked in with huge cash in his hand.

"Here!" He said and handed it over to her. "You can check a hotel around and Lodge for tonight. Tomorrow morning, get yourself back home.

"Thank you for all the memories we've created in time past.

Henceforth, there is nothing in-between us anymore." Apostle Aondofa Daniel concluded.

Gloria fell on his feet crying and asking for pardon but the Apostle was adamant.

"...I will be at the parlor waiting for you. When you are done, I will drop you at the park and that is the end to us.

If you need anything from me, ask for it now otherwise after here, it's over." He finalized yet again.

He retired to the sitting room and waited until she was done, then he took her to the park and disposed her out of his life.