

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs



My demons and angels of darkness - ye faithful stewards of the rival of the righteous one.

Thou have proven the strength and might of the kingdom of thy lord - Lucifer.

The bearer of truth now bears lies, deception and evil.

The mighty rock of the most high has been leveled into plain grounds.

The Lord's Apostle now called the lost Apostle.


Now is the hour to sit back and watch as all bridges and watchers over him are completely broken.

Then shall Lucifer offer his daughter in marriage to the fallen star." Lucifer addressed all his cohorts and Kingdom.

"My son Aondofa Daniel, what has happened to you?

This is not your countenance. Something is not right about you. I can see it in your eyes. There is great shaking in your life." Apostle Aondofa Daniel's Spiritual father said worriedly as he sat erect in his office chair welcoming his son who had come visiting after a long while.

"Daddy you are right.

It is nothing more than my marrital life." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said simply.

"You mean you are still on this issue my son? We have discussed this before and I told you what to do." His Spiritual father said.

"Yes daddy.

But daddy you told me that you will be praying about this and also for me."

"Correctly my son.

I have been praying for you but I didn't said I was going to pray for the will of God regarding your marriage with Pamela.

My son, the last time you were here, I told you to be careful.

The lady you brought before me had a dark cloud over her head. I tried to find out but right before my eyes I saw great darkness rotating round her head and it refused to depart.

I told you that day that I wasn't hearing God say yes regarding You and Pamela, but you should be careful, prayerful and search very well for the will of God." He reminded Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

"But daddy..." He wanted to protest as usual and his Spiritual father cut in.

"My son, there is no but.

This lady is visibly destroying your life in a very short while.

Take a look son, it is visible over you that a lot has gone wrong.

All of a sudden, your ministry is dying.

Your workers are becoming weaker and weaker day in day out.

You prayer altar is cold.

I no longer receive calls of great testimonies around your life of the wonders of God in your life. All that have ceased.

Your international doors are closing rapidly.

My son, are you ready to sacrifice all these just for a woman who obviously is not the will of God for you?" His Spiritual father asked.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel sat quiet for a while and lifted his head, he then stood to his feet and informed his father that he was taking his leave.

"I said much and you only told me you are taking your leave?" He asked.

"I will return and think about all that you have said sir." He answered coldly.

"Alright!" His Spiritual father answered and Apostle Aondofa Daniel made a move to work out of the house, but as he was about stepping out, his Spiritual father called again;

"My son!"

He stopped and turned around.

"My son, my spirit tells me that your heart has been sealed for destruction, but I am your father. I begat thee in Christ. Even if you denounce me as you spiritual authority, I will still be praying for you.

In the archives of heaven, it is written that I begat thee. This same cannot change, for you are my son. I will be praying for you, but this path you are heading is destructive. Take heed less thou are falling already.

"Thank you daddy." The Lord's Apostle said and was out of his Spiritual father's sight.

Picking up his phone on the table, Bishop Mike Bem dialed his wife's phone for a conversation.

"You don't sound well daddy. Please what is the problem." She inquired.

"Dear I am worried for my son Aondofa Daniel. He has slipped into the hands of the wicked one and they are fast feeding on him." He narrated worriedly.

"This is serious....okay daddy, I will be back shortly and we will discuss more on this, but first, we must keep Aondofa Daniel in prayer. He needs our prayers." His wife said and the two agreed over the phone that they would intensify prayers for the lost Apostle.

Arriving home, Apostle Aondofa Daniel fell on the bed, dialed Pamela's number and asked if she was already on her way to his house.

Already, he had moved her from Portharcourt down to his city, in order to ease proximity.

His call ended and Pamela came into the house not long after. Her visit was the third that week.

She met Apostle Aondofa Daniel in a degenerated state and felt terribly worried for him.

"My love, what is it again?" She inquired falling beside him with her elegant body.

The Lord's Apostle narrated all that had happened to him within her last visit and concluded in such a tune that she would be considerate for the relationship to be laid off.

"Love, I am trying to understand you. You mean you want to put off this relationship just because..." She spoke in anger.

One of the monitoring spirits sent to her cautioned her Immediately. She was stepping out of the mandate. She was never at any point to express anger at the Lord's Apostle until after marriage. If she is to express anger, there was a chance of her making the Apostle wise and refrain from the relationship.

"Mm, baby, everything will be fine. With or without your mommy and everyone else, I love you with all my heart and want to be married to you.

I believe we will proof to mom and every other person that we love each other.

There is no reason here that should hinder us from proceeding with marriage plans.

I don't want to keep my people waiting, my love." Pamela consoled pleadfully.

"Pamela, can I ask you a question?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked.

"Yes my King. Please go ahead." She responded.

"Do you have anything to do with the kingdom of darkness?" He asked.

The question seemed to had strike her and she gradually covered herself and began to cry.

Knowing that his question had caused great offense, he stood to his feet and held her;

"I am sorry Pamela." The Lord's Apostle apologized.

"Baby why on earth will you ask me such a question?

Do you see anything about me that depicts demonism?" She asked still sobbing.

"My Pamela, it is not like that. I just wanted to hear from you on that." She said.

The two rocked hard and the intimacy grew.

With little restrain, the two got intimate and started pulling towards each other with passion boiling within their mortal bodies.

As they were about to rock lips, Pamela heard his demon screamed to stop her.

"Pamela, you are not permitted to have sex with the lost Apostle until you have been married to him.

Take caution!" The spirit warned and she withdrew herself from him.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel was still lost into her and was trying hard to regain her but she vehemently declined having an intimacy with him.

"I want us to speed up things and get married. I want to rest from all my troubles with people.

At least when we are married, everybody will look for something else to say." He instructed.

"Exactly my love.

We can't find ourselves and deny what we believe is right for us." She said and took the Apostle's hands and they hugged intimately.

"We could have this done in matter of just a month. At least our traditional marriage date has been fixed. Please try suspending all your international ministerial engagements, let's focus on this until we are through with it." She whispered in the Apostle's ear and he nodded passionately.

"I want this to be settled." He said.

"Love, what has Pastor Simon said in regards to all these things that have happened?" She inquired gazing into his eyes.


He hasn't said anything other than telling me that you are the best choice for me and would support us in every step we are taking towards marriage.

I will be inviting Bishop Kutumba to officiate the wedding.

Let me have the bills of everything you would be needing.

I will ordain a committee that would take charge of the marriage procession.

In no distant time, we will be married. I believe everything will be alright with us.

The excellence of our marriage will make everyone return who has discarded us." Apostle Aondofa Daniel spoke extensively.

In the days and weeks that would follow, so much would be happening in regards to his marriage with Pamela.

Heaven mourned, but hell rejoiced.

The Lord's soldier, Apostle Aondofa Daniel had been changed from The Lord's Apostle to the lost Apostle.

When lust takes over a man, he becomes blind, deaf and his heart sealed onto destruction.

With his swimming skills, he would jump into an ocean of fire thinking it is of water.

Such was Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

He had been blinded by his lust for elegance, beauty and endowed physique.

His biggest mistake - he never knew he was marrying to the devil's daughter.

Hell was in preparation.

In fewer days, Lucifer, dressed in his wedding regalia would be giving his daughter Pamela out in marriage.

Only after then would he have achieved his first mission.