

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


"Krirrrrrr Krirrrrrr!" Tiger felt a phone ringing in his pocket.

It must be Agnes's phone which he had collected after he shot her dead.

He pulled it out of his pocket and pressed the green button;

"Hello!" Tiger answered in his masculinity.

"Who am I onto?" He inquired sensitively.

"This is Agnes's phone. Hand over the phone to her let me speak with her." The stranger responded - his voice thick and dreadful, such that Tiger himself felt its weight.

"Mr Man.." Tiger tried to talk.

"Call me Blaze. My name is Blaze." The voice cleared his Ignorance.

"Blaze, Agnes is dead! I murdered her." Tiger responded calmly.

"You must be one of Diego's men. Let me speak with your boss." Blaze made his demand.

"Commando is dead! I murdered him. I am now the man of my world.

I hate wasting my precious time. Tell me what you want. I have some important business to attend to." Tiger said and was about cutting the call to catch up with Viper who had stood guard over Apostle Aondofa Daniel a little distance away in the tunnel trying to steal some words from Tiger's conversation with the stranger.

"Hold on Tiger. You must be the kind of man I would love to work for me. I wanted chosing your master Diego but he was too careful with men of God." Blaze spoke up.

"Who are you and how do you know so much about me?" Tiger asked.

"I know more than I can tell.

Agnes is one of my girls spread across the country.

Her mission was to have Apostle for her lust and give us access for his kidnap.

Unfortunately her lust took over her and she wanted the man of God, forgetting the mission.

Now listen to me," Blaze tensed his voice and seemed to had stood from his seat to correctly pass the message across to Tiger.

My men are already on their way. They are given the instruction to terminate Agnes and bring the Apostle to me.

Now that you have murdered her, you have made the work easy for me.

I will forward an address to this phone. Bring me Apostle Aondofa Daniel there and I will compensate you and your boys (he said thinking Snipper was still alive).

You can choose to disappoint me and do otherwise, but if you do, you will have my men to content with. They are like wild wolves that know no mercy. Just a whistle from me and they will lick the blood of your entire army." Blaze warned.

"Will you just off it!

Will you just tell your dam gut-dog to stop barking let me hear something else?

I have just sent three souls to their early grave. If you don't off your radio, i will hunt you wherever you are and strangle the living breath out of you nostril." Tiger warned, his chest pouncing with fear.

"Small boy! Let's dance to the beat of the drum. Goodnight Tiger!" Blaze roared and ended the call.

"Viper! Viper! quick. We need to be out of the tunnel with immediate effect. There is red light." Tiger instructed hastefully as viper dragged Apostle Aondofa Daniel attempting to be out of the tunnel.

He walked over to Apostle Aondofa Daniel and handed him his small phone;

"Take! Put the number of anyone that would bring us one hundred million naira (100,000000) in cash." He commanded.

"That would sound so disgraceful to me and the people God has called me to lead in faith.

I am sorry, I have nothing to offer you over my life which God has given me freely.

"Dup!" Tiger hit Apostle Aondofa Daniel with the edge of his gun.

"It's like you want to die here. If you don't die in our hands, just know that other beasts are coming after you.

Give a number of any relative.

We will take you out of the forest once you have done what we are asking for." Tiger lectured.

"I maintain the same stand! I am not calling anyone for ransom. if the Lord permits you, kill me here and and let me die." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said resolutely.

Tiger smiled feeling a bit overcomed. He walked over to Apostle Aondofa Daniel and gave him thorough beating.

"Hands up and surrender now!"

They heard an order just as they made their way out of the mouth of the tunnel.

The command was without joke but Tiger ignored and began to exchange bullet with the other men whom obviously were Blaze's men.

"Take him and cover the other side!" He instructed Viper.

Viper dragged the Lord's Apostle while running the other way in-between flying bullets.

Unfortunately for him, he encountered more of Blaze's men who were covering in like webs.

It was at this point that both Tiger and Viper knew the sort of man (Blaze) they were gaming with.

The shooting progressed and seemed unending. Tiger and Viper's bodies were defiling bullets.

As for Apostle Aondofa Daniel, it was when the shooting ceased that he saw that his clothes had tore into pieces of rags by the countless bullets that came on him without an injury on his body.

At the point, his faith jerked back to life.

Blaze's men closed in on Tiger and Viper.

They were taken captive together with Apostle Aondofa Daniel to an undisclosed location where Blaze awaited them.

The shooting had prevailed without any dying. It would have been thought so of Apostle Aondofa Daniel but the Holy Ghost had also fortified him.

Both him, Tiger and Diego were brought before Blaze, a gigantic dark looking figure.

"Hahaha! So these are the little rats that insulted and challenged me over the phone?" He smiled as he walked around them.

He went over to Apostle Aondofa Daniel and lifted his face to behold him well.


I have wanted you for a long time. Welcome to the dungeon of hell." He said and went over to Tiger, searched his body but seemed not to find what he was looking for. He went over to Viper and did same but found nothing.

He was searching for the powder of grounded earthworm.

During the battle, Tiger and Viper seemed to had known that keeping it on them was dangerous so they trashed it into the forest.

"Bring me Ayararh?" He instructed and Ayararh was brought before him; an ancient old looking woman crafty in diabolism.

She burned somethings over Tiger and Viper as a means of destroying their fortification.

When she was done, Blaze gave an order and they were shot dead at once - the end to Tiger and Viper came suddenly.

Apostle sat watching with all the bullet-torn clothes on his body.

At once, his prophetic opened and he traveled into the life of Blaze;

He decoded the followings;

Diego was one of Blaze men who had left him for some years to be independent. Because of an understanding between them, Blaze left him to establish his colony, a story which he never disclosed to his men.

Agnes was one of Blaze's allies who were sent to network and send back signals to Blaze and his men.

All the while, she had stayed with Victoria and Agnes claiming to be working for one politician.

Through her and others, Blaze had information about those he would take captive, demand for ransom or do whatever he wanted to do with them.

Blaze had a strong affiliation with politicians. He was on high demand to execute jobs and contracts for them.

Blaze had successfully established his Kingdom of darkness and boast of been one of the richest men in the nation, yet he was an undisclosed personality.

Most military and intelligence centers had him on their list but nobody had ever set eyes on him.

There was a common saying among elites who either worked with him or sorted to fight him; "If you ever see Blaze's men, you have seen Blaze."

He was that powerful that his identity was that of those who walked with him.

Blaze in summary was making history as the most successful kidnaper of all times.

Now that Apostle Aondofa Daniel was in his court, what was it going to look like?

Blaze had absolute knowledge of his demonic powers but for the Lord's Apostle, apart from the demons that screamed back to hell whenever he ministered, he really didn't know much yet what he was made of.

His survival in the midst of bullets would usher his tutorial into the realization of his being.

[Back in the city]

"We have tried our best yet nothing to lay hands on. The suspects have nothing substantial after much interrogation..." DPO Ternege spoke with evangelist Victor over the phone.

DPO Ternege drove into the office that morning feeling dizzy and stressed out. he wondered why he felt that way and decided to take a little rest.

He sat in his exotic office chair and couldn't tell when he fell into a deep sleep.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel appeared to him and handed him a map that led to where he was held captive.

DPO Ternege in his dreamed followed the map which led him to a throne with someone sitting on it backing him.

At once, the person turned and he jerked out his sleep with a faint scream - "Blaze!"