

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Are you people aware that you have taken a servant of the Lord?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel cautioned

"Oga Apostle don't worry, e be like say you never taste gun for your life before. But let me beg you en, just keep quiet make we no come do you something wey go make papa God angry with us" One of Diego's most stubborn men replied in broken english.

"Tiger! Tiger! E be like say you no dey hear word abi?

I have told you severally to treat this man with care. He is a man of God. Mind the way you talk to him." Diego came from behind inside the tunnel and cautioned Tiger's arrogance.

"Boss I'm sorry, I just want to slow down this man's level of arrogance. He is acting as if he is not aware he has been kidnapped." He complained.

"How do you want him to act before? This should sound into you that he is a man of God and is confident in what his God can do." Another boy replied Tiger to Diego's satisfaction.

Diego then rushed to the front as Apostle was being dragged.

"Sorry man of God. We are right now in a tunnel heading to our destination. We will be there in five minutes time." He lectured the Lord's Apostle and commanded his boys to handle him with care.

The little journey took a while but seemed eternal. The heat and darkness of the tunnel scorched on the Lord's Apostle's skin.

He could hear squeaking and hissing sounds of rats running about them.

Diego came up again;

"Sorry man of God. This place hasn't been cleaned for a while. It's been long we took this route, but you know, we just want to avoid being disclosed by the police considering your level of influence, otherwise we would have led you through the frontal view." He tutored again.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel moved quietly yielding to their dragging.

Soon, one of the men, opened an enclosure in the tunnel and led them through the stair.

They approached a door that looked polished and classic.

Diego slotted the key in and it opened, revealing them to the interior of a mansion that was highly designed and decorated with all luxuries.

"Man of God you see, this isn't a bad place. It's actually a place men of your Calibre would love to be."

He paused and ordered the men; "bring him in!"

Apostle was then led through the passage and brought into a room that had all the comfy of a five star hotel.

He was placed on the bed and the men stationed guard with their weapons while Diego approached him for a conversation.

"Please take a sit man of God." He instructed and the Lord's Apostle fell sat on the chair at the center of the room.

"Thank you sir." Diego appreciated and sat by the bed.

"I know you are wondering where you are, man of God.

Trust me that no harm will come your way as long as I am here." He said then turned to his men and ordered them to wait for him outside.

The men obeyed promptly.

He then pulled himself close to the Apostle and continued engaging with him;

"Man of God, I am sorry. My due apologies. I have been to your ministry before and I know you are a true man of God.

I am only hired for this job by one of your members who will be here soon."

"One of my members?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked, shocked.

"Yes! Don't be surprise about it.

I know she won't go free for having us kidnap you under whatever purpose.

en....(he paused, burried his head, lifted it again and Continue)

I need your prayers man of God. Something is telling me that my hour in this world is almost at hand. I believe in heaven and in the kingdom of God, but I don't know if I will make it.

Please man of God, pray for me and my son. I want God to use him the way he is using you." Diego pleaded.

"You have a family?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked.

"Yes man of God I do. I have a wife and a son." Diego answered.

"Then how will you feel if he is being kidnapped like I am in your hands?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked.

"Ah, No na! Man of God! I swear, I will skin that bagger to dead." Diego thundered breathing threat.

Without wasting time, he turned to his jacket and pulled out a paper containing details of his family and handed it over to Apostle Aondofa Daniel. On it was the contact of his wife, the address of their home, her name and the name of his son. There was also a picture of them attached to the note.

"How old is your son?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked

"He is three years old. I love him so much. I have wasted a lot of lives and deserves to die too.

I am not afraid of death but I fear that nothing should happen to my son. He is innocent...." He spoke on tearfully.

"Enough! Tell him to kneel. Pray for his salvation." A voice spoke to Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

Immediately, he asked Diego to kneel down for prayers and he prayed for him and led him to Christ.

As soon as he was done praying, his phone began to ring.

"Hello madam!

Your target is achieved.

We have settled him in yard 911." Diego spoke rashly over the phone with Agnes.

His action confused Apostle Aondofa Daniel but none the less, he believed God was doing something about his life.

"Sorry man of God, I have to blind fold you now and leave immediately." Diego tutored, blindfolded his eyes and hurried out to meet with his men as they vacated the premises.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel was left alone in the building struggling with his hands tied and eyes blindfolded.

Against all efforts, he had only one thing to do - to pray.

He began praying in tongues and enjoying every bit of it until he heard foot steps of a lady on high heels walked to the door and opened it faintly.

She walked about and seemed to had dropped something on the table the Lord's Apostle had seen at a corner by his left hand side.

"Who could this be?

My church member?

Had me kidnapped?

for just what purpose?

What did I do wrong or it's just to extort money from me?" Questions floated his heart.

"Well, he would soon know who this lady is." He laid it off.

She walked to him and uncovered his eyes.

It took a maximum duration of three minutes before his eyes could regain vision due to the darkness it had become accustomed to.

"Who are you?" He questioned.

The lady in question wasn't facing him. She had her back turned to him.

She appeared to be a harlot as she only wore a line of undies to cover her womanhood. To that she wore high-heels and a long wig.

She adorned herself with earthly beauty, capable of seducing the Lord's Apostle.

"I ask again! Who are you?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked infuriated by her appearance.

With gradual steps, Agnes made an about turn and faced the Lord's Apostle who was too shock to believe.

"Jesus Christ! Agnes? You are behind all these?" He questioned trying not to believe.

"That's how much love can push a woman.

That's how much to do for the one your heart moves for.

That's how much to pay to be in the arms of the one that your blood steams for.

Love can go to any extend just to have her way.."

"Quiet! That is lust. You are demon possessed, a daughter of Lucifer, the devil." Apostle Aondofa Daniel yelled.

"No! I am not. I am that one that has loved and waited for all ages for you to come through, but you were blinded and deaf. Finally you had to move in Victoria.

Well, I bring you here for just one purpose; sleep with me. Fall on me and sleep with me. Maybe it will end the grave-craving I have for you." Agnes said moving to untie the rope off his hands.

"I can't believe this. I have never imagined this level of cracked madness.

Do you even realize I am a man of God to go this far with?" The Lord's Apostle asked.

"And what has love to do with being a man of God or not? I have a heart and you have yours. It's fate for my heart to desire you.

I am not asking for too much. Sleep with me and that will be all. Give me all of today. Make me drunk with your love so that you can go after whoever you choose." She demanded.

"You are a liar you daughter of darkness. I rebuke you in the ..."

"You lie!

I have spent millions on this alright. It's either you go down on me right now or I will have the boys back into this room and my demand will still be same." Agnes replied with a burning anger.