

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


My next vision of the weeping Pamela caused my heart to ache, such that I could only wish I was able to break into Apostle's heart and instruct it.

She rose from the rug and headed for the bedroom.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel paced about in much thoughts as Pamela walked in and went straight on her knees before him.

"My king, daddy please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I have repented of all my past life. I wish it was a dream that I messed up myself. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I know I have hurt you so much beyond what words can fulfill. Please..." She paused, lacking more words to convey the grief in her wandering soul.

Her words were so touching to have melted the Lord's Apostle's heart but it seemed to have yielded no result.

He jently removed his hand from the grip of Pamela's and took a pillow for the guest room.

"Love, where are you going?" She asked sobbing.

"To the guest room. I want to be alone if you don't mind." He answered faintly.

"Please don't treat me this way daddy." She pleaded further on her knees but only was responded to by a jammed door.

The Lord's Apostle was lost into the guest room as he too fail upon his knees in tears.

"Father I am sorry. This torture is too much for me to bear. It's all my fault - my lustfulness and ambition. I have learned father. Please show me mercy." He cried and prayed in bitterness of soul.

Few minutes whiled away and he fell asleep into a deep vision.

In it, he saw himself by a well side trying to catch some worms. The walls of the well was breaking bit by bit almost catching up with him.

Then he saw an angel of the Lord appeared with a sword pointing to his direction.

"Son of man, here you are asking for mercy but you have refused to show mercy.

My sword is against you, for you have turned to fight the Lord - his sword is against you.

The enemy has not left you even for a second. You are on the path of testing what it is like to have the Lord permit the dark one over you." He warned and disappeared at once.

As soon as he disappeared, Apostle Aondofa Daniel woke up and tried to recollect all the vision.

He enumerated on it keenly but tried to defend his adamant heart at forgiving Pamela and moving on with her.

Whenever he tried to think to the direction, he would feel hurt the more. This made his heart to be clustered with much darkness that he could not decode that which the spirit ministered to him through the Lord's angel. So, his heart sealed in the perils that awaited him, even for the second time.

Back in the bedroom, Pamela, left all alone fell on the bed as she sobbed.

After crying for a much longer time, it came to her heart to call Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline.

It was late to do so but the cogency of the situation at hand defiled the odd.

She phoned for the very first time and mommy picked, causing her a little shocked.

As soon as she heard her crying over the phone, she understood why she could not sleep herself all through.

"I said it. Since I went to bed. I have been restless my daughter. My mind was burdened but I could not point to the direction. Until I resolved in praying." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline informed.

"Mommy, please I don't know what to do anymore..." She called out tearfully.

"What is it my daughter. I am listening. Do you and your husband have any issue?" She asked curiously over the phone.

"Yes Mommy. Evangelist Victor and Esther visited us today with the news of her being pregnant. It resulted to daddy's restless mind for why we are childless after three years of marriage. This is how far I can explain mommy until I see you face to face."

"Hmmm, are you sure everything can wait my child?" She asked.

"Yes Mommy." She answered.

"In that case, I will be visiting first thing tomorrow morning, but first I have to speak to Aondofa and have his permission to come over."

"Ah mommy, please don't stress yourself. I planned coming home tomorrow before calling you."

"My daughter, I know everything is not alright. Once I speak with your husband and he is okay with my coming, you will see me. There is a dark wind blowing over you people's home. I need to share with you two what the Lord has shown me during my last visit."

"Thank you Mommy. Thank you for loving and accepting me for who I am. I promise never to disappoint you ma..."

"My daughter, I cannot be against he whom God is for. You are a delight in God's eyes. I won't allow anything come against you. All I want from you is to remember always the assignment given you by the Lord...my child, you will see me tomorrow by the grace of the Lord.

Oya, I want you to wipe your tears right now and go to bed with a smiling face. I don't want to come and see you harming your beauty.

Oya, kwase doo wam ma (my beautiful woman) Mdoom humba gerri (beauty that is more than the city)" She praised her adoring beauty.

"Mommy," Pamela called out smiling broadly.

"Oya don't worry en, everything will be fine. Don't worry. I will talk to that my finest boy and God will take control." Mommy said jovially and the both prayed over the phone and Pamela went to bed."

The following morning, she woke up early and went to the guest room but the door was still locked.

She knocked slightly. After a failed response, she went back to arranging the house and preparing breakfast for her husband who had a function in the office.

Moment later, Apostle Aondofa Daniel was out of the room and Pamela rushed to kneel and greet him.

"Good morning daddy," She greeted.

"Good morning." He answered simply and passed by her.

"I have made the bathroom ready." She informed as she quickly handed him his towel.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel quietly left for the bathroom, had his shower and prepared for office.

As he was coming out well dressed with a gloomy face, Pamela went to him and invited him to the dining table.

He picked the cup of tea and sipped from it thrice with a grave silence and a disgusting look.

He took a piece of bread. As he was about taking a bite, he heard his phone vibrating on the table.

Pamela reached for it and handed it over to him;

"It's mommy." She said, her heart jerking from its place.

"Hello Mommy," He answered the call trying hard to hide his agony.

After a brief conversation with mom, he dropped the phone, his head burried in the cup.

"You reported us to mommy yesterday." He said.

"I am sorry daddy. I couldn't sleep last night for hurting you. My guilt could not allow me. I tried speaking with her so she could plead on my behalf that I am truly sorry." She said dropping onto her knees.

"It's fine. She will be here by noon." He answered simply and left for his car which was already awaiting him with the convoy at the gate.

Pamela rose to her feet and followed after him. When she noticed that she wasn't given attention, she went back to the dining table and prayed to the Lord her God.