

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Good morning Papa." Esther greeted entering Apostle Aondofa Daniel's office.

Good morning sister Esther. How are you doing?" He responded and the two progressed in their conversation;

"I am fine daddy.

"You said you wanted to see me. Please take your seat." He said pointing to the direction of the seat.

"I hope there is no problem?" He asked.

"Actually, a couple of things have been bothering me for a while now. I kept them to myself expecting things to be done in the appropriate manner but it seems I need to open up to you.

Actually Papa, you have been a great pillar to my life which is why I offered myself to be of service in the work the Lord has called you to do.

sir, in all that I want to say, please don't be offended incase I appear misguided in my words."

"Go on sister Esther, please tell me all that you have in mind, but please if it has to do with Pamela, I don't want to hear about it."

"Alright Papa. This is actually about me. It's difficult to say but I am not a baby to shy away from it.

"Esther, you are speaking in riddles. Can you please hit the nail on the head and let me understand rightly." The Lord's Apostle became a little bit inpatient.

"I am sorry Papa.

What I want to say is not as easy ... but I will try to say it.

God spoke to me.

I believe it was his voice I heard. I searched for confirmation severally and it was the same thing. He asked me to wait for you, that he has sent me to assist you accomplish the purpose and assignment over your life. This has been five years now, I kept waiting trusting that you would say something in that regard.

I am sorry to have approached you.

I am doing so because I am confused to why God would speak to me and things has continued this way - you will be marrying this Saturday."

"Sister Esther, are you saying the Lord told you that you are my wife to be?" He asked.

"I am sorry Papa. I shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place." Esther said trying to control her tears.

"Please forgive me papa. I shouldn't have come to you with this.

I understand that it is the duty of man to speak not woman, but I only wanted to clear my confusion." She said battling tears.

"I will be on my way sir."

"Are you leaving just like ..." Before he could put a dot to his sentence, Esther was out of his office and closed the door after her.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel fell back in his seat battling shame. He could see that the walls of his life and ministry were collapsing right before his eyes.

Esther hurried home with much tears wailing up on her heart.

As she entered her room, she fell on her bed and cried out terribly to ease herself of bitter pains - only one in her shoes could perfectly understand.

She couldn't imagine she had waited five years for a man who had no pint of interest in her.

She had prayed that God speak to him.

The diverse encounters made her consulted broadly and every counselor had told her to wait, that if it was God's will, he would speak to Apostle Aondofa Daniel and he ( the Apostle) would in turn approach her.

But now, it was obvious she was committing a terrible mistake.

Maybe it wasn't God speaking to her but some emotional attachment.

Yet, thinking it wasn't God would be her mistaking, because she could perfectly understand the voice of her Lord.

As she took her picture looking at herself, crying and regretting, it seemed like her age was staring into her face with a knife to stab her.

Within the five years period, she had said a lot of no(s ) to many men who came asking her hand in marriage.

To her, it was more better to marry the will of God than to fill the vacuum of marriage.

She examined the ministry of Apostle Aondofa Daniel of late and was sorrowful to how fast things were degrading - truly, a lot had gone wrong and it had happened like a storm.

She thought about all her sacrifices and dedication to the ministry; the endless prayers and Intercessions, the love and commitment, the availability and dedication.

What would become of all that if she wasn't going to be the bone of Apostle Aondofa Daniel?

Would she bear it to stay and watch another enjoy all that she had laboured for?

Now that the ministry was shaking, was all her prayers in vain?

Was all her efforts fruitless?

Truly, there were a thousand questions on her heart - she wished to find answers to then.

As she meditated upon what step to take in the direction, it dawned on her heart to seek the Lord.

She would go on a three days fasting and praying to know if it was still in the will of God for her to move on or stay and to know what was it that was causing distability in Apostle Aondofa Daniel's ministry.

The burden on her heart was strong. In that light, she commenced her fasting the following day.

One of the cheapest way she could hear God speak to her was through books, she then decided she was going to visit a popular bookstore down town to get one for herself.

During the fasting and praying, she would study it along and trust the Lord for his leading.

At the bookstore that morning, she came across a book that was newly stored. She asked the vendor about it and was told it was a new collection from a minister of God with the name on it. The title was "Understanding God's Will in Marriage."

The involvement of marriage triggered her heart towards it and she purchased it with joy.

When she returned home, she prayed for an hour, opened the book and consumed a chapter from it with great pleasure.

During the cause of reading, she fell into a deep trance and began to see herself floating on the air.

She was lifted to a very great height until she came to a beautiful field with a stream flowing in its middle some distance from where she had been brought.

At the bank of the stream was a great figure who sat with his back facing her. He was dressed in white apparels and seemed to have a great command for all things.

Just as she wished, a gentle wind lifted her again and eased her as she walked to where her Lord sat waiting for her.

"My daughter, I have been here waiting for you. Please take your seat." The mighty one answered and she sat down beside him.

"Take a look." The Lord pointed her to a direction across the river.

As Esther watched, she saw beautiful damsels surrounding Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

They had a leader over them whom Esther could perfectly recognize - Pamela.

These damsels led Apostle Aondofa Daniel from the other side down into the river and they continued moving into its depths until they could not be seen anymore.

"Lord!" Esther cried out in discomfort.

Where are they my Lord?" She asked.

"Watch for a while daughter." The Lord told her.

She kept watching and after a while cried out to the Lord again but the Lord told her to keep watching still. This happened up to the third time.

On the third time, the Lord stood to his feet, causing Esther to do same.

What has happened to your servant dear Lord?" She cried out for the third time.

"He is drowned!" The Lord said simply.

My servant is drowned in his lust.

He is no longer my servant. He is now the lost Apostle.

My daughter, I destined you for him so as to bring fulfilment to the assignment over his life but he has taken to the way of perdition.

You shall tarry with him no more.

You have waited as I instructed you, but now the hour is full. Go your way, for I your Lord has provided you with my servant. You shall meet him in your new place of assignment." The Lord informed her.

"Place of assignment?" Esther Asked.

"Yes my dear one. The assignment of Aondofa Daniel has been taken from him.

I shall send you to my faithful servant in matter of days. You will hear me instructing your heart.

Three days from now, you shall receive a call to minister in his place of assignment. I will establish you there and bring to fulfilment the covenant of marriage which I promised you." The Lord told her.

With that, light broke over her and she woke up from her sleep with the book firmly held on her chest - same book Apostle Aondofa Daniel had trashed to the dustbin.

The revelation was crystal clear, instructional and directional.

Without delay, she went on her knees and gave God thanks.

The instructions were simple

. Apostle Aondofa Daniel had departed from God.

. His assignment had been given to another.

. She is to leave the ministry and go to where the Lord would be directing her.

. There, she would meet with the bone of her bone as God's ordained plan.

Was God confused, no. He had given Apostle Aondofa Daniel chance to marry Esther but he was blinded by lust to the point he was stripped of his entitlements which included Esther.

When God speak, he may end his sentence with a comma or a full stop.

If the Lord ask you to marry someone and he or she isn't ready over time, it would be because the person has failed to function in the will of God.

The Lord can ordain another to take his place.

Just like Esther, it is only those intimate with the Lord that would be able to decode rightly when God has a change of plan.

Remember, he first told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. He, the same Lord later instructed him not to do so. If Abraham was Spiritually blunt, he would have sacrificed Isaac against the Lord's will.

There are factors to why things happen. Only intimacy with God can help us decode them.

As for I Apostle Anee A David, the author and one whom the Lord had found faithful to write this which I saw, I wept greatly over Apostle Aondofa Daniel who had been lost.

My pain was his lost of Esther.

Bless will be the man to whom the Lord would reward Esther with.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel left the Lord's Daughter to be "Married to the Devil's Daughter."