

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


The kingdom of darkness was revealed with thrones in place and elbibs ministering before him.

The devil sat upon his throne with his staff of authority in his hand.

A lamb burnt before the throne which was oiled with the blood of mortals

Monitoring spirits flew in and began to approach the throne to appeal Lucifer to help them accomplish the task before them.

"My lord - the ancient dragon that dowels in the dark, I am the monitoring spirit sent into the life of Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

I have come, I and my fellows to seek of your help.

Victor, the light that refuses to go dim in the midst of his friends is proving stubborn.

My lord, we have devised every scheme to create enmity between him and the rest of the two but he has refused to fall.

He has masters his emotions and controls them against all the misdeeds of Aondofa Daniel and Simon." The monitoring spirit submitted.

Rising from his throne, the dragon was angry. His anger caused hell to tremble and resurrect the agony of those that dwelled within.

"Why have you let go his anger? I planted the spirit of anger in him before! Why have you let it go?" Lucifer, the ancient dragon thundered in his fury.

Trembling to his knees, the demon began to plead;

"My lord! Your servants have done wrong!

The spirit of anger which you sent to Simon is now chained in unit 401710023 of the dungeon of hell.

After many years of using it against him which caused much mayhems to him and his calling, he embarked on a twenty one days fast and the demon was overpowered by the knowledge of the scripture he received during his stay in Adullam." He explained.

"But we sealed his understanding of the scripture and made him too weak to abide in Adullam.

Why didn't you guide against him having that light." Lucifer burned with a terrifying anger.

"My lord! The spirit of the Lord came to him and opened his eyes in a revelation he had.

He was commanded to wait upon the Lord for a period of twenty one days.

During the period, he devoted time, his flesh died making his spirit to gain light in the knowledge of the righteous one.

He also gained much authority that warranted him his freedom.

My lord! The demon of anger which you commissioned over him has now been chained in the abyss forever." He explained trembling.

"Quiet! You fools!!! Be quiet!" Lucifer roared pointing to the darkness that appeared to be a screen where activities of Victor's deliverance was displayed.

Evangelist Victor, the oldest of Daniel and Simon had become born again for seven years and was preaching Jesus yet had issues in his personal life that refused to let go him.

Such was the manifestation of the chronic spirit of anger and lust.

He had prayed yet these two refused to depart. Then a day came when he had fallen asleep at the hour of the night and the spirit of the Lord fell upon him, empowering him to commit himself to a period of twenty one days of fasting and praying.

During this time, he discovered that despite preaching to others about Jesus, him himself wasn't rooted in the word of God which was the reason behind his lack of authority and light to silent the activities of the devil in his life.

Then a day came when after studying the scripture and praying amidst the fasting, his spirit caught the fire and he began to burn.

With the authority of God rumbling within him, he rebuked every spirit in him that was not of God, and that was the end to every demonic operation in his life.

He felt it. He knew that the hour of freedom had come and since the time, he became the evangelist, people came to Know.

"And you allow the spirit of lust to depart too? We are losing almost all. We are losing the sons and daughters of the righteous one. Losing one is losing all." Lucifer thundered in anger as the scene went out of view.

"I am Lucifer, the ancient dragon with seven horns. My mission is to cause delusion among the children of light.

He has much around him.

We have captured Simon.

We have sent to him one of our daughters.

In matter of days, I shall be a father in-law having my daughter Vivian married to the one they call Pastor Simon! MuwHahahahaaa!!!!" He laughed to appease himself.

"My lord, What must your servants do?" The second monitoring spirit inquired.

"Flesh! Appetite and Lust!" MuwHahahahaaa! (he laughed again)

These three, remains the trinities of destruction to the sons of men.

You can only get to steal their souls by getting into their flesh, arousing their appetites and causing them to lust. Then, feed their lust accordingly and they have be stolen to be killed and destroyed." The devil tutored, then turned to all hell and commanded;

"I am sending you to the sons of men. Explore their appetites, those things that ignite and incite their flesh against the knowledge of the righteous one and his word.

I am giving you the power." Then he turned to the three monitoring spirits;

"Go!!! Appear to Aondofa Daniel's dream and project the image of Victor to him with the portrait of darkness.

It is written in their holy book that I sometimes appear as the angel of light.

Use his gift of vision against him. Appear to him in visions and display him (Victor) having immoral affair with Esther, the chosen one.

This will be enough to craft out enmity and cause the two to separate.

Deep down in his heart and spirit, their is a large place for Esther, only that his lust has clouded him. He will never want anyone to come around her.

My angels are already at work using Agnes, the anointed one who is send to usher in the coming of my daughter. She is now preparing tea for the Lord's Apostle. MuwHahahahaaa!" He laughed

Darkness revealed her in her home where she sat thinking.

The demon of lust appeared to her and entered her flesh.

Immediately, an idea dropped to her mind and she went into the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea which she was going to present to the Lord's - Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

"MuwHahahahaaa!!" This appease darkness and the kingdom of hell rejoiced at the craftiness of their master - the devil!