

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"My Lord's Apostle, I have carried out thorough investigation about the said lady yet I can't figure her out. It is obvious she is a new attendee." Pastor Raphael explained.

"It's alright. I have a conviction for her the day I saw her. I am inviting her over to my place so I can get to know her better." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said.

"That will be so beautiful my Lord's Apostle. You have stayed waiting for too long. If she is the one chosen by the Lord, I succumb to your proceeding to know more about her. At least it will be a blessing that your missing rib was found in my ministry." Pastor Raphael said rejoicing over the phone.

As soon as he was hanging the call, pastor Simon was driving in. Apostle Aondofa Daniel had invited him over to the office informing him prior that he had found his missing rib in Portharcourt which he was delighted to introduce to him and relate somethings bothering him.

"Greetings papa!" His personal assistant bowed smartly.

"Daddy, Pastor Simon is here to see you." He said.

"That's fine, usher him in quickly." The Lord's Apostle commanded in haste and Pastor Simon was ushered in.

The two greeted in their usual friendly manner and pastor Simon sat down finding it too long to have Apostle disclose to him the damsel everyone had been waiting for.

Without wasting time, Apostle Aondofa Daniel pulled his locker Opened and brought out the diary, opened to the sketch and presented it to Pastor Simon.

"Ha! Man of God, this one that you are giving me sketch. I have seen this one naw. I don't understand, hope you are not planning of getting married to a sketch?" Pastor Simon asked jovially.

"Huh, you joke over everything. Take a look at this." He said handing to Pastor Simon his phone which contained an Instagram picture of Pamela.

"My Lord's Apostle!

My Lord's Apostle!

eerrrr!" He shouted turning around in his chair.

"Chai! See something o.

Ayayayaya, makaribobababa." He continued in awe.

"Wait o, man of God, I don't understand. Is it because of the picture that you are speaking in tongues?"Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked with his eye balls tossing out as he could not contain Pastor Simon's sense of celebration.

"Ah, Man of God you expect me to see this and be normal?

Yours has surpassed my own. come on, See shape naw.

This is what we call damsel. Others are counsel. " Pastor Simon kept teasing.

"Pastor Simon you won't kill me. I call you here for two reasons; to tell you about Pamela and share with you some things surrounding the situation.

It is obvious I just met Pamela..."

"Man of God forget about you just met Pamela." Pastor Simon cut in.

"Don't you believe love at first sight. More so you are a man of God who has sharp prophetic accuracy. You are eagle-eye Apostle naw..."

"Can you allow me at least to finish before you empty me of your praise singing?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel pleaded and continued, breathing in an air of relief.

"So as I was saying, I met Pamela two days back from my meeting with pastor Raphael in Portharcourt.

I can tell that I am deeply in love with her and would love to make marital moves with her.

The problem now is that I and mommy are having disagreement over her. Mommy keeps insisting that Esther is the one she has seen me marry." Apostle Aondofa Daniel narrated worriedly.

"Man of God," Pastor Simon came in.

"Mommy cannot marry for you. The most important thing is finding what you need and what suits you.

We can't be talking of Esther. Yes she is committed to the work of God in the ministry but that doesn't mean she is the right one for you.

If you should ask me, there should be ways of convincing mommy. You know what makes her happy, so get at it and try to use that means to make her understand with you why it is necessary to marry Pamela.

But most importantly, you would have to invite her to come over for a visit, because it will be insensible telling others about her when you have not known her much.

I would also advise you keep this low as evangelist Victor always seems to be on the negative page." Pastor Simon tabled his suggestions.

"Yes, you have spoken well man of God." Apostle Aondofa Daniel praised, nodding his head on everything Pastor Simon said.

"On inviting her, I don't want her to come and meet mommy around. She will be returning home tomorrow so Pamela will come this Friday." Apostle Aondofa Daniel informed.

"That will be a beautiful thing to do man of God. We have to be careful with our elderly ones on marriage. They seems to know so much not knowing that some of their actions endanger one's marital breakthrough." Pastor Simon consoled.

"I know mommy is a spirit filed woman who always speak as she hears from God, but I just believe deep down in my heart Pamela is not a coincidence." The Lord's Apostle said.

"Man of God let's close this chapter and do the needful.

The Bible says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord.

Sometimes people misunderstand scriptural truths. Look at it; the Bible says he that finds...

God expects us to find one to marry and he will bless the union.

On the second note, marriage is a carnal union made for the flesh. This is why there is no marriage in heaven where we all shall be transformed into spiritual beings.

Marriage is for the flesh, hence the Lord has left the responsibility of finding for the man.

We operate in the quadruplet of God which is God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and God the man. God expects us to exercise our ranking in the quadruplet in finding the right partner." Pastor Simon lectured.

"This is great rhema man of God. I must appreciate you being a part of my life, and on this, Pamela is a goal." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said and poured in wine for them to drink.

Pastor Simon collected his phone again and went through more of Pamela's photos, praising her figures as he scrolled on.

"Please give me my phone before Vivian appears here to arrest me." Apostle Aondofa Daniel jokingly took his phone from him.

Monitoring spirits were standing beside with Apostle Aondofa Daniel's ministering spirit.

"Can you see?" One of them turned and began to engage the angel.

"See how blind and insensitivity your fellow servants of the light are despite dwelling in the light." The demon mocked.

"You banished beasts of hell, carry out your assignment quietly while I attend to mine." The angel said and the monitoring spirits turned away.

As the spirits stepped aside, the angel of the Lord went over to Apostle Aondofa Daniel and held his hand leading him away.

As this happened, he escorted Pastor Simon out to his car and was returning back to the office when he felt a great midst of dizziness encompassing him.

He came in, fell in his chair and was fast asleep.

In his dream, he was terribly hungry and salivating when the angel of the Lord walked over to him, held his hand and led him to a mango tree that had a lot of beautiful fruits on it. The fruits were so polished in beauty. As his appetite aroused terribly, he saw a hand began to pluck the mango fruit and give him to eat.

Each of the mango fruit given to him was juicy and tempting, but to his surprise, whichever he bite had magots in it too numerous to be eaten.

This Continued on and on until he got tired and angered by who was plucking the fruits for him.

"These fruits are only beautiful on the outside can't you see?" He questioned lifting up his head. That was when he realized that he was been fed by demons who hung on the mango tree too numerous to be counted.

When the demons noticed that their identities had been disclosed, they quickly changed to sparkling angels.

He looked closely on the tree and it was written; "tree of death."

Shocked, he turned around and saw a bold inscription at the entrance; "The garden of Lust."

Turning beside him, his own angel that led him into the garden had turned into himself.

He was troubled to see himself in two and at that moment, he jerked out of his sleep breathing heavily.

Without wasting time, he prayed briefly and left for his car and was driven home.

When he arrived home, it was evening. Mom and Benjamin were making ready the dining table which had on it Apostle's favorite delicacies. Mom wanted to brighten his mood with good food.

Benjamin went for his brief case which was brought in by an officer.

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline went to Welcome him and pecked him on the cheeks.

She withdrew and cupped her son's face with her two palms.

"Ondofala (she called fondly) what is the problem my son. You are not looking bright."

"It's nothing mommy. It's just that I had a horrible dream at the office before leaving. I have not had such in years." He explained.

"Oya come, Whatever it is, God is in control. I made your delicacies. You will love them, but first ease up by telling me what the dream was all about." She demanded and his mood brightened a little.

She sat him down and he narrated in details what he saw.

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline listened carefully, absorbing each line and sorting from the Lord an interpretation for it. She knew what the revelation was all about, but telling his son at the moment would wound his appetite;

"Okay my son, I know what the revelation is about, but first you have to eat. When you are done eating, we shall discuss it." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline said and retired to the dining while Apostle Aondofa Daniel went in, changed into home wears and returned for the family dinner. He ate satisfactorily and dried his hand for the talk with his mother.

"My son," Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline began, sorting words carefully and seasoning them in other to tame the beast in his sons provocation.

"You see, if there is anything i must do before joining your father, it is to ensure that you are rightly married."

"Mommy does this also has to do with marriage?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked turning his face to a direction.

"Just listen my son." She pleaded.

"I am Mommy, it's just that every of our discussions these days now has to do with marriage. Maybe I should be thinking of zeroing my mind on marriage." He snapped.

"And I think it will be better my son. It is better you stay single than marry wrong.

Now that you are single, you are doing well. If you marry right, you will do better but once you marry wrongly, everything the Lord has built with you will crumble in days." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline explained and sat erect to do justice to the dream.

"Concerning the dream you had, it is the Lord showing you mercy my son, the mango in your dream represents beautiful women.

The demons up on the three represent demons send to engineer and bring these women your direction.

The angel which led you there which later changed into your image represent two things; the first is the angel of the Lord showing you things for you to take a proper stand on.

The second is your lustfulness and flesh which was craving to be fed by the fruits.

You could see that these fruits were well polished on the outside but had magots in them.

This is what these women are. A woman is not beautiful first of all on the outside but on the inside.

Most of them have nothing on the inside. You will realize so when you mistakenly marry them." She detailed.

"My son, I am praying for you that the Lord will give you understanding."

"Amen mommy. Thank you ma. I appreciate." The Lord's Apostle simply said and left for his room, leaving his mom to watch as he went.

Entering his room, he fell on the bed worn out of all his mom's endless marriage counsels.

"You are not, married problem!

To marry again, problem!" He shouted and flung his hands on the bed.