

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


"Hello! Diego! Where are you?" Agnes inquired over the phone.

"We are waiting for you at the junction after old market road. Drive there, I will be waiting for you." A thick voice, of a barbarian came through to her call.

She hung the call and drove out of the gate just some moment she had mate face to face with Victoria as she returned from her night shift tired and exhausted.

"Cynthia, how far?

Do you have any idea where Agnes is heading to?" Victoria asked as she entered the house while Agnes had already driven out.

"I have no idea. She has been acting strangely since your disappearance to Papa's house." Cynthia responded with much concern.

"He hee!" She laughed, went in and dropped her bag then returned to the sitting room.

"So Agnes hasn't removed this Papa's issue from her mind?

Well, she should better do because papa is mine.

Any moment from now, I may be wearing his proposal ring. "

"Wait wait wait!" Cynthia jumped up.

"So Papa has finally fallen for you? ha! A woman is indeed powerful.

So after all, your mission wasn't to help him tidy up the house but for some sort of romantic moves.

Who knows what went on between you two."

"No no! Don't go there Cynthia. Nothing happened between us. Don't forget we are talking about a respectful man of God here." Victoria warned.

"Oya na! Sorry, I was only joking.

Back to Abigail, she looked so gloomy as she was going out."

"Do you say gloomy? I almost fell back when I came face to face with her at the entrance. She looked like a beast ready to devour." Victoria supported.

"I sense danger Victoria. Something is not right about her. I can smell something fishy about her. I just pray she is okay. Please let's call her."

"Hn, It's true o. A silent person is very dangerous.

Please call with your phone since it appears i am the one she is angry at." Victoria suggested and Cynthia dialed her number.

"Hello! Agnes, we are worried about you, the way you left home this morning posed a dangerous sign. Please is everything alright?" She asked.

"I am fine! There is nothing to worry about. I just want to execute a business plan with a friend." Agnes responded and ended the call.

Victoria who was hearing the conversation off phone looked at Cynthia and without saying a thing about same topic beckoned for a period of rest and sleep which she was starved of.

Agnes sped off and was soon driving on a bushy path that led into a dangerous zone where criminal activities were perpetrated.

She drove through the Oma old market and came to a junction where Diego had asked her to stop.

She alighted the car but there was no one.

The silence and weirdness of the place seemed equal to that of a grave yard in the middle of a full moon night.

She stood a little while and just when she was about to dialed Diego's number again, she sighted him coming out of a mangrove dressed in a black overall.

He had a stick of cigarette on his lips with a pistol in his hand.

Just when he was about to engage her in a conversation, she felt the presence of two or more of his gang. She turned her head to check and confirmed them surrounding her.

"They are here to ensure no harm comes to you." Diego washed off her fears.

"So madam, what brought you to our den? Here you can see the skulls of the many we have devoured." Diego inquired.

"I want a man kidnapped for me. I also need a clean location where he would be kept. I want him unhurt." She spoke authoritatively.

"That's a small thing to I and my boys. Do you have this man's identity?" Diego inquired.

Without a word, Agnes brought out her phone and showed him the picture of Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

"What! That's Apostle Aondofa Daniel. You want him kidnapped? That's a man of God, popular and powerful for that matter." Diego cried out.

"That's exactly why I am here Diego. I had several other options but was told you are the perfect one for the kind of job I needed done. Now tell me you are a man and have this man brought to a location for me." She ordered.

"Fine! Your wish is granted. I will take two million naira for the job." He stated the price.

"I am not asking you to bring me the world. That is too much. I have five hundred thousand to deliver for this. Are you in or not?" Agnes looked him into his eyes.

"Madam! This isn't a child's job. This is a job of life and death.

Send me a million naira. I will forward seven hundred thousand to my wife to take care of my little boy incase papa God calls me home during the operation. Three hundred will go to my boys, each taking a hundred thousand." He analyzed.

"Send me your details. I will make payment and await your delivery.

I want this done as soon as possible." She finalized and drove off.

When she was gone, the boys gathered round Diego and watched him wail.

"Ahhh! You guys should see how wicked and terrible humans are.

How on earth will she want a man of God kidnapped.

I don't wish to lay my hands on a man of God."

"Commando! Why cry like an urchin. Nothing dey there na!" One of the boys shouted at him.

"Quiet! You are just a child born yesterday. This is a man of God we are talking of here.

Check my dead eye (he said pointing to his masked eye). I lost one the last time I was involved in the Kidnapping of a man of God.

I vowed since then that I would mind my shores.

Never the less, we will do the job. But you must treat him with care.

I plead for mercy. If I die, may my boy find peace and live a good life." Diego submitted

The gang faded back into the thick jungle and the face of the terrain wore back.