

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"...No pastor Simon. You made a big time mistake. The battle is spiritual not physical." Apostle Aondofa Daniel heard himself conversing with pastor Simon.


"...Simon! Simon! Murderer I am referring to you." The Prison warden called out to Simon who was locked behind bar awaiting trial.

Pastor Simon turned quietly and walked to the bars that barricaded his freedom. His action seemed weird and insane.

"What's it Mr?" He asked looking pale and firece like one who has woken up from a grave.

"I can't imagine that you have been a pastor for once because you don't behave like one..." The officer said in disgust relaxing on the bars.

Before he could realize what was happening, Pastor Simon's face turned into that of a beast, his eyes changed color and his furs seemed to had shoot out of their dens to devour whatever that stood on their way.

"What is this? Why are you acting like a vampire pastor?" The officer mocked.

Another officer was passing by.

When she heard the other engaging Pastor Simon in a conversation, she paused and warned;

"Bamidele, you have not been told I guess.

Don't engage criminals with murder case in a conversation. They are dangerous.

This man bit an officer a week ago who is still recovering from the injury.

You are new here and won't ask questions.

Be careful!" She warned and went her way.

"So you are this dangerous?" He listened to the female officer and turned back to Pastor Simon - the demon possessed.

"Well, you have visitors who are here to see you." He informed.

"I don't want to see anybody. Tell them to go away." He screamed, such that even Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Evangelist Victor who had come to see him heard his voice, only that it was not the voice of the Pastor Simon they have known. Another voice had taken over him.

"I said you have visitors and you are telling me you don't want to see them, are you okay?" The officer cautioned opening the cell.

When the days of a fly are over, it will refuse to heed to warnings. It would think the palms are clapping for it until it is crushed by the same palms. Such was the situation of the stubborn officer that refused warning.

As he entered to move the demon possessed Pastor Simon outside, he descended his elongated jaws to his throat and sunk his teeth into his guts.

The officer screamed and slumped to the floor. Blood gushed out, he shook violently before he could be reported a dead man.

The alarm went off and the yard came under security alert, officers streaming to the cell, Simon was brought down by a score of them and injected with midazolan.

The dead body of the officer was quickly moved out into the ambulance and taken away.

"What is happening here officer? Can we see Pastor Simon please?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel pleaded with an officer who ran across him in haste.

"Are you not seeing what is happening? Your so called Pastor Simon has just murdered an officer after he injured one who is still in the hospital." He replied harshly.

"Jesus Christ of Nazareth! That can't be the Pastor Simon I know." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said.

"Hope you are aware he murdered his wife in cold blood. This is his third victim. He is awaiting trial and I believe not so long he would be hanged." The officer answered again rudely and left their presence.

Just as Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Evangelist Victor stood with tears clustering their hearts for their beloveth friend, they heard rustling noise ahead. Watching carefully, they saw Pastor Simon bounded in great chains and led into the van.

He sat quietly in the van surrounded by four officers heavily armed and wearing protective shields.

As the car's engine ignited, it was as if the sound of the engine awakened the hunger in his lungs to hunt for blood and flesh.

He began to stare into the face of the officer that sat opposite him.

His gaze sent hot shivers into the officer who suddenly was traumatized by fear and slumped down in the car dead.

Quickly, he turned to the other and was about to bit him.

The officer was left with no option than to fire his riffle at him.

Pastor Simon was brought down by a bullet on his leg which caused him instant fracture of the femur.

The remaining officers came out of the van leaving him behind.

The body of the dead officer was removed and laid on the ground.

A close examination of his corpse revealed his chest burned and roasted with no sign of blood left in his veins.

The sight of it was so disgusting that the medical officer examining him threw off his face.

All these happened in the sight of Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Evangelist Victor.

They fought to have access to the van so as to pray for the demon possessed but they were strickly asked to stay off as the officers believed approaching him was dangerous.

Overcomed by the lack of what to do, they boarded their cars and drove out of the yard - their hearts filled with anguish.

They couldn't imagine this was the Pastor Simon they have known.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel wept bitterly, tears sorrowing down his face.

His soul soured so much that he lost consciousness and ran into another vehicle. A collision would have happened if not for the angel of the Lord that rescued him.

It was unimaginable, unthinkable and unfathomable that what many overlook as God's will for marriage could cause such great damage.

Till this moment, not even Apostle Aondofa Daniel had knowledge of what was happening to his friend.

Was he possessed?

Yes, to that he was aware, only that he never knew the force that was behind the demonic assault.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Victor drove home together. The two spent time praying for God to show mercy to his lost sheep, pastor Simon.

When they were done, Apostle Aondofa Daniel reminded Evangelist Victor of the historic prayer meeting that was to be hosted in his home two days ahead.

Those gracing the meeting were Apostle Aondofa Daniel, Evangelist Victor, Apostle Aondofa Daniel's mom, his Spiritual parents, elders of his ministry, Esther and a selected few who were known to be his close intercessors.

Hell was also in preparation for what was coming - the battle ground was carved and would see fire rain.