

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Rifha! Rifha! flee now." She heard the voices of the monitoring spirits spoke to her as she watched Apostle Aondofa Daniel descended the mountain and took a taxi to the house. What she could see was fire burning brightly and fiercely over the Apostle.

"Flee Rifha, for the bearer of truth has taken a walk with the righteous one and has been promoted to a higher rank in the spirit to who he was before his fall. Flee daughter of Lucifer, flee onto a safer place until the hour to return is come." The monitoring spirits commanded her yet again.

Frightened by what she saw of the Lord's Apostle, she hurried up and gathered a few things she could lay hands on and left the house in a hurry.

Because of what had been disclosed of her, most security forces posted to Apostle Aondofa Daniel's house had feared for their lives and left, leaving behind only a fraction of them.

She drove out of the gate and stormed out without a word to two officers attending to the it. She sped off and transported herself to a low cost hotel down town to hide from the Lord's Apostle and anyone that would come seeking her.

It took exactly fifteen minutes of her departure and Apostle Aondofa Daniel arrived in the house looking determined to cast the devil out of her body but only to be told she had just left the house.

He smiled sensing that she must have ran because of him.

He went inside the main building, making straight way to take the sketch from where he had kept it and burn it but when he got there, he searched everywhere yet his sketch of years was no where to be found.

He went from room to room, wardrobe to wardrobe, searched all Pamela's stuffs, under the bed and every other place he could think of but the sketch had disappeared.

Angered by the situation, he waited for Pamela to be back from where she had gone but he didn't set eyes on her for days.

This made him to be greatly worried and he turned to God again in prayer concerning what he had searched for.

After praying and asking God to reveal to him what must have become of the sketch which he kept in his wardrobe, he was reminded of Pastor Simon.

The thought of him prompted his heart as he was greatly worried about him, for he was in the lions den yet knoweth not.

The Lord's Apostle Aondofa Daniel quickly picked his phone and called Pastor Simon to leave whatever he was doing and meet him in his house.

The urgency of the call made Pastor Simon to hasten. In no distance time, the two friends were together in the house and engaged in conversation;

"My Apostle, where have you been? Your number doesn't go for the last one week plus." Pastor Simon hurried down his car.

"Man of God, you are looking so worn out. Tell me it has been well with you. Wait, what happens to your face?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked curiously.

"Hmm, my Apostle, you abandoned me to rot. You would have tell me to follow you wherever you had gone to hide. Maybe I would have been saved there. Take a look at me, injuries all over my body. Vivian has turned a beast. There is no day that goes by without he two of us engaging in combat. It became too much that I had to be sleeping in hotels."

"Ho what?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked shocked.

"You mean you no longer sleep in your house because of Vivian?" He asked.

"Hmm, thank God you are seeing me alive by that singular act, otherwise I would have been a dead soul by now. Maybe they would have been showing you my grave to tell the story of what has become of me.

My Apostle, I made a mistake in life, a great one for that matter - Marrying Vivian has been the biggest mistake of my life. That woman is a demon in human form." Pastor Simon lamented and broke down in humble tears of agony.

"How about your ministry?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked.

"Hehe, ministry? My Apostle are you asking me of Ministry? Which Ministry again?

Vivian has scattered all the sheep. No one turned up for service again in the later days before I shut the doors.

The last one that resulted to the closure of the church was when Vivian physically assaulted one of my partners.

I just came out of police cell yesterday with a court verdict over me about Vivian." He lamented.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel stood up to console him and was thrown aback by a terrible smell of alcohol.

"What! Man of God, don't tell me you have turned to drinking."

"That's the only thing that has been keeping me - drinking.

What else do I have in life or to do again? Vivian has ruined my life from A_Z. I Just wish I was not born - I wish I and Vivian never for once cross paths..." He cried.

"I can't really understand. All these happened in the space of my absence to the mountain? Ah, Jesus Christ my Lord.

Truly the outcome of disobedience.

Ah! We are harvesting the results of our lust after beauty, shape and class." Apostle Aondofa Daniel too cried, not just for himself but more for Pastor Simon whose hope seemed farther than his.

He found it difficult to comprehend and fathom what a powerful man of God had been reduced to in the twinkling of an eye for a game called wrong marriage engineered by self will and lust.

"What of Pamela my Apostle. I have not seen her neither do I hear you say a thing about her."Pastor Simon asked.

"That one, I returned from mountain and didn't meet her. She must have ran out because of the much presence I attracted from the place of prayer.

Pastor Simon, I met the Lord while on the mountain and he revealed to me that we are married to the daughters of the devil."

"Daughters of the devil? I don't understand my Apostle." Pastor Simon said sitting up for more light.

"Yes! We are married to the daughters of the devil. I want that to sound clear in your head. As for me, the Lord has revealed to me on how I will break out of her cage but I don't know about you.

I want you to go back and seek the face of the Lord.

But I must tell you, I am disappointed Pastor Simon. You have a battle at hand and instead of turning to the Lord, you have turned to drinking, soon you would be smoking - a pastor?

It is time for you to go to the Lord in prayer so as to come out of this mess we have gotten ourselves into. I don't want you to fall into drunkenness again." Apostle Aondofa Daniel cautioned and prayed with him, then he left.

But Pastor Simon's heart was full of rage and he fail to repent and turn to the Lord.

He went back to his hotel room and ordered for more bottles of drink as he enumerated on all that he had gone through in the hands of Vivian within months.

From a successful man of God traveling the world over to a reduced alcoholic who had no interest even in the things of God again.

His monitoring spirit stood there in the room watching him. When he stood up, another spirit followed him and entered into his body.

He went to the canter, payed off all the hotel bills with his credit card and drove down to his house.

When he arrived, Vivian was sitting down in the sitting room watching a movie and feasting on snacks.

"Hahaha! So you find your way back home today." She mocked and threw her face at the other end.

Walking like a controlled machine, Pastor Simon headed to the kitchen and soon returned with a knife firmly held in his hand.

Vivian heard steady footsteps that stoped behind her, only for her to turn and saw him holding the blade to stab her.

"No, You can't do this Simon, I am your wife. You can't do this Simon. Remember the court verdict...Simon!"

Vivian pleaded falsely as she remembered the assignment given her by her father the devil.

Without delay, the fallen pastor rushed her and drove the long bladed knife into her heart.

She screamed out loudly as Pastor Simon had the knife driven into her heart.

"Sir-i-mon." She struggled the name out of her mouth as blood fought its way out, causing Vivian, the host of the devil's daughter to bleed to dead.

As soon as she could be called a dead body, her spirit, the spirit of Vivian came out of the body and ascended.

Then the second spirit which is the spirit of the devil's daughter possessing her came out too and stood in the midst of the monitoring spirits.

"Welcome to liberty daughter of the fallen one.

From now hence, you shall revenge and hunt after the soul of your victim, Pastor Simon" One of the monitoring spirits told her as she pant murderously.

From that moment on, she would torment and hunt the life of pastor Simon all his days until his salvation, if at all comes.

So was it, in the hands of the law and of spirits, the agony of the beloveth Pastor Simon who was now lost to the devil daughter just begun.