

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Welcome daddy and mummy." Apostle Aondofa Daniel greeted his spiritual parents as they arrived and made entrance into the house.

"How are you son?"They asked.

"Fine daddy, fine mummy." He answered

"That's good. Is everyone around?" He asked further.

"Yes daddy. Everyone is around. for the matter of fact, we are all waiting for you and mummy." He answered and led them in.

There was exchange of pleasantries among them, specially was much honor given in recognition of the Lord's Apostle's spiritual parents whom everyone held in high esteem.

"I greet you everyone present in this meeting." His Spiritual father begun.

"Today is indeed a historic day because I know the spirit of the Lord will be traveling far and wide bringing judgement against every power of darkness and restoration to our beloveth son Apostle Aondofa.

Is everyone with me?" He paused and asked.

All: "Yes sir!" They answered.

"Glory to Jesus. I call on my son to make procession with the agenda for tonight." He concluded and step back as Apostle Aondofa Daniel invited Evangelist Timothy for opening prayer after which Esther was to anchor praise and worship.

The procession of the meeting went from hot to fire as everyone was visibly emitting the energy of the spirit.


"Where is my daughter Rifha?" The devil asked trembling at the great shaking that his kingdom was suffering from as a result of the prayer.

"My lord," One of the monitoring spirits responded.

"She has been held captive on her way to the kingdom by the forces of the righteous one . We fought but their ranks seem unbreakable.

"Deploy more forces! Send in more forces. We have just few minutes to rescue her otherwise she would be liberated from the garment of her spirit.".

At the instruction of Lucifer, a more powerful section of demons left his presence and went for the rescue of Rifha (the one inhabiting the body of Pamela).

When they arrived, they battled the force of light to no avail until a mighty angel of the Lord appeared and overpowered them, causing them to return back to hell.

With anger and rage burning in his eyes, he used his sword and flung Pamela who began to descend from the great height they were.

Down to earth, Apostle Aondofa Daniel's Spiritual father had already taken charge of the meeting after his wife led the prayer of submission and plead onto the Lord for mercy.

It was now time to war directly against the devil and take the battle to his domain.

As they were praying and lost in their spirits, they heard a sound like a mighty bang. Something seemed to had cut through the zinc and the ceiling.

Before they could count a second, Pamela dropped on the ground with visible flames of fire burning on her body.

Everyone was thrown aback by the sight of her. They had not witness such happen before.

"Pamela?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel screamed.

Immediately, two elders who were present in the meeting fell under the power of the Holy Ghost and began to manifest too.

Their expression showed that they were also burning with much fire.

This surprised everyone to why they were inclusive.

"Jesus! Jesus Christ!" Apostle Aondofa Daniel's spiritual father screamed and beckoned on everyone to pray fervently.

"Brethren pray, don't stop and don't be afraid. The Lord has granted us Victory.

I can see scores of demons all around here. They have come to rescue Pamela. We must not allow the agenda of hell to prosper tonight. Prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ." He demanded and prayer went up in great fervency.

"Aaahhh!" Pamela screamed and began to role and role, acting like a python.

The more she manifested, the more intense the people of God prayed, causing her body to burn.

"MuwHahahahaaa! You cannot destroy me. I am the diary, my name is lust... MuwHahahahaaa!" She cried out in a different voice not natural to that of the Pamela everyone was aware.

"Daddy, she is mentioning the diary. That's the same thing the Lord told me on the mountain, that the only way to destroy her is to destroy the diary." Apostle Aondofa Daniel put everyone to a reminder of that which was told of him.

"Hmm, I can see. His father answered.

"Brethren, do not relent. This is the moment we all have been waiting for. We are praying right now and asking the diary to appear from wherever it has been hidden." He instructed.

"MuwHahahahaaa! You cannot find the diary. I am indestructible." She spoke in her demonic voice.

"You marine spirit from the kingdom of darkness, tell me where you have kept the diary." His Spiritual father thundered but she was unwilling to speak up for several minutes until she could no longer endure the ever increasing fire of the prayer ongoing;

"The diary is in my coven, hidden in seven pots and plugged into the tree. Please let me go. I want to go!" She screamed.

"Brethren, right now it is time to command that coven to return whatever that it has stolen and be set ablaze." He instructed.

"No!!! No! Please no! Don't do it! The destinies of many of my captives are hidden in the coven. Take that which is yours and go!!!" Pamela pleaded with Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

"We are leaving nothing behind. Holy Ghost!!!"

"Fire!!!" The rest of the people responded and great flames of fire visited the coven of Pamela which was deep down in the Atlantic ocean, yet the place was no different from plane land in the realm of mortals.

Fire kept falling and bringing to liberty millions of destinies hidden.

Then I saw an angel of the Lord, same that had flung Pamela walking in the flames and releasing things too countless to number.

His face became greatly saddened like one who wishes to cry.

As I looked closely, I understood that the reason why he wept was because many destinies caged in weird boxes which had been released were those of people who had already died.

Such were the people who had been caged all through their lives, who lived purposeless and fruitless lives simply because they were unable to gain liberty from those that held them captive.

When the angel got to the place where Apostle Aondofa Daniel's diary was hidden, his anger flared and he deep his had into the demonic tree, brought out the pots and destroyed them.

The sketch dropped down and caught into flames.

"Aaahhh!!!" Pamela cried out loud and her voice fainted as the sketch burned to totality.

"You have destroyed the sketch. No!!!" She gave out the last wail of her soul and flung from one end to another violently. Then she fell down flat and remained motionless.

The angel of the Lord stood watching as the sketch burned and burned until it turned into Rifha, the daughter of the devil who was inhabiting the body of Pamela.

As I watched, I saw another angel appeared and chained her soul with great chains.

They brought her to the dungeon of hell and she was casts beneath, a bound demon never to ever be released again.

From there, she would burn as did the sketch forever and ever and ever.


"Pamela! Pamela! Rise! Rise!" Pamela heard a voice called out to her as she lay on the floor completely out of human consciousness.

As she opened her eyes in the spirit realm, she saw a man in pure white whose face shone brightly like that of the sun.

"Who are you?" She asked as her spirit floated out of her body and stood beside him.

"I am your Lord. My name is Jesus. I died on the cross for you and payed for all your sins. I have come to show you things which you must know." He told her with smiles beaming through the rays of light from his face.

"My Lord!" She screamed and fell into his arms.

"I have waited. I have waited for my soul to be liberated from the bondage of darkness." She cried.

As she spoke with the Lord, she could see her body on the ground with people praying and binding.

"My daughter, they do not know that the one which was against them has been destroyed. Come with me." The Lord instructed and she followed.

The two of them floated up on the peak of a mountain where she could see countless number of souls on the other side in the bondage of darkness.

Then she turned to the right and saw Apostle Aondofa Daniel trying to save them.

"I am giving you a ministry my child. Go! You have the key to pull down the altars of the daughters of Lucifer who have been sent among men to satisfy their lust. I will be with you and guide you on what you must do.

The battle against the daughters and sons of the devil released to fight against those of mine is fierce but do not be afraid, for I am with you." The Lord told her and he was no more to what she could see, but his voice echoed into her ears as she regained consciousness.

As her eyes opened, she could see everyone distancing themselves from her as they were afraid. Rather, they continued to rain down prayer on her.

Then the angel of the Lord whispered into the ears of the Lord's Apostle's spiritual father;

"She has been set free."

He then informed the rest and they began to praise the name of the living God.

All these was happening yet the two elders had not regained consciousness.

The spirit of the Lord was dealing with them according to the evil they have committed which was not yet known to any until the time of their confession.

"Pamela, how are you?" Apostle's spiritual father carefully asked to verify her sanity.

"I am fine sir." She answered faintly exhibiting much stress from her Deliverance.

With her respond, everyone smiled knowing that the battle was won.