

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


[Three Months Later]

"Daddy, I am so happy and fulfilled to witness this day in our lives together."

"Same with me my queen. I am glad everything is put together to the glory of God. Indeed in his time, he makes everything beautiful.

I am just glad that in the forth coming seminar, I will be sharing with the people of God a different story from the one I had begun with." He answered.

"By then, we will be in attendance with our beloveth son, Apostle Aondofa Daniel Jr." Pamela said and they both smiled.


It was a memorable day in Ikoture as all procedures had met requirements and Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Pamela were going to be ceremonially adopting Diego Junior as their beloveth son.

Three months of legal proceedings and consultations with the elder state men and relatives of Diego Junior were utilized for the purpose to ensure that nothing was left undone.

The elders rejoiced in the move but emphasise that Apostle Aondofa Daniel and wife must first of all become indigenes of Ikoture and have a home built in the community which they were residence of before adopting their orphaned son.

This pleased the Lord's Apostle and he obliged.

He had a massive mansion built within two months and a grain processing factory built to employ the locals.

He also promised to do more since he had become an indigene of the land.

Indeed, his coming was a great joy into the land such that the elders could not hesitate for him to adopt the expectant Diego Junior.

On the ceremonial event, the entire people of Ikoture and neighboring villages gathered to witness the massive display of wealth as Apostle Aondofa Daniel adopts Diego.

As the sounds of the drums and other musical instruments rendered their voices, causing the teaming number of people to dance joyfully, cars began pouring in conveying different men and women of all works of life;

Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Pamela, Evangelist Victor and Esther, Pastor Simon, Apostle Aondofa Daniel's mom, Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline (drove in by his elder son. Apostle Aondofa Daniel had gifted her a car that worth a hundred million naira), Apostle Aondofa Daniel's Family and relatives, his Spiritual parents, DPO Ternege and Several others beyond count.


"People of Ikoture, this day is such a great one in the history of this community. There has been none like it.

Our son, Apostle Aondofa Daniel is officially accepting responsibility to take our young son as his beloveth son. All proceedings have been met as required. We are all here only for the purpose of ceremonial, to rejoice, to eat and to drink. At the end, Our son, Paul will be following his parents home and his name will no longer be answered to Diego but to Apostle Aondofa Daniel." Community chief of Ikoture spoke and the people clapped joyfully.

"So my people," He continued.

Eat, drink, dance and rejoice. Today is a day of merriment." He concluded and had his seat at the applauses of the people.


"My Wonderful people of Ikoture, I and my beautiful wife stand here today in honor of the almighty God who makes everything beautiful in his time.

It gladdens my soul so much that this day, I am not only adopting Paul to be my son, but I am as well extremely happy that I am now a legally adopted son of the Ikoture soil. I promise that I shall act no different from the mode a son should.

I want to appreciate the following people who have made this day possible;

My beloveth mother, Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline, my spiritual parents (he called their names), my friends, Evangelist Victor and Pastor Simon, DPO Ternege, and Mr and Mrs Terfa who rescued Paul when he escaped from the ruffians.

I and my wife have also made plans to sponsor all Mr Terfa's children to the highest level of learning.

We will hold talks with them and if they agree, Mimidoo, their daughter will also join our family and school together with our son."

This pleased the people and the clapped jubilantly as Mr Terfa and his wife couldn't contain their joy and fell face flat on the rug.

"I conclude by specially saying a big thank you to the chief of Ikoture, elder state men and relatives of Paul, for this opportunity to father wholesomely my son soul."

With this, the people rose to a standing position as the chief stood to his feet and went over to where Paul sat.

He conversed with him briefly as the people watched him nodded his head repeatedly.

Then he held him by the hand and brought him to the Lord's Apostle and his wife Pamela.

The two embraced him tightly as the chief returned back to his seat.

From that day on, Diego Junior's name changed to Aondofa Paul, also known as Aondofa Daniel Jr.

After much eating, drinking and dancing, the meeting came to a close and Aondofa Daniel Jr. was taking home with his parents whom he loved already.


[The Seminar]

A week later, Apostle Aondofa Daniel stood before the boisterous crowd teaching them his life experiences as regarding marriage.

At the end, he rounded up by saying with tears in his eyes;

"God's will is the foundation upon a marriage that would be a blessing rather than a curse.

Brethren, I didn't believe in God's will regarding marriage, but now, I do.

Please do not wait until you go through what I have gone through before you would acknowledge this truth.

...The End...