

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


[Three weeks later]

"Pamela! Pamela!" Apostle Aondofa Daniel shouted Pamela's name as he strolled angrily to the bedroom only to meet her on bed painting and adoring her body with different makeup designs.

"Didn't you hear that I was calling you Pamela" He yelled at her.

"And is that the best way to address your wife? For God's sake baby, how on earth will you be shouting my name without manners and expect me to answer.

We have discussed this before on several occasions. If you want me to respect you and respond to you promptly, then you have to give me the respect that I deserve as your wife." She answered minding her commitment.

"I have tried not to Pamela but you keep pushing me to the wall. For God's sake we are just married for three weeks and it seems things are not working..."

"Then you should make things work. You are the man of the house.

Make things work!

After all you are a man of God counseling others. " She responded rudely.

Not knowing what to do and appearing to be defeated, Apostle Aondofa Daniel fell on the bed beside Pamela and tried putting away her makeup kit but she resisted and Continued painting her nails.

The Apostle felt tired and held her to himself.

"My love, you know I am trying my best.

You've soaked your undies in the bathroom for four days now without attending to them. In this case what do you want me to do?" He asked helplessly trying to have Pamela have some pity on him.

"Baby, Look at me very well. I soaked those clothes four days ago isn't it?

The question is, was it only my clothes I soaked?

Capital no!

I soaked yours together with my undies. Yesterday you selected yours and washed leaving mine in the tube."

"So you expect me to by obligation wash your undies? Because I have been doing that almost all the time." He asked irritated.

"Why not?

Why not for God dam sake?" She asked flitting her hands ill-mannered.

"I have told you to stop using such vulgar languages in my house Pamela."

"What's wrong with my choice of words. Don't try to bring up another issue. Let's get over with what we are talking about." She replied harshly humbling the fury of the Apostle.

"Okay, we have a washing machine. What's wrong with simply using it and keeping the entire house free of messed garments?" The Apostle asked.

"Since you washed yours with the machine, you should have kindly do so with my undies. More so I prefer them washed naturally to avoid cancer.

I left the clothes there purposely because I can't be busy with the kitchen and you cannot commonly aid me with my few undies soaked."

"Okay, okay, fine. If that be the case, I will go right straight and wash them, but this shouldn't repeat it self Pamela otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Is that a threat on your wife or what?

"Are you not supposed to pull off undies from my body and wash them?

Pastor Simon is doing it to his wife Vivian. What makes it wrong in you doing it?" She asked.

"Nothing makes it wrong.

I should do it willingly, out of the bond of love we have for each other, not because you are making it obligatory for me."

"I am in no way making it obligatory. I am only trying hard to make you understand that you owe a duty to do it." She responded.

"Fine! I am going to wash the undies. While I do so, you would have to stand to your feet and tidy the house.

Come on Pamela. Take a look at the house. From kitchen to the compound, everywhere is messed up."

"But baby you don't expect me to do all the house keeping. Why are you not getting us a house maid?"

"We had Benjamin Pamela, you sent him packing in just a week of our wedding. Now you are demanding for a maid when you know very well I am not okay with having a maid in the house."

"Baby, your brother can't be a maid hence I sent him home so we could enjoy our honeymoon. Now we need a maid. If you are not ready to bring in one, I have my choice to stand with. He will be resuming in three days time." She told.

"I will not tolerate a male house keep woman. If you want to bring in a maid, that should be female." Apostle angered.

"So that you will feast on her! Is that what you are saying? Well, all I need is a house maid. If you don't do so, I will be compelled to help you out and there won't be issues about it." She concluded.

"Fine, I will make provision of that. But until then, I want the house tidy." He said and walked back into the bathroom, washed all his wife's undies and cleaned the place.

This took about thirty minutes.

When he was back, Pamela was still in her place painting her nails.

The Lord's Apostle watched her carefully and returned back to the guest room. There, he cried silently to console himself.

Three weeks of wedding and he was already seeing the true colors of hell. He wondered how long this was going to last.

As he sat mourning, he saw a cockroach running across the room. He stood up and followed it up, killed it and went to pick a packer to remove it.

That was the beginning of a tiring day of sanitizing the entire house with an empty stomach.

When he was done, Pamela cooked at around 3pm yet he could not eat the food because it had too much salt and stones in it.

It was at this moment that all the bounty shapes and elegance of Pamela irritated him.

He could not find beauty and attraction in them again because his heart was wounded and hurt within just three weeks of marriage.

Painful enough was the fact that all the people that mattered to him were gone. He sort to meet with his spiritual father but he felt it was too early to start crying. His pride could not allow him, so the Apostle suffered lonesome and wept secretly.

When he and Pastor Simon met later on in the day, there was silence. The two men wept with great agony and pains. Their experiences were same. It appeared like their wives had met and agreed to torture them deep down to the marrow.

The following day was Sunday.

For the past four days, Vivian had denied pastor Simon her body as a result of some light argument the two had together.

For this wise, his passion had mounted to the peak such that if nothing happened, he would seek for where to empty himself, but as a minister of God, he would keep battling in his agony for sexual satisfaction until the day Vivian decides to have mercy upon him.

That early morning, he had dressed for church and was waiting for Vivian, only for her to walk out of the bedroom with some erotic wears and seductive approach.

The man of God fought hard to overcome, but he was captured - no where to run.

Vivian approached him and began to pull off his clothes. He was already lost into her beyond what he could resist.

Gradually, Pastor Simon was captured. He lifted her onto his chest, took her to the bedroom and jammed the door behind him to devour the meal he had been starved of and left to die.

Painful was, the meal was served when he was supposed to be in church blessing the lives of God's people.

Three hours were consumed behind close doors.

When he finally came out, he could see that there was a dozen calls on his phone. His church aids were seeing driving in, possibly to check on him since he wasn't responding to calls.

What he was going to tell them was a question on his heart.

As a result, he went back to the bedroom and called to inform them that he was not around. He and his wife had responded to an emergency family call.

This unsettled with the brethren as it was the first time he would be missing service without an indication.

Already, his instability was causing the ministry a great shaking and causing a lot of sheep to find greener pasture.

At this moment, nobody could voice it out for the two men of God to know that they were losing count on the callings of God upon their lives.

Regret gradually began to settle in.

If the devil would tarry longer to gamble with them, they would become wise and seek for help.

In this wise, he would have to make an end of them since they were already in his net.