

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


It was three days since Benjamin's visit to the village.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel had starved for three same days without taking anything measure, except for the first when Victoria brought him food at the office, which he took home.

The food served well and made the delight of his delicacies.

Being his tribe, Victoria had the perfect touch for the quality of food he was accustomed to.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's distaste for foreign and foods cooked with strange hands was second to none.

How then was he able to curtail this during his busy ministerial travels around the world?

He had the tradition of always informing his hosts that he had his preference for home made dishes. This they would ensure was properly done.

He had thought of employing house keeps and cooks but he loved a quiet and private life, one without unnecessary issues coming in.

God cemented this with his provision of Benjamin who filled all the spaces that such needs would arise.

On this third day, he had waited upon the Lord and needed to eat something that evening - He had a burning hate for going to bed with an empty stomach. Such would not in anyway allow him sleep.

That evening, he went out and got for himself fruits and bought some cooked food from the restaurant.

Returning home, he took the fruits and waited for his stomach to adjust then if there would be any need later, the swallow would follow suit.

As if the fruits caused a provocation of his digestive metabolism, he became hungry soon and went to the fridge, brought out the soup and put it inside a sizable pot to warm it.

Without pouring the soup out of the nylon, he added a little quantity of water into the pot and placed it on the burner then retired back to the sitting room to continue his study of a book he had just bought about ministerial growth.

Ten minutes went by and he started perceiving some burning smell, but he was lost into the book and continued.

Fifteen minutes went by and he turned to the kitchen and saw smoke stealing out of it. That was when he was reminded that he had put soup on the fire.

He stood to his feet and rushed to the kitchen that was already filled with smoke.

He quickly turned off the switch and picked the pot with a piece of rag to the floor.

He then opened all windows to allow ventilation into the house.

He was frustrated and fell on the cushion exhausted.

How was he going to eat?

He went to the freezer again and brought out rice but it was cold.

Afraid of warming it, he served it on the plate and tried eating it but it freezes his mouth.

He went for garri (cassava flakes) instead.

At least he had a love for garri.

He soaked it into a plate and went out to send the security officer to get some groundnut for him.

Before he could return, the garri had turned to eba. Anyways, he would eat eba with groundnut in place of garri that day.

It was a frustrating evening. It was at this point that he terribly missed Benjamin who won't be returning soon until the break was over - the Apostle was pained.

"Indeed common things are the most expensive." He thought carefully.

As he stood to retire to bed, he stepped on sand and felt so irritated.

His attention was soon called to the unkempt house littered with dust and other unneeded particles.

Benjamin cleaned the house twice daily but now it was uncleaned for three days.

Falling onto his bed, he called his mother and complained about the living hell he was going through as a result of Benjamin's absence.

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline teased him a little and laughed about his all of a suden formality as a result of the season of wealth he was into.

Mom then promised that Benjamin's stay back home would be made short.

Well, the devil was bent on tearing everything apart before the return of Benjamin, no matter how soonest his it would be.

As soon as he hung the call with his mother, he began to think of the possible ways he was going to fend for his domestic needs for the main time.

He began to mull over and fancy the delicious mean Victoria brought for him a day before.

Just as he was thinking, he was reminded of her number which he dropped in the suit.

He stood from the bed in a haste and went checking for the suit in the bin that contained dirty wears.

Hopefully, he found the number and had it saved on his mobile device.

Without thinking of the possible consequences by initiating a call with Victoria, he dialed her number and tabled that it was just to appreciate her for the meal she brought a day before.

Victoria felt on top the world and screamed with her mouth covered. Her plan after a day's wait had finally yielded result - patience, they say, is a virtue. She would in her own terms say.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel made another grave mistake of letting her know that Benjamin had also traveled home for a short break. With this, Victoria had chief access and pleaded for a chance to come cook and do some home chores for him before returning back.

"That's very okay. Please if you can make it tomorrow morning, that will be fine..." The Apostle pleaded with a sense of urgency.

At least with the breakthrough of Victoria, he would teach his hunger a lesson it would learn and the house would be well kept.

Needless did he know, that he was digging his grave.

The dead trap came on the ground that he was going to be home all through. It was so obvious that Lucifer was creeping into Apostle Aondofa Daniel's home but it felt too normal for him to suspect anything. He just wanted to ease up a little and act social, at least to have some benefits derived.

if it was having ladies and even men from the church come do chores for him, that would have been done without stress, but he had held strickly to the principles of no one visiting his home unless invited.

He would always defend that the home of a man of God must be private and serene enough to allow him adequate intimacy with God.

At the moment, it seemed that knot was loosening.

As he ended his call with Victoria, Evangelist Victor started calling. He saw it but hesitated in picking. He wasn't ready to be annoyed with his extremity in the way he handled things.

Early the following morning, Victoria was already at his gate with her car horning.

It was 8am, the Lord's Apostle was still on bed catching some sleep - after all, he had prayed all through the early hours of the morning.

Unfortunate for Victoria, Apostle Aondofa Daniel had forgotten to inform the security officer to grant her entrance into the house. The two spent a couple of minutes arguing, one saying she was asked to visit by the apostle and the other defending that he was not informed about her visit.

Not knowing what to do, despite the fact that it was against her to dial his number that early morning, she was left with no choice than to do same.

"Hello Victoria!" Apostle picked at the other end.

"Yes papa! Good morning papa!" She came in.

"Are you around already?" He asked

"Yes papa!" She answered.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel cut the call and called the security officer to allow her in.

The expensive and beautiful lady with a class of her own drove in. She came prepared rocking in what would tempt the Apostle's appetite.

What time owes it better than that morning when men wake up from the bed with every hormone in them wishing for an admiration of the opposite sex.

She smiled, applied more perfume, and came out of the car.

She stood for some seconds, glared round with some sort of appeasement to her long term wish to know what the Apostle's house looked like on the interior.

Feeling blessed and accomplished, she went in.

The monitoring spirits turned, looked at each other and smiled - the smile of the devil "MuwHahahahaaa!!!"