

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


For the first time, since his defeat of Agarr, the god of blood who rose to disobedience and challenged his powers, Lucifer stood at the mountain peak, the throne of Agarr and beheld the sons of men.

His soul filled with hunger and treacherous burning to consume every living thing that moved across the breadths of life, he turned to the home of Apostle Aondofa Daniel and laughed! "MuwHahahahaaa!!!"

"Monitoring Spirits!" He called out in a mystical tune.

"A door has been opened for us. The home of the bearer of truth lay open. Now go!! Find for him, one that would fill in the space which Benjamin, the stubborn young fly had occupied.

For these few years, I have tried to come into the home of the bearer of truth, but Benjamin opposed me.

He ensured he served him well, filling every desire in him to have need for assistance from the maidens of his ministry.

The young one displayed total obedience, commitment to duty, steadfastness, humility and dedication to service without tiring.

He was there in the kitchen, making every meal for him and blocking access for us.

He was also on his knees praying and commiting to the word of God. We had sort to use him against the bearer of truth but he resisted every possible attack.

That young one is a cub growing into a mighty lion. You must not leave him. Monitor him and use every means to disassociate him from those who would fuel his fire." He paused and laughed - "MuwHahahahaaa!!" Then continued;

"We had planned to make use of Agnes to seduce him but she has a mission which she must not be allowed to deviate.

Go!!! Enter into Victory and make her do all that I have commanded you, Go! Go!!!" He thundered and all the demons flew back to duty.

Apostle David had returned that evening.

Tired from the stress of the journey, he slept soundly.

His alarm had rang severally but he could barely stand to his feet to engage in prayer.

He tried praying but his eyes were just too heavy. It seemed all he consumed back in the village had not even digested. He felt so heavy and weak.

Against all attempts, he fell back asleep.

When he woke up in the morning, he strolled around the house. Everywhere lay still without a soul. He could hear the steps of his foot.

Benjamin wasn't there to do his early morning chores as usual.

He was left alone to fend for his needs.

He got into the shower room, had his shower and came out into the bedroom. He remembered there was a shirt he wished to wear which was not ironed. He searched for the pressing iron and carried out the duty himself.

When he was done, he became hungry.

He always had the feeling about the theory that anytime one overfeeds himself the previous night, he would assuredly wake up a hungry man with an empty stomach.

He wished to make tea for himself but it appeared to be a strenuous work for him.

His heart judged him, yet he blamed Benjamin for making him become that lazy.

He checked the time and shouted as it was against him.

He quickly dressed up and drove off to the church for counseling.

There were already people waiting for his arrival.

He had instructed and cards were only given to twenty persons who would be attended to that day.

The rest would have to wait till the next counseling.

When the monitoring Spirits disappeared back to duty, the demon that had possessed Agnes left her body and entered Victoria while the both of them where deeply asleep.

When Victoria woke up, she had a strange burning within her to attend counseling. The yearning was strong such that she felt if she don't do it, she won't be herself.

As she rose from bed to start preparing, she became troubled of what she was going to take for the Lord's Apostle. It was against her ethic to appear before the Lord's anointed empty handed.

The question now was what she was going to take along that would serve. As she thought carefully, an idea came to her mind; she would make a little Pondo and pocho soup for the Apostle. Being his tribe, she at least knew the delight of his man of God.

There wasn't time to waste. She quickly put some other things in place and left for the market to get the stuffs that were needed as soon as those selling them had come.

As blessed as she was, she arrived the market and waited only a little before the goat seller came and she bought meat then went to another shade and got all the ingredients for the soup.

The rest of what was needed could be accessed back home - her kitchen wasn't empty, except for selected items.

She rushed back home against traffic and began preparation of the meal.

When she arrived from the market, she became so busy that Agnes and Cynthia had to ask her what was ongoing.

"Sorry girls, I have a strong leading to attend counseling today. You two know I don't like appearing before the anointed of the Lord empty handed. I am making a little food to take for him. Please Agnes, get the blender and help me blend the pepper." She ordered

Agnes wasn't happy about the news. This was the same method she had deployed without success, now Victoria was doing same.

"Babe be fast naw. Please help me, Cynthia, oya, you guys are aware you will eat out of it. Help me let's do division of labor. Counseling is already ongoing." She ordered again as she noticed that Agnes was dragging her legs.

Well, she had her way. Agnes and Cynthia joined hands, Cynthia working with joy and Agnes with gross bitterness in her heart. Within few minutes, the meal was done and set to be delegated.

Victoria got herself prepared and dressed up.

With everything carefully put into the car, she drove off and in no time was in church.

She parked her car, came out and picked the food and headed to where one of the PAs sat.

The two established a quick conversation and she was ushered in.

She Passed the first office that had in attendance Apostle Aondofa Daniel's secretary.

Walking a two mitres distance amidst demarcations, she was finally before the Apostle's office.

She rang the door and heard a computerized voice telling her to come in.

Breathing to ease her tension, she stretched her fitted skirt and adjusted her cleavages then walked in, creating koin! koin! sounds from her sharp high-heels.

"Sister Victoria!" The Apostle sound out.

"How are you?"

"Good afternoon daddy! I am fine sir!" She responded taking a knee down as a sign of respect.

"Please sit down! What can I do for you?" He asked with a gentle smile on his face.

"Actually daddy. I just come to have you bless my business to get to the next level."She said in a relaxed tune.

"O' that's interesting. Surely your business will Prosper. As you stay focus on Jesus, your business will Prosper..." He prayed fervently.

"Mm, daddy!" Victoria called out after the prayer.

"I also bring a little food to give you some energy until you get back home."

"Wow! You did that? That's thoughtful of you." Apostle Aondofa Daniel answered.

Victoria stood up and brought her food closer to him then turned and walked away.

As she turned, Apostle Aondofa Daniel looked at her and wished he could have such a person for wife. At least she had qualification in two aspects. She was heavily gifted in shape especially the curveteousness that walled up behind her.

"Sister Victoria!" He called out and she turned with a smile.

"Wow!" he said in his heart.

"God bless you!" He simply said. In the way he said it, she had thought it was something beyond that.

As she walked out of the office, she felt accomplished already.

"O' my God, will it be actually possible for Apostle to fall in love with me?" She thought all through in her heart while driving home with pleasure.

When she had left the office, Apostle Aondofa Daniel took some breath of relief. He was all the same thinking of what he was going to eat as eating outside wasn't his thing.

He pushed back his seat, pulled the food closer and inspected what was inside.

He laughed as he saw a note that contained Victoria's two numbers. She wrote on it; "Always at your service sir! Anytime needed."

He read it and smiled, carefully dropped the paper in his suit.

He called in his secretary and asked him to carry the food into his car.