
Little tears

'are you really not going to fight for our love, you are really going to walk away without taking the risk. you promised me forever, Damian and now you want to quit'.

Anna wasn't expecting Damian to tell her today of all says that he didn't want her anymore.

for goddamn sake, they have been dating for three years with the pains and joy.

Even though she knew little about him, she still wanted to stick with him no matter what and here is he, opting to quit.

she stood up and cleaned her tears.

`you aren't going to say anything right. it's fine. don't ever try to take me back. I had love you with your weirdness. you never share anything with me. you keep to yourself all the time and I didn't pester you hoping you would open up to me one day, hoping I won't have to ask before you tell me what is going on. Never knew this was your plan all along, you wanted me to fall in love with you and then dump me right.'

Realizing he wasn't going to say anything, Anna took her hoodie and walk out of the hall.

she kept cleaning the falling tears off her eyes but no, they kept falling like snow.

Anna walked to the park and met, Sophia waiting for her. she told her when he wanted to go see Damian that she shouldn't wait for her but she never listens no matter what she says.

Sophia noticed Anna swollen eyes and walked closer to her.

`whats wrong, what did Damian do to you??

why are you crying??

I really need to beat that fool to pulp next time we meet. he's making you cry"

she hugged Anna, patting her back.

`its going to be fine, that nana can't leave you. you makes up him and if he wants to walk out, you gonna kick his fucking ass away. you will find another one soon so don't be bothered, buddy".