
Married to the dead lord

"That means I'm dead" she said in a low voice as a feeling of fear hovered around her heart. "You aren't dead, but you are alive, but you are here for a purpose" he said, going to pick up a glass of water that was placed on the small table beside them, he walked back to where she was giving it to her for her to drink, which she drank. "What purpose?" she asked looking at him with a curious look in her eyes. "Well, Ivy that's something that shouldn't be know." "But I want to know" she went on, pestering him for him to answer her curiosity. "Like I said before, sweetheart, something is better off not known." he said with a grin on his face, making her a little bit angry. ******* Vernica being born to one of the king's most trusted and highly knight, was treated like an outcast, each day of her life bringing a scar to her what happens when a mysterious man becomes her husband, taking her far away from the ordinary, bringing her to a new revolution. Veronica seeing hm as her only source of hope while him seeing her as the only source of peace between the land of the living and the dead. She is brought as a truce unknown to her, but she continues to live on. What happens when she finds out the truth? would he be a disaster to her more than a source of hope....

Vicchie_5 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 1: impotent one

A girl came into view, she sat on a wooden stool watching her maid brush her red, long, wavy hair with the help of a mirror.

"Milady, you look very beautiful," the maid complemented, she turned to comb the front side of her hair before she spoke again, "I'm sure your father will be very pleased at the beauty I turned you into, but poor thing it won't last."

 Even as the maid opened her mouth to talk and appreciate her as she was such a chatter box it all fell on deaf ears as the girl who sat on the stool looked lost.

"Veronica!" a loud manly voice was heard which made her flinch and she began trembling, she rubbed her palm which soon became sweaty and soon the maid combing her hair noticed it.

"Milady don't look worried you know that your father will be very much angry if he sees you trembling so, please try your best to calm down, you know you look more beautiful with a calm expression and a smile here." Veronica managed to give the maid a smile, but it didn't last as it fell immediately, she looked down at her sweaty palms, she knew very well what kind of a man her father was as he was very strict with her and maltreated her to no ends.

 Veronica grew up in a cage where she was told she was the very cause of her mother's death and she too knew it, her mother had committed suicide by jumping off from the patio of the palace during her birthday party, every time her birthday was close approaching her father would make sure to keep her in one of those smelly dungeons without food or water for about three days while the people of the house would sit and mourn the death of her mother, she dreaded her birthday so much she started behaving very well during those days as she knew that her father would not mercy her as he would bring a of huge long whip and hit it on her several times until she lost conscious or begged her father to no end if she misbehaved. Her life was better when her mother was alive with only a few pot holes, her mother was a very kind and extremely beautiful lady, she was kind to others but not to her she treated her well but she treated like it was just a duty and not with love, whenever she was around her mother it was either her mother had a frown on her face or her face was kept normal, she never smiled in front of her but she did it to others. They only pothole in her life back then was her clumsy attitude and deficiency of not learning quickly but after her death that one pothole had turned to a billion of them and the just seem to multiply daily.

"Milady I'm done now you look really beautiful."

"Thank you" she said almost in a whisper. She stood up from the stool as the maid went to accompany her. Today was her half-sister's tea party and her father had told her to join them against her wish so as to know a few rich people which she didn't want to, she believed that the wealthy people around her were nothing less to her father as they would one day become rude and cruel to you when you were no longer of use to them. Her father was the great knight of their kingdom who held himself up with so much pride and he wanted connections with as many people as possible and he knew his two daughters was a way for him.

Soon they reached the end of the stairs to see her father who looked furious, Veronica stopped as she saw the anger in her father eyes burn.

"Come on" the maid urged with a pleading expression, she gulped down internally and continued her steps but unlike before it was slow and heavy.

"What kept you guys!" he screamed making her flinch as she hid behind the back of the maid who looked scared herself.

"Um…your grace I-"

"Forget it, it would only waste more time trying to find out foolish excuses from a stupid daughter like you," Veronica shivered as she felt her heart hallow but she already felt use to those insults, "Evelyn, your sister has already gone so you take the other carriage and go and please don't embarrass our honorable family.'' Her father said before leaving the room. Veronica entered the carriage and waved the maid goodbye as it was her first time of staying without her, she shifted to stay at the end of the sit as she looked outside the carriage through the window, and a few minutes later the carriage started moving and left the palace.

 When her mother had died, her father got married to another beautiful lady as ladies flocked around him like flies. Soon her new mother brought a little one or more like a little demon into her life, which kept on putting her into much trouble, her half-sister was better than her as she had blonde hair and a spotless shinning skin with a charming smile just like her mother. Soon the mother and daughter paired up and vowed to make her life a misery and she didn't know why her life had changed from bad to worst. After much suffering her father decided to get her a personal maid who would take care of her as he took her as a weight upon his shoulder, so he got a vampire who took care of her and she was the only vampire in their household and Veronica also dreaded them but soon she got accustomed with this one vampire and they became friends immediately, she felt even more relieved and closer to her when she found out that she didn't drink humans blood but animals blood.

 Soon the carriage stopped in front of a huge palace, but it was not bigger than her father's own, but it was much finer than his, as it caught her attention breaking her off her thoughts. Veronica propped herself as she took in a deep breath and stepped out of the carriage, she tucked her stomach in and raised her head high as it was something she wasn't used to. She took slow and heavy steps and with every click that came from her heels her anticipation grew bigger, and soon she reached the venue of the tea party. Everyone had already sat down to talk to one another as the drank their warm cup of tea, the atmosphere was nice and welcoming until she stepped in to have everyone look at her.

"Who invited her?" a lady who wore a green grown and a white hat on her hair that was tied into a messy bun asked.

"I did" everyone turned to face the person who talked, and it was Evelyn, "apologies for not telling you that I had a guest coming I hope you don't mind Lady Sebastia?" she asked with a warm smile on her face which Veronica knew that it was fake.

"No, I really don't mind, the much the merrier after all right?" Lady Sebastia spoke to have the ladies laugh. From the look of things Lady Sebastia seemed to be vampire as she was the only one who drank blood and had a pair of red eyes. And Veronica knew that her and Lady Sebastia would not be in good terms because of the hatred she had for those creatures.

"What are you still doing there please join us." Another lady with a red sparkling dress offered waking Veronica from her thoughts. Veronica walked round the table looking for a seat that was furthest away from her sister as she knew how much trouble she had gotten herself into by staying close to her. As she wanted to take a seat next to a woman who wore a sea blue fitted gown Evelyn called her,

"Hey! Veronica what are you doing sitting right there come and sit right next to me you know very well that you are a novice around these people so then stay with the person you know." Her sister offered with an evil smirk that came to form on her face, but it was immediately replaced with a pleasant smile. Veronica knew she could not reject her offer as it would be considered rude to the people around her and she knew what kind of trouble she would enter if she dared to reject, so like an obedient puppet she to sit next to her sister.

"Lady Eve what are to trying to insinuate that we are bad people, and we are going to harm your sister if she sits close us." The lady who wore the green gown spoke.

"No not at all lady Piper it's not my motive, I just love my sister so much and she is smitten by me that why, haven't you not heard about the little sister loving their older ones to no end" she asked to look around.

"Well, I have seen a few times when it comes to the situation of my cousins."

"Then that is just the same way I feel about my sister." She smiled and held Veronica by the hand, Veronica rolled her eyes as she knew what all her sister was doing was just a whole bluff and they were foolishly believing her.

"Apologies Lady Eve for the wrong thoughts I hope the problem is gone?" lady Piper asked.

"Was there any problem in the first place?" Evelyn asked as they all busted out laughing. It was Veronica who was stiff and did not understand the joke, Evelyn applied more pressure to her hand as a warning for her to laugh and Veronica brought out just a brief and awkward laughter.