
Peter Bruce

"Woah girl!"Peter said

Veronica walked straight to the dark sofa ,threw her hand bag on the coffee table ,removed the shoes and snatched the cigar away from Peter,puffed the smoke.into her and exhaled everything in the air.

"That son of a bitch is cheating on me with a whore"Veronica exclaimed

Peter shrugged his shoulders and stood up ,moved across the coffee table ,pulled Veronica near him ,kissed her aggressively,he then raised his hand and massaged her scalp ,unzipped her dress and unhooked her bra,bringing his lips to he breast ,he sucked it .

Veronica moaned uncontrollably when Peter's warm mouth touched her right nipple

Peter raised her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist ,they kissed each other passionately,Veronica moaned and bit Peter's lips to get access to every corner of his mouth.

Peter pulled away and gave her wet kissed on her neck planning to leave hickeys on her neck ,they moved to the bedroom to continue the activity.

Few hours later ,they were done with their"exercise", Veronica pulled the blanket to cover her breast with it ,she sat on the bed comfortably with her back leaning on the headboard.

"Ready for round three?" Peter asked

"No round three for you ,if I don't get what I want !"Veronica responded

"You know you can't resist my stamina right . So why are we not doing the amazing thing rather than talking about what you want?"Peter said to her

"It's what I want not want you want "she angrily said

"OK fine!,what do you want?"he asked

Veronica laughed wholeheartedly and said

"I want every information about Avery , Alex's new chick"

---------------Avery's apartment--------

It was Saturday ,Avery was peacefully sleeping on her bed when she heard a knock from her door followed by the door bell ringing,she ignored it the first time but the person kept doing the same thing,later her phone rang ,she moaned and groaned,searching for her phone on the night stand with her eyes closed ,found the phone and answered it with her eyes half closed

"What?"she said in a sleepy voice

"Don't what me.young lady ,I'm standing Infront of your apartment ringing and knocking for ages ,do you thick I'm a maniac to do this?"Suzzy asked

"Don't scold me baby,I'm tired and my whole body is in great pain,spare the scolding for next time"Avery pleaded

"Cut the crap girl and open up , before I get pissed off"Suzzy warned

Avery groaned and got out from her bed walked lazily to the door and opened it.

"Happy now?"she asked

Avery yawned as wide as she could,scratched her head and moved to the two seated couch