
The life

Samantha POV

I am Samantha hart ,am 21 years old and am the last born and only girl in my family I was born in two boys Henry and jack hart ,being born as the only girl in two boys they would always allow me to do any thing not that I wanted ,only my bothers would allow but also my dad Mike Hart except my mom Barb who wants me to marry a rich man which used to make us argue a lot since I didn't want to marry at my age.

Normally I love working at my dad's company and partying with my friends and mostly with my handsome boyfriend Logan who is a film actor we meet two years ago and ever since then we continued to hang out later on we became a couple we have been crazy with each other but we have never slept together for some reason .

I wake up so tried from the party that was wild as I got down stairs my mom started arguing with me " Sam what time did you reach home ? Mom can you just leave me alone please I gotten a big headache and I don't want to argue with you in this early morning " .Early morning? Samantha it's 11 o'clock it's almost lunch time and you call it morning. Samantha this is all the fault of that so called boyfriend of yours can't you see that ever since that Logan came into your life you changed you come later , Samantha you gotten stop this behavior, "whenever my mom starts saying that I just leave her talking to her self so I just got up got my yogurt that I was having and left her " Samantha,Samantha come back here shit .

My mom and I were not really like this it all we were so close to each other I used to do everything that she asked me but that changed when I started dating with Logan sowhen I presented her to Logan she wasn't happy at all since Logan was not her choice and Logan was just an actor not rich like us she wanted to be to find myself a rich man who will take care of me not an actor but that changed when I started being with Logan he shows me that loving myself was first than my mom's thought so I didn't do what she wanted so she keeps blaming Logan that he changed my mind.

Mike POV

I am looking at our financial bar God it's going down day by day I have asked for loans in banks can't ask for more I trying everything I can to go back like we was suddenly Henry walks in and says " Dad the shareholders just called an for emergency meeting about the company 's financial problem tomorrow dad want are we going to do ?" I don't know son the shareholders are trying to get me off the position as the chairman of the company. Reaching home I was I just even could eat with all the thoughts in my head ,in the morning I went in the emergency meeting everyone was I against me being the chairman "look you have destroyed this company " you don't deserve to the chairman of this company " look I know that you are upset with me and what is happening with the company look I am also sad with everything that is happening with our company and I really understand how you all are feeling but please give me a chance to solve all the problem please "just accept that you have failed us and this company just accept that you are a failure and allow me to buy the company says Johnson Mike you are a failure " enough look my dad deserve some respect Mr Johnson says Henry "jack added we all know that you want to buy our company but that does not mean that you can disrespect our father like that, boys please "please give me this month please give me a chance am begging you at least do it for all the years I as the chairman of this company they all looked at me and said "fine you have a month to solve this problem if you don't you will removed of your position of the chairman with no complaints okay as they all left I say down in my chair " dad thank God that they gave us a month but how are we going to solve the issues says Henry I looked at my two sons like they said I didn't know what do.