
The answer

Mike POV

After Zayed left he left me with the choice to choose between my position or my daughter I just didn't know what to do I sat in my chair touching my forehead not knowing so I left work at least to get some ideas reaching home I found barb eagerly waiting for what Zayed said telling her everything I was shocked to learn that it was an amazing idea "Mike this is great for you and for us and moreover for our daughter,"Have you gone mad?Are you thinking straight?, Mike come on this is great if we get Samantha and Nasser married it would be great Nasser is a great man , respected man, rich and well known ,"And married barb ,"Mike please he is perfect for our Samantha ,Mike let me first talk it with Sam

Barb POV

Knock, knock honey are you there ," yeah I am mom what do you want ,"Honey I want to talk to you something very important," aah okay what is it ," Samantha you see our company has been going through some financial trouble and you see your dad has been stressed about it not only that but the shareholders has given your dad one month to fix everything or they will remove him from being the chairman of the company,"What no we can't let that happen that's our company dad has worked so hard for that company ," Do you want to help your dad ?," of course I would do anything for dad ," Then get married to Nasser" what no Nasser no I can't marry him never mom I have a boyfriend Logan ," Samantha if you don't marry Nasser we will be bankrupt you better get that in your head Samantha.

Samantha POV

I just couldn't marry Nasser no way I had a boyfriend that I loved so much and he loved but if I don't than my family and I we will be bankrupt I just didn't know what to do not choose I was to choose between my family or my boyfriend so I went to my brother Jack who was more like my best friend,"Jack can I come in ,"Of course little sis what do you want ," aah Jack I have a question," Do you know what has been happening in the company about our financial situation?," Yes I know all about ," Ooh does Henry know too?," Yes he knows," ooh do I am the only one who never knew ?," Yes we didn't want to make you worried,"what but now I am ," No you don't have to be , " Samantha no don't stress yourself up will find a solution," But am the solution,"What are you taking about?,"Yes mom told that Zayed offered his help to dad but I must get married to his son Nasser who is married Jack what should I do ?," Sam I don't know do want your heart tells you to do because it's very complicated I can't tell you what to ," Thanks

I left my Jack 's room when I passed for the first time I saw my dad so stressed he was siting not knowing what to do , my dad's phone rang and I heard the bank call him " When are you going to pay us you keep saying am going to pay you but you don't ," please am going to just give me more time am begging you ," In my my dad has never begged anyone he has always healed his head up high I just left went to my room running and crying I thought hard about it remembering how the bank was telling my I just couldn't let my dad be humiliated more so I decided to and told it to my mom and dad that I have decided to marry Nasser to become his second wife my mom was very happy which didn't shock me so much ," Honey am very happy you have made me so happy ," Honey you don't have to do this Samantha I would have found something," No dad I am not going to allow you to be humiliated never you have worked so hard am not going to allow all your hard work fail when I can do something never dad so my dad called Zayed and said yes that the wedding was on