
Family or Career.

I came home with happiness drooling all over me. I have worked hard for 2 years to sign a contract with Elite, my career would boost up high after modeling for them. I sat on my couch and was about to call dad but instead he called me.

"Hello, dad, I was about to call you. Guess what?. I got a contract offer from 'Elite'." I almost shouted over the phone.

"Congratulations Eve, that's big news." Dad sounded excited too.

"Yeah, where is mum? I want to tell her." I asked.

"Eve, dear...Ummm, there's something I want to tell." Dad hesitated a bit.

My happiness started fading away slowly and fear took over.

"Is everything alright? Is mum alright?" I panicked.

"She's perfectly fine. It's about the business. I want you to come back home." Dad said with a bit sad tone.

"What happened?" I asked, with hundreds of doubts running in my mind.

"Nothing serious. I'll tell you everything once you come home."

"Now?" I asked hesitantly.

"I'm afraid so dear. I have booked the ticket for tomorrow night."

"Bu-" I stopped.

"Okkay" I ended the call.

I didn't object dad, because if it wasn't important he would never call me back.

'What could have gone wrong in the business that dad wants me back home this urgent.' Was all running in my mind.

I sighed and called Celine and told her that I'm going home. The next day I completed my daily work-out, did all my work, and started packing the bags.

You would never know how many clothes you have bought until you start packing them. These clothes are... endless. I completed packing from one wardrobe and the other popped up with even more clothes. I was packing when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I answered still folding my clothes.

I heard the door open and close in few seconds and felt another person's presence in my room. I inhaled deeply and smirked after realizing the perfume smell.

"Why are you being unusually silent?" I said without turning around and continuing my work.

"How did you know it was me?" a soft voice said followed by giggling and standing beside me.

I exclaimed and turned towards my side to speak.

"It's because you never change your Granny Smith apple fragrant Nina Ricci perfume." I smiled and turned back to continue my work.

"Such a sensitive nose." Celine scoffed.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because my best friend's leaving the country and I want to give a send-off." Celine sat on the bed in front of me and took one of my crop tops and started folding it.

I sighed in silence and didn't utter a word.

"Babe, why are you packing all of your clothes? It's not like you are leaving forever." Celine asked again.

"Don't ask me questions, Li. I'm pissed off, already." I tried so hard to make it sound as less rude as possible.

Celine kept the clothes aside, held my hand, and made me sit beside her on the bed.

"Babe... what happened?" She asked in a quiet tone.

I turned towards her with my face turning red from the anger I'm hiding inside.

"Now, I'm sure my babe's angry." She said after scanning my face.

"Dad wants me to move back to Manchester," I said with my face down.

"What do you mean by move back? Lyn, babe, you can't leave now. You were about to sign a contract with Elite." She said followed by a shocking expression on her face.

"I know. There's still a week for me to sign the contract, I'll try to come back by then." I replied still in dilemma.

"Whatever might be the work, try to finish up ASAP," Celine said keeping her hand on my shoulder.

"Okkay," I said with a small smile.

"That's the smile I always love. Let me help you with the packing." She said and helped me with the packing.

We completed packing around 5 or 6 in the evening and I went to take shower and got dressed up, till then Celine made dinner for us. We both had dinner and Celine dropped me at the airport in her car.

"Come back soon, Evelyn. I'll be waiting for you." Celine said while hugging me.

"Bye, Li," I said and took my boarding pass.

The flight landed at Manchester airport around 10 at night. I came out with my luggage when I saw our family butler Ralph, waiting for me.

"Welcome home, Madam." Ralph greeted with a flower bouquet.

"Well, well, well, it's been 2 years and you still didn't age, Ralph," I said with a big smile while taking the bouquet.

He smiled and took the luggage. We got into the car and were on our way home.

"Ralph, what happened to the business?" I asked, leaning forward.

"It's better if you listen to it in Master's words." He replied.

I leaned back texting Celine. We got home and the maid took my luggage to my room and I saw my parents. Mum greeted me with a hug.

"Take rest, dear. We'll talk tomorrow." Dad said.

I nodded my head and went into my room to sleep. The next morning, I was having breakfast with mum and dad when I saw the hesitation between them.

"So, what is it that you called me this urgent?" I sighed before speaking.

"Ummm, dear... we....." Dad hesitated.

"We arranged a marriage for you," Mum revealed the mystery.

"WHAT?" I asked giving shocked looks.

"There's a reason, dear." Mum tried to calm me.

"What is it?" I said trying to control my anger.

"The business's been running low and we are losing our clients. If this continues we will go bankrupt. So, we arranged your marriage with Mathew Harrison's son Adam Harrison" Dad said in a low tone.

"That doesn't make any sense. If you want to save the company, then merge the companies, not the lives." I hit my limits and my anger started showing out.

"To make it work and to restore our family names in the society we need you both to get married."

"You want your daughter to get married to a total stranger just because of society and family status?. Dad, do you know how ridiculous you sound." I said in a rude tone.

"Evelyn, watch your mouth," Mum said in an angry tone.

"Eve, you are our only daughter. We did think of it and Adam is the best man you can ever have. Think about it." Dad said in a low tone.

I went back into my room. If I have to get married then I have to leave my contract with Elite. My career will come to an end. I don't even know who that guy is and I really don't wanna take my time searching for him.

But if I decline then my family business will be doomed. All these questions were running in my mind. Even after all this thinking, in the end, one has to always choose their family than their own life.... well, I have to do the same. Anyway, family comes first.

I saw my parents' eagerness to listen to 'Yes' from me at the dining table.

"I agree," I said in a cold tone.

Mum and dad were so happy, I couldn't ask more. I was in my room and was about to call Celine and tell her about this whole madness when mum came in and sat beside me.

"Your dad told me about your contract. You seem dejected for losing it." She said in a quiet tone.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I know I had to lose the contract when I agreed." I said in a cold tone.

"Eve, we have to sacrifice one thing for the other, you won't regret marrying him, I promise. And for your modeling career, you can continue it with our company after your marriage." Mum tried to cheer up.

"Thanks, mum. I was about to ask you the same."

Mum smiled in return.

"Good night, Eve." Mum kissed my forehead before standing up.

"Good night, mum," I said and she left the room.

I slept with the thoughts of marriage and forgot to call Celine. The next day, we three were having breakfast when dad spoke.

"Eve, are you free today?"

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"You haven't met Adam, right. Why don't you meet for lunch today?. Mathew told me that Adam agreed to the marriage as soon as he heard about the proposal, he seems to like you a lot. I'll send you his picture." Dad suggested.

"Fine, no need for the pic," I said and went back to my room.

"I don't want to see that jerk," I said it like a whisper so no one can hear.

"You said something?" Mum asked.

"Nothing," I said looking at my food plate and pretending I didn't say anything.

I got ready for lunch. Dad booked a table for us at the restaurant and I asked Ralph to drive me there.

"Ralph, do you think, dad's idea of getting me married is good? And I don't think this Adam guy is a match," I asked.

"Of course, madam. Adam and Eve were made for each other." He replied.

"Aren't you being too Orthodox?" I asked with the slightest smile.

"But you both are quite a match. Trust me Master's decisions never go wrong." He replied with a smile.

I shook my head and didn't reply. He dropped me at the restaurant and drove off.

I went inside checking my phone and accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." I apologized and looked at that person's face only to get pissed off.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Was all that's left from my mouth.

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