
Beautiful setup

"Isn't that what you have always wanted? Didn't you always detest me? Didn't you want me to stay away from you? Right now when I'm doing that, why are not satisfied with it? Moreover, what do you mean by I don't talk to you like before? When have we ever had a proper conversation between us?" Her confusion was genuine about these things.

All this time, he always stayed away from his wife. Although he married her, but there was no interaction between the couple. 

Even after she took over this body, all he did was bicker with her. So, what is he talking about right now? Moreover, why won't he just go against his mother's words?

Yu Mei was curious about it. Be it the Jun Zixuan during the university times or the one standing in front of her, the man has changed a lot but one thing that never changed about him was that he was still that proud man. He had an arrogance that he seemed to be born with. The man would never bow to anyone.

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