

Christina in an unknown land with no father nor mother, she has nobody there and she needs a lot of help to get back at her step mother. Her step mother took everything away from her and she must have them back and have her revenge. And the only one that can help her have her revenge is an underworld king and she went to seek help from him. On the other hand Michael A.KA lord xanxus an underworld king a powerful and fearful monster. His parents made him the monster he become, xanxus was a sweet little boy until his parents left him in the street and he grow up in the street and become an king in it. He became powerful, fearful, and wealthy. An underworld king the master mind of evil an underworld controller the fear of all and an womanizer. And he can't take his eyes off women what will happen when beautiful christina came to him for help. And the only way he agreed to help him is to have her all to himself what will happen? Will christina agree to give herself away to the master of dark world or will xanxus agree to help her with her revenge plan or will things work out well for both of them. Find out in this adventure ride of revenge against love so many secrets to be unfold, don't miss out on this revenge fun. Go get your popcorn the fun flight is about to begin enjoy your wonderful trip to wonderland Time to take off Your captain captain Becky LOVE YOU'LL WITH ALL MY HEART HAVE FUN!!!

Becky_Moses_3266 · Teen
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8 Chs

you are getting married

Karla POV

As I walk out of the arrival center, there were so many car at the parking lot, so I was Scanning the area to see if I can see the driver my Dad sent to pick me up I know my luggage will never come pick me up. Behind a black SUV was standing Mr Carlos my Dad driver, he walk up to me and I greeted him.

Karla: Good day sir Carlos, it's been a while, how are you doing?

Carlos: I'm very okay young madam, you are all grown up now looking so beautiful and elegant.

Karla: please stop it, stop calling me young madam, you are like a father to me so you are not allowed to call me that ever.

Carlos: OK dear, let's get going your Dad is waiting for us.

He said as he load my luggages in the car and we drive off.

It took us two hours to get home, when we get home my Dad was sitting outside with my mum waiting for me.

Good day mum, Good day Dad, Good day they both answer, welcome daughter, how was your trip? My mum said. My Dad didn't alter a word to me, he just put his hand's in his pocket like he never Care, it was just my mum who care more about my feelings. Let's go inside I don't have much time I have a business meeting to attend in an hour time enough of the chat you Guy's can chat later, I'm going in karla see me in my study in five minutes, he said as he walk into the house. Am I suppose to feel bad ? The answer is yes but I'm not going to feel bad because he has always been like this so I'm use to it. Let me go and meet him before I face another feast of his anger.

Knock ! Knock!! Knock!!!, come in and I open the door of his study and went inside, my Dad was in a video call with one of his investors, five minutes later he was done with his meeting.

So why I called you back home like I told you the company is in a great mess, so you are getting married to keep our legacy alive said my Dad. What!!! Dad that's not possible I'm not getting married to anyone to boost your falling business. You are getting married and that's final there is nothing you can do about it , so get ready tomorrow you have a date with the young master of the Jackson family, you have no choice so made up your mind and be of your best behavior don't mess this up for me I work so hard to get this my Dad said. I was short of words and angry at the same time but I can't show it okay Dad copy I said, and one more thing go get yourself some new clothes, Carlos will take you for shopping tomorrow my Dad said. Okay Dad I will do as you said Dad I replied as I leave the study

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