

Christina in an unknown land with no father nor mother, she has nobody there and she needs a lot of help to get back at her step mother. Her step mother took everything away from her and she must have them back and have her revenge. And the only one that can help her have her revenge is an underworld king and she went to seek help from him. On the other hand Michael A.KA lord xanxus an underworld king a powerful and fearful monster. His parents made him the monster he become, xanxus was a sweet little boy until his parents left him in the street and he grow up in the street and become an king in it. He became powerful, fearful, and wealthy. An underworld king the master mind of evil an underworld controller the fear of all and an womanizer. And he can't take his eyes off women what will happen when beautiful christina came to him for help. And the only way he agreed to help him is to have her all to himself what will happen? Will christina agree to give herself away to the master of dark world or will xanxus agree to help her with her revenge plan or will things work out well for both of them. Find out in this adventure ride of revenge against love so many secrets to be unfold, don't miss out on this revenge fun. Go get your popcorn the fun flight is about to begin enjoy your wonderful trip to wonderland Time to take off Your captain captain Becky LOVE YOU'LL WITH ALL MY HEART HAVE FUN!!!

Becky_Moses_3266 · Teen
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Does my dream ever matter to you Dad?

Karla POV

My name is karla viceman.o . Jackson, I know this sounds crazy, but I'm 23 years old, I'm married and I'm expecting our first baby.

My dad, mr moses Richman is a business man who choose business over his own family I grow up hating my dad because he never paid any attention to me as a father. He sent me overseas to study and I just got back and he is forcing me to get marry someone I don't even know in the name of boosting his business. Sometimes I feel like my dad is so mean to me, I feel like I don't belong to his world even at that I still can't hate him I find myself loving him more, even with his bad attitude he is still my world best.

I never wanted to come back now even when I miss home, I don't want to be control by my dad. But now he want me to come back and take over the family business and get marry a man that will boost our family business, he has already arrange everything.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!

Karla: Hello! Good day Dad

Dad : Good day daughter

Karla: How are you doing Dad?

Dad : I'm fine, and you?

Karla: I'm cool, how's mummy?

Dad : she is fine, so when are you coming home?

Karla: Not anytime soon Dad

Dad : Why?

Karla: I can't tell you dad is personal

Dad : Really, I want you to come back home as soon as possible (ASAP) . I'm not getting any younger, and I want you to take over my legacy, the business need you so come back home with immediate effect.

Karla: But Dad you know I can't come back right now. I have my life to live here, my dreams and career to pursue, does my dream ever matter to you Dad? tell me, what's going to happen to all of that Dad?

Dad : I don't Care! None of those matter to me, my business need you now so you need to be here immediately , I want to see you home by weekend, I have already booked your flight for you, everything is ready for you to come back home, no more argument from you.

He shouted at me, with the tune of his voice I know he was super serious, no need for me to argue more with him so I just gave him the answer he wants to hear.

Karla: Okay Dad, I will be home by weekend as you wish, let me go and pack my thing's see you on...

He hang up the call against me before I finished talking, we didn't even say good bye! My Dad will never change, so I went upstairs to pack my luggages I have two days to pack out of here.

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