
chapter 61:

? ? Eve's POV

After we just had breakfast that morning;

? ? "Mark said my father hasn't been himself lately, he barely even go to his office too" Liam said.

?"Something worst? side effects?..oops! As a result of the whole issue"

? ?"Yeah. I think it's just regret and dejection. It's normal if he's truly sorry. Mark also said that he has been lamenting even after being told that he can go scort-free" Liam said.

? ? "Ohh" I mouthed. "I hope he'ld get over it soon"

? "I'm going there today to check up on him"

? ? "Can...can I come with you?" I asked him.

? "Uhm..."

? ?"He's obviously a changed person now, I'll go there as a visitor not his ex wife or something else" I told Liam.

?"You are not his ex wife" He touched my jaw.

? ? "Okay let's say.. I'm going there only because I would love to see Helen and Robert.."

? "Should I reintroduce you to my father as my girlfriend?"

? ? "Err..."

?"Are you ready?"

? ? "Don't you think it's still early to tell him?" I said.