
chapter 57:

? ? Liam's POV

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? ? After she picked up, a few things she might need, she bid Helen and Robert 'Bye'.. yet she assured them that she'll come visiting. I have never been comfortable with her living under my father's roof.

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? ? I drove to my place almost absentmindedly.. fresh tears clouded in my tears. Indeed blood is thicker than water. I didn't expect a single tear to drop from my eyes.

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?"I need to rest, you too; do" I said, to her when we arrived at my place.

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We just completed one phase out of three phases. The three phases are divorce/seperation phase, the threat/those videos and finally to tell him that I'm having an affair with Eve, and I possibly want to spend the rest of my life with her.

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? ? "I'm sorry"Eve said to me again, then wiped my tears with her cold palm.

" I'ld be fine" I told her then retired to my bedroom.

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? ? Eve's POV

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