
The Marriage Topic

"If he doesn't return any time soon, his position will have to be given to someone more capable and ready to work," Michael said, slamming his palms on the table. "Besides, I think it's part of my duty to ensure that all of our family businesses are maintaining the standard."

Eric made sure the coast was clear before putting a hand on the side of his lips to avoid anyone catching his words. "I guess he prefers you don't appear in front of him until you make a decision," he whispered to Mark.

"That was loud and clear," Mark said in return without minding that everyone would be able to hear him.

Seeing the attention that has now turned to them, Eric quickly straightened his back and let his cutlery clash on the white ceramic plate before him. He refused to be dragged into the mess.

"Michael," Old Mrs Wang fixed her gaze on her son. There was not a smile on her face, her kindness was gone. "Luxumoon was founded by me, therefore, it belongs to me. Every decision concerning it will be made by me. Focus on your company."

Watching his mother rebuke him in front of his sons, Michael felt his pride was pricked and refused to sit there any longer. He dropped his cutlery and wiped the corner of his lips before standing up.

"Goodbye, Mother," he said to the old lady before turning to his wife. He touched her shoulder before walking away, and without sparing any of his sons a glance.

As soon as he was gone, the two women at the table exhaled deeply.

"Finally, there is some peace," Eric uttered with sheer joy in his tone as he rubbed his palms together. Turning to his grandmother, he offered her a big smile. "Grandma, can you do this more often otherwise I would start skipping breakfast and dinner altogether just like Mark?"

The old lady smiled and offered a piece of advice. "Maybe next time, pretend as if he doesn't exist then he would stop talking."

"Wouldn't he flip the table over?" Mark almost scoffed but held back.

"None of my children or grandchildren was ever raised to do something like that. Don't pay much attention to your father, he would learn to vent his frustration in another way instead of venting it on you and depriving you of your peace," the old lady assured them.

Eric shrugged. "I don't care anymore. He only adores Chloe."

No one said another word until breakfast came to an end. The old lady didn't let her two grandsons leave immediately as she had something important to talk about, hence, they moved to one of the smallest sitting areas in the house to have tea that would aid in food digestion.

"Mark, I know you are not fond of this topic, but as your grandmother, it is my duty to be concerned," the only started with a worried gaze fixed on Mark.

Mark, already aware of what she wanted to talk about let out a deep sigh while shutting his eyes. He wasn't even up for that topic, and it was showing in his slagged sitting posture.

He was uncomfortable.

"I want you to forget about the past and move on," the old lady continued. "You are already past thirty, are you not considering marriage?"

Mark didn't immediately give a response. He first turned to meet that gaze that has been on him since the old lady mentioned the marriage topic. As soon as he hit gazes with Eric, the latter quickly averted his eyes and drank his tea in a rush.

Although he wasn't guilty of anything, he looked more like it.

"For now, I'm not. "Mark withdrew his gaze from his younger brother and shifted it to their grandmother. "It's hard to trust anyone. Also, I am not the only unmarried grandchild in this family, there are plenty of us.

"I know it's hard to trust anyone after what happened," the old lady agreed without doubt, but she also had some advice for him. "But do not give up because of one person. Some people are worth a shot. You shouldn't miss them just because you are coming from a place of hurt."

'People who are worth a shot.' Mark repeated those words in his head as he recalled that he had used those exact words on someone.

He remembered telling Eric that Elena was worth a shot, but it wasn't related to marriage since he didn't plan on doing that. At least, it was still not yet in the picture.

"I understand grandma, I will think about it," he replied. He wasn't going to think about any marriage as he agreed upon, he just wanted the conversation to end so he could leave, but it seemed like the women were not yet done with him.

"Do you need help finding some…" Mark did not allow his grandmother to finish her words before cutting her off. "No, I don't. When I want to get married, I will make the choice this time around."

He was already starting to get annoyed, but he didn't want to show it since he adored his old lady very much. He still wanted to keep the respect he had always shown to her.

Hearing that, his mother's interest was piqued, and she did not forget to add an important closure.

"If you find anyone, do not hesitate to inform us immediately so we can take up the rest," she said while offering him a polite smile. Unfortunately, her goodwill did not sit well with Mark who had his fists clenched.

"Really?" Mark looked unhappy while staring at his mother. "You are now finally permitting me to bring home any woman of my choice after letting me fall into a ditch and crawl back up by myself?"

"Mark," Rachel shook her head as the light in her eyes dimmed. "It was never my intention to…"

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" Mark said and quickly proceeded to swallow the tasteless tea in his cup.

Eric could feel the tension in the air. It was coming from his brother and he knew the reason. Thinking that it would be best for everyone if the conversation came to an end immediately, he rose to his feet.

"Mark, are we not going to check the properties anymore?" he asked while at the same time beckoning on him to follow him out.

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