
Chapter 6: Wedding II

The priest came and asked for the present emperor of Al-bayyt empire which was Emperor Yanis - Youssef - Hoover and the queen Basimah and he also asked of my mother and father which were King Edgar Allan Dan-heust and Queen Aadina Dan-heust.

After the formal introduction, he started the wedding rituals,he gave us both a bracelet to put round our arms, he held out my hands and fixed the bracelet around my arms and I also did the same.

The priest then started giving lectures on the importance of the bracelet,he said that the bracelet is to keep our special unbreakable bond together for ever and to protect each other from any form of danger.

The priest then gave him a golden red detached anklet to put around my feet , He stood up,knelt down and pulled up my dress then he put the anklet around my feet.

He started another lecture again on the anklet, he said that the anklet was a form of subdue respect from the wife to the husband, and he also said, that I should keep it on at all times. ok I replied.

Then he started, Do you Crowned prince Prince Xavier- Youssef - Hoover take Princess Adeeva Dan-heust as your lawful wedded wife in sickness and in health in fitness and in fat in riches and in rags,till death do you path,i do he replied,he then turned to me and said,Do you Princess Adeeva Dan-heust take Crowned Prince Xavier- Youssef - Hoover as your lawful wedded husband in sickness and in health in fitness and in fat in riches and in rags,till death do you path,huh I sighed in silence and later said i do.

Then he gave him the wedding chain to put around my neck and Xavier stood up and put the silver wedding chain around my neck, you are now lawful wedded the priest declared and ended the ceremony, everyone clapped and cheered while through flowers at us.

Then the celebration started, the music started playing and everyone started dancing.

She is really beautiful and I can't take my eyes off her Salim told his best friend,Fahd Your quite right about that sir , maybe you should go ask her for a dance sir, to get to know her better Fahd sir,hm let me go do that he said then left.

She was busy talking to someone when I held her waist and appeared in front of her, she seemed a little frightened by the way i held her waist,i smiled at her reaction,.

I heard her saying,we haven't even gotten married fully and he is already touching me such a pervert, and I laughed,then I asked her if she could dance with me and she said yes.

Then I held her hands and slowly wrapped my hands around her waist holding her closely to me and I could feel her moulds on my chest.