
Married Conditionally

"Umm...ji...." She shuttered. He looked up at his beauty, she was too naive for this cruel world.He just wanted to hide her in arms and never let her go.But, she was too stubborn. "Yes,Mrs.Aditya" "This...This...is office ,I will loose my jobs if...if... someone sees us like this,we are not married yet." My grip on her waist tightened.I pressed on to her and whispered into her ears "None can make you leave and you are my wife soon baby" She was too scared of him,his possessiveness.And his stubbornness...for god'ssake this is office and the CEO ,is arriving in like any minute and here he is caging me in my very own cabin.I don't even understand how he managed to get in here. "Please, the CEO will be arriving soon...I will loose my job" "You don't have to work baby" he whispered in to my ears seductively. "Please move, I love to work"I said pushing on his chest He didn't even budge "Then givmme a kiss" She was in horror. "I can't we are not yet married please" "Oh!my naive kitten ,you will death of me oneeday" he said and kissed her on her cheeks and was gone ,before she could open her eyes. Her assistant Riya ,screamed into her intercom "Mam he is here,the CEO" She hurriedly ran into washroom ,cursing her fate and was in horror looking at herself in the mirror ,she was a mess.She smoothered her shirt and hair, put on some lip balm .And when she was sure she looked presentable she walked out to recieve the CEO. "******************""**** He knows what he is doing She is too innocent to figure out He wants to keep her for himself She wants her identity This is the war of love. .. One always needs an identity....but he wants her to be his..she is a dreamer....he is practical....she loves everyone ...he only lover her. This is the story of two individuals

Sakhi_writes · Fantasy
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2 Chs



well I can't believe this is really happening, I am going to get married to my crush, that to an arranged marriage. Manoj , well he was my crush for 8 years. He was this typical good boy who was a total introvert, And good at everything. However, I never dared to approach him all these years. But, last January his parents approached my mom and asked for my hand, well my mom happily agreed with my consent. The problem was Manoj was soon leaving to the US , so they wanted to get us married as soon as possible and my marriage was fixed to February 14th, yes Valentine's day ...how romantic right? and our engagement is supposed to be on February 9th, which is in three days.

Manoj was my classmate when I was doing graduation, he topped everything so,, soon he got a great job and now I am gonna get married to him... I am excited.

I am Amaira Sharma, I am a computer science graduate and am currently working as chief executive manager for ADITYA group of industries. My father died due to Lymphoma when I was doing my graduation. And my mom Sarita is a homemaker and I have a cute little sister Varsha currently she is pursuing a degree in fashion, I love her a lot.

Now, I am currently on my way shopping for my wedding jewelry as there is not much time for marriage and there is my engagement in just three days, I am directly going to shopping mall from office, I have already informed mom to join me there.I have applied for leave for a week and my vacation starts from tomorrow, I couldn't let mom overwork herself over my marriage.she is the only person whom I love without end, and only person who loves me to infinity.

I was driving my car , when I came across a woman lying unconscious on ground and people were standing around her and to my surprise, some of them were taking videos.

"What happened Bhai sab?" I asked a man standing near the crowd.

"she met with an accident... it's hit and run" he answered

"then why aren't anyone taking her to hospital"

"you how it is, why roam around police, court and all that stuff, why take unwanted headache"

I was very angry about how people were these days, I called the emergency helpline and they arrived soon I went with her and filled in all the required details, I gave in all the details I know so far when police questioned about the accident.

"Mam, are you related to that women?" a nurse asked me


"she has got a severe head injury and we need to operate quickly or she would die out of blood loss, and it costs around 10 lakhs as it is major cerebral injury"

ten lakhs ...that is all my saving mom saved for my marriage, now what am I supposed to do? No Maira pay the fee ..nothing costs more than a life.

"ok.i will pay it in the cash counter and will be back soon" with that I ran to the billing counter of the hospital and paid the fee and handed it over to the nurse.

"well , the operation would take five hours "the nurse informed


I hope that women will be fine. I called my mom and informed her about the situation , thankfully I am really blessed to have my mom, who supports me in my every decision, she never questions my decisions and even now , she was ok with me spending 10 lakhs on a stranger....but the only problem is how would my in-laws take this.

my mom reached the hospital and I called Manoj to tell him about the current scenario....he arrived at the hospital with his parents..

"What did you say Amaira????????????, you have given up 10 lakhs for an unknown woman medical bill" he shouted everyone's attention turned towards us.

"umm...yes, please don't shout Manoj everyone is looking at us, try to understand Manoj please it was a life"

"It was your only saving for your marriage you fool, and that marriage of yours is in 10 freaking days amaira"

"well we can have a simple marriage Manoj , it's not a compulsion to have a grand marriage right," I argued

"I am sorry Amaira, my parents have grand expectations about this marriage, my mom insisted on asking dowry but I convinced saying that we would have a grand wedding ."

"But..but Manoj .." I pleaded

"I am sorry we can't get married Amaira, my parents were right about you, you are such an irresponsible brat Amaira, how can you spend ten lakhs without thinking"

I was on verge of crying on hearing his taunts,I never knew helping others can get you into troubles, I wouldn't have helped if it was any other situation but it was a life and I know how it feels like to lose a person you love because of poor medication, I had known how our lives were affected after my dads death . before I could answer to his taunts, my mom answered for me.

"Mr.Manoj Verma, you have no rights to talk about my daughter, and as of now I am happy to break my daughter's marriage with you, a fool who believes, money is superior to life and I challenge I would get the best suitor for my princess" with that she showed the way out.

They walked furiously out of hospital

"can't you people just mind your own business" my mom shouted at people staring at us with that everyone resumed their works.

It feels horrible to get ditched of your own marriage, before an hour I was so happy that I was getting married to my long-time crush but now I feel so depressed, how money can change things quickly...my mom consoled me , she gave me strength

"Ammu...he is a fool to lose a gem like you, you are one in million my child...don't worry your holidays for marriage won't go wasted we three shall go to rajasthan..your long time dream" she winked at me.

and we waited in the hospital lobby......

"she is out of danger" the nurse announced

The police traced out that she is from Mumbai,by her mobile, they informed me that the patient's son is on his way and would be here any time ...

''you can speak to her now, she wants to see the person who saved her"the nurse announced

i went inside the ICU where the women were resting on the bed

"umm...do you feel alright now" I questioned

"yes, beta ..thank for saving my life"

"no problem aunty, your son is on his way..he will be here soon to take care of you..i hope you get well soon... I will take my leave aunty for now..my sister will be waiting at home..i will visit you tomorrow " I said


with that, we left home


"Mr.Aditya its an emergency we got a call from Banglore police, it seems your mom met with an accident and been treated in local hospital" my secretary Maya whispered to me when I was in my board meeting

"I am sorry gentlemen I have an emergency to attend, we will continue this meeting when i am back" with that I left to Bangalore .... I was very much worried...

"Maya get the details of the accident" with that I called the police and inquired about my mom, it seems she is out of danger and some random girl has admitted her into the hospital and got her operated.i was very much relieved after hearing this news

My mom and dad are all I have and I love them to the moon and back. Dad was currently out of station, but he is on his way back after hearing about the accident I should really thank the girl who saved my mom

I am Sameer Aditya, son of Vinay and Latha Aditya, I am currently the CEO of the Aditya groups.

we quickly reached the hospital and asked Maya to enquire about the situation, while I directly went inside to meet my mom

"mom....this is why I ask you not to travel alone...what if something has happened to you how would have I lived.....what would I and dad do without you mom" I sobbed

"sam...everything is fine...see i am speaking and about the accident.. I don't really think it was an accident, and I am never leaving you guys"

"Sir, she needs rest" a nurse spoke

I immediately made calls and many of top-notch doctors in the city arrived to check over my mom and we shifted her to my hospital..and then dad arrived after dad came to check on mom .. I left to handle situations

"check on all the footages of the street mom met with an accident and call me if anything is suspicious" I ordered my chief security officer manit.with that I walked into the lobby where mom and dad were speaking.

I didn't find the girl who saved my mom in the hospital, so I called Maya

"Sir, about the girl she left few minutes before our arrival, apparently it is that she paid all her life long savings of 10 lakhs for mams operation and which led to breaking of the marriage which was about to happen in 10 days... it seems her fiance came to the hospital and made a huge drama..and she wasn't even aware of who mam was" with that Maya cut the call

For serious, people like this exist....she spent her life-time saving for mom

"mom seriously...people like that exist"

"what happened sam ?" dad questioned.

I narrated everything Maya has said

"We should thank her " dad said