
Married by Contract, Destined by Fate

"St... Stay away" Her voice trembled in fear as he leaned closer, invading her personal space. His palms were pressed against the wall, caging her in his embrace while her tiny fists were making futile attempts to push him back. "So, you want me to go out to satisfy my needs when I have a beautiful wife at home?" His thumb stroked her lips, his eyes fixated on them, unyielding and hungry. "But you made it clear that your heart belongs to someone else and our marriage is nothing but an agreement" her heart throbbed with pain as she thought about it. After the horrific and pitiful past, all she yearned was for a man who could understand and love her but destiny has bestowed her a devil for a husband. "That's true" he cocked his head "But we don't love every chic we fuck. Do we?" His callous words shattered Roseline's world. All she wanted was to cry on her fate! Her pain was evident through her eyes but this didn't stop him from having what he wanted! ~•~•~•~ In an unexpected twist of fate, Orphan Roseline finds herself in a contract marriage with a ruthless Billionaire, Vincenzo De Luca. On the first night, she gets to know that he has married her on purpose, and the doors to his heart are securely guarded. He has money, looks, and fame but not the love which she has craved her whole life. She has an infectious laugh, he never graced his lips with a smile. She follows her path, he demands unwavering obedience. She is sympathetic, he is cold-hearted. Their personalities are worlds apart, yet both harbor secrets concealed behind their respective facades. Will Roseline be able to make her space in his heart or would she be cast aside once his hidden purpose is fulfilled? ~•~•~•~•~ Warning : Story contains mature content, light BDSM and dominating ML.

dayyyyydreamerrr · Urban
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168 Chs

Married by Contract

Roseline's POV

It was sunset time, sunlight was casting warm hues across the area.

Colorful toys were scattered around the garden as children of various ages were engrossed in their games. Their laughter fills the air creating an atmosphere of innocent happiness.

My eyes moved toward the two kids who were engaged in an imaginative adventure with a toy pirate ship. They laugh as they mimic the sound of crashing waves and engage in a pretend sword fight, their young minds filled with wonder and imagination.

Nothing is new here, after taking an afternoon nap and completing their homework, kids play together. It must be another usual day for them but it doesn't know that havoc waiting for them.

Today is the day when the devil promised to ruin everything. As it is Sunday so Liam is also here. I have been spending time with kids to distract my mind and forget what he said but it seems impossible to me.

"Rose the stress is visible on your face. Don't worry so much. You will fall ill. Everything would be fine. We will surely find out some way" Liam tried to console me I told them everything and also about what he wanted from me in return for the safety of this orphanage. 

We moved away from the kids so that they couldn't overhear our conversation.

I haven't slept for the last two nights. The devil is haunting me. He has become my nightmare. I can't see these kids homeless neither I could fathom living with him. I hate rich people since childhood, they are the reason why I lost everything. I don't want his money or fame. I just want a simple life and a partner who could understand me and love me the way I am which I couldn't expect from this devil.

"Which way are you talking about Liam? Don't give false hope to anyone. You also know that we don't have anywhere to go" Emma spat venomously.

She was not like this but I am sure the situation had changed her. She couldn't bear the thought of children being homeless and her frustration is coming out on us.

Sister Mary was standing quietly as she had lost all her hopes. She is unable to see anything because neither she could see the building getting demolished or me marrying the person whom I despise.

"The only way out of this is Rose doing what he wants" she added.

"Have you gone mad Emma? Why do you want to ruin her life?" Liam said in a high tone.

"I am just being practical here" she retorted, rolling her eyes, folding her arms across her chest, and looking away.

"Let's get inside. The sun is setting. I don't think he is going to come today" Sister Mary finally spoke, sensing the rising tension in the air.

"He will!"

As soon as those words escaped my lips, the sound of roaring engines pierced the air, grabbing the attention of the children at play. Curiosity and confusion danced across their faces, while the four of us knew all too well who it was.

Our tormentor!

I stood up and walked towards the exit. We need to face whatever is going to happen. We can't run away from it. Liam, Emma, and Sister Mary followed me. Liam ordered the kitchen staff to keep the kids inside.

As expected the devil was standing beside a demolition bulldozer with its engine roaring, and exhaust fumes bellowing into the air. As usual, his face was stern and determined.

Liam immediately rushed to stand in between the bulldozer before it could touch the building.

"You can't do this! This is the house of many" he exclaimed.

The driver of the bulldozer peeks out from the vehicle's window, his face impassive.

"I am just doing my job. I would stop if the sir ask me" he stated.

My gaze remained fixed on the devil as he locked eyes with me. Tears welled up, pricking my eyes, as I witnessed my entire life teetering on the brink. Not a single tear had fallen since he entered my life, but now, the overwhelming sense of helplessness threatened to shatter me.

After losing my parents and going through years of hell, this orphanage became my life. I don't even use my surname, considering myself as the child of God. I thought God has done injustice to me in the past because he must have planned a beautiful future for me but everything seems false now.

Now I believe that God has written my destiny with a black pen and has filled my life only with darkness.

Now, I am sure that God has penned my destiny with the ink of darkness, filling my life with nothing but shadows.

"Did I ask you to stop?" He asked the driver who was still waiting for his response, his eyes still on me.

"No sir"

"So why did you stop? Start the bulldozer and don't care who comes in between!" He snarled.

"Ok sir"

The driver disappeared into the bulldozer and started the engine again. It was a little away from Liam. But this didn't scare Liam, he kept on standing at his point.

I knew Liam would give his life, and the devil wouldn't even flinch. He wielded so much power that if he could win the orphanage case in court, he could easily escape a murder charge as well.

"What the hell, Rose! Say something, do something! How could you let Liam die" Emma begged, her voice was breaking, and I could sense the tears streaming down her cheeks.

I heard a loud sob which came from the back and I was sure it was from sister Mary. I was trying hard to control my emotions, standing there like a living corpse.

"Liam move away!" Emma shouted when I didn't react or respond but Liam stayed at his place.

We were still staring into each other's eyes when I shouted,

"I am ready"

"STOP!" he thundered, and the bulldozer screeched to a sudden halt.

It was just a hair's breadth away from Liam, one more second, and he was gone!

Emma let out a deep breath while sister Mary gasped audibly.

"No! Rose! You are not going to do that!" Liam shouted from his spot.

I close my eyes for once making myself ready for what was coming next.

"No! Rose! Don't sacrifice yourself"

Liam's request didn't stop me from moving ahead. I know now there was no going back but we didn't have any other option either.

I am not sure why he wants to marry me when there are so many beautiful and rich girls out there who would be ready to do anything to marry him. He is a man who takes every step very calculatedly then why does he want to marry a person who he doesn't even know?

My heart broke with every hesitant step I took toward him. I am sure my face reflects a mix of fear, uncertainty, and a profound sense of remorse.

He claps twice as I reached him and a man came forward with the contract and a pen. He opened the contract and stand in front of me while Vincenzo looks at me, impatiently waiting for me to already sign the contract with his hands in his pocket.

"Rose, no!"

My head snapped back and I could see Liam was still begging me. The eyes of Emma and Sister Mary were filled with tears. The silence that followed the cessation of the bulldozer's engine allowed the sounds of children's laughter and giggles to fill the air. I again drew a deep breath and with shaky fingers took hold of the pen.

The man whom I assume is a lawyer, placed his finger on the spot where I was meant to sign.

I looked down to hide the tears that were now filled in my eyes. My blurry vision moved around the page but I couldn't read anything.

Resigned, I signed the contract and as I drew an underline, a lone tear escaped my eyes and dropped down on the page, straight directly beside my signature.


As if the pain in my eyes was not enough that he made it worse for my ear by saying,

"Congratulations, Mrs. Vincenzo De' Luca"


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ID - dayyyyydreamerrr