
Chapter- 9

The girl standing infront of me as my bride was none other than the girl who was stuck in my mind since I saw her and the girl I was trying so hard to forget. But she was too stubborn to leave my thoughts.

But the most important question here was what was she doing here and more importantly dressed as the bride. Because as far as I know, I was supposed to get married to Alison , so what was Sarah doing here in her place. And the most astonishing thing was uncle Edward was the one walking her down the aisle but I don't remember meeting her before that day at the beach. I knew uncle Edward had a daughter but I had no idea that Sarah was the one.

So to get rid of my confusion and to get answers to my questions I looked at my parents with a questioning look . They both looked quite guilty but at the same time they looked quite relieved and kind of excited and happy. There must be something wrong for them to look like this but since they were quiet and calm then they must be aware about the whole fiasco, so I decided to go with the flow and get married to Sarah because if I tried to do something now then everyone including the press would be suspicious and try to dig out some dirt out of this which will ruin our reputation and affect the business as well.

As soon as Sarah stood infront and me I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was looking so gorgeous a beautiful mixture of natural and serene just like an angel. When uncle Edward gave her hand to me he said, " Take care of her. Stay by her side and stand for her in her times of need just like she did for you."

"I will uncle Edward, I promise."

When he said this, I was sure that something was definitely wrong and that's why Sarah was standing infront of me as the bride but whatever it was I decided to ignore it for the time being and focus on the matter at hand. As I was still lost in thoughts, I felt someone squeeze my hand and heard the priest asking, " Do you Jason Flores take Sarah Smith as your lawfully wedded wife ?" I realised Sarah was squeezing my hand to urge me to give my answer, so I immediately said,"I do."

Then the priest asked Sarah,"Do you Sarah Smith take Jason Flores as your lawfully wedded husband?" But she didn't answer immediately and was quiet , so the priest asked her again and then she answered in a low voice,"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I kissed Sarah in the corner of her mouth in such a way that it looked like I kissed her but I didn't. After all it was just a business deal and a marriage of convenience but her soft plush pink lips were quite inviting and was tempting me alot to kiss the hell out of her but I can't and need to control myself because at the end of the day she was one of the gold-digging bitch other wise why would she agree to marry me at the last minute and on such a short notice. It is the matter of her whole her and doesn't even know me or anything about me. She must be doing it for money and fame. After all this is what they all do.

After the wedding Sarah and I went to change our dresses for the reception party in our respective room. While I was getting ready for the reception, I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door to see my parents standing there. I let them in and I knew that now I was going to get the answers to all my questions.

"So tell me mom and dad why did I got married to Sarah instead of Alison?"

"Why didn't you guys inform me and why was there a sudden change of brides."

"Son. What can we say? Alison ran away before the wedding. She said she would love to marry you but she cannot accept Nathan. She tried to accept him but it was very hard for her. She was not ready to be a Stepmom and can't destroy her career for a child that is not even her. She is a model and being a Stepmom can a setback for her career. Moreover she is not accustomed to living with a kid and Nathan lives with you. So she will not be able to adjust."

"Just what I thought. I knew she will back out. She was just a gold digger and was trying to get my money nothing more."

"Yes son. We know that and we realized our mistake. But don't worry now you got married to a wonderful girl. She will be a good wife to you and a great mother to Nathan. "

"You know she really loves kids and she is a padeatrician. She is such a beautiful girl just like her mother and such a pure soul. I really like her a lot."

"Mom we will see that. You guys liked Alison as well but see what she turned out to be. I will try to keep Nathan away from her as much as possible."

Then we all went outside to the reception party. I saw Nathan and Sarah sitting on the same table and talking with each other. They seem quite happy with each other. And seems to be good with kids. But still I need to be cautious. What if she is using Nathan to get to me and trap me. I need to be aware of her and also keep Nathan away from her.

After a while we were called to have our first dance. The dance was something else. It was really magical and at one point I got lost in her eyes. She was chocolate brown eyes which held a lot of emotions in them. It looks like behind her smile were hidden a lot of pain and the outer strength was just a facade. She was a very vulnerable and weak girl inside who has suffered a lot, experienced a lot. Someone who has a lot of desires and dreams unfulfilled. Someone who has a huge part of herself missing and someone who loves others, is kind and caring and someone who is honest but captivated and wants to be free.