
Married At Twenty

“I can’t get married to him “I cried telling my mum “You caused this diamond so you’ll have to fix it “mum replied me sarcastically without any emotion “I broke down crying realizing Am about to get married to someone who is 15 years older than me and the person I had hated growing up“What mess have i entangled myself in”I thought

Ola_Bi_Si · Teen
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12 Chs

Hot Mess

Diamond ?

The ray of the sun penetrating into my eyes woke me up,I opened my eyes and saw I slept on the floor and I was still in my last night dress ,I checked the clock and saw it was past seven.I hurriedly ran into the bathroom to take my bath coz I have to get to school by 8 o clock.After bathing I rumbled through my clothes and finally settled for a demin short and a crop top,I ran downstairs and my driver was already waiting for me.

I finally arrived at school but it was already past 8,I ran into the class hoping the teacher wasn't around yet but my luck failed me

"You're late again miss diamond "the teacher said while all the students gazed at me

"No ma'am,I woke up late,was stressed last night "I said but then suddenly I heard someone chuckle and it was no other person than Alexa (The girl always competing with me and hates me for no reason)

"Oh I heard last night was your birthday party so you must have drank a lot and maybe passed a night with a guy,so why won't you wake up late "she said mockingly while her two other friends Jennie and cherry laughed

I shot her a glaring look but I wouldn't waste my time dragging words with her

"Go and take your seat miss diamond and let's begin today class "the teacher told me

We started the class and soon enough we were done,Sarah came to meet me after class

"Are you okay "she asked me concerned

"I am and don't talk about last night "I cautioned her smiling a bit

"Okay I won't and that bitch Alexa she dared talk to my best friend like that ,I wanted to get up to hit her but I had to respect the teacher "she said to me angrily

"Relax,you know she doesn't get to me and she still can't take the fact I beat her at miss Los Angeles,so let her be" I said trying to comfort her

I looked around and I couldn't find him,His number wasn't going through and he hasn't been at school for over a week now,I couldn't help but feel sad and afraid coz I didn't know what happened

"I heard he won't be coming to school anytime soon and he might as well change school "Sarah said when she noticed me

"What,Who"I tried acting like I didn't know who she was talking about

"Stop it ,I know you're worried about Andrea "she replied me

I kept silent for some minutes before saying anything

"It's been over weeks he came to school and he didn't give me a call or text and now am tryna get to him his number isn't going through "I said almost crying

"I heard his parents split up and now he's with his dad and he won't let him attend school because he doesn't want his mum to see him "she explained

I stayed silent and didn't reply her

"Was Andrea going to leave me without a goodbye just like my brother Richard had left me "I thought

I met Andrea when I started schooling here and both of us had become close after he told me about his family,His dad has always physically abuse his mother and he grew up hating his father for that,He was never happy coz he never experienced love while growing up but when we met things changed and we started hanging out and he started being happy again,He had told me on Val that he had feelings for me and wanted me to be his girlfriend,I had replied him that night that I also liked him but I wasn't ready to have a boyfriend yet and he had promised to wait for me and now I might not see him again

I was still in my thoughts when Sarah told me my driver was around and she was following me ,we both headed to the car and boarded and few minutes later our car suddenly came to an halt

"What's wrong "I asked the driver curiously

"Ma'am it's the car infront of us,I think it ran a woman over "he replied me

I wined down the glass to check the scene infront of me and there was a woman probably in her 60's on the road with her leg bleeding,No one from the car came down but then suddenly the back seat door opened and a man came down,He was wearing a black suit and he's tall with a muscular body and it's no doubt he's completely handsome.He had an aura of power with the way he walked and I watched him walk to the woman who his car just hit

"What the heck "he said in a thick muscular voice the moment he got to the woman

"You should have come to beg me for money than you running into my car so I can give you money "he said despicably

The moment the woman tried talking

"You know you don't talk when am in front of you and you bow your head "he said with anger in his voice

He brought out a bundle of cash from his pocket and threw it to the woman's chest

"That's What you want right,take it and leave now before i make you pay "he said in an hoarse voice

The woman couldn't say anything and left the road crying

I couldn't take what just happened infront of me and made to open the door when Sarah who also witnessed the whole thing held back my hand

"You don't want to do this diamond "she said in a shaky voice

"Are you kidding me,didn't you just see what happened "I said withdrewing my hand from her and getting down from the car before she says anything

I walked up to the man and he was about entering his car when I got to him

"You know that woman is old to be your mother "I said angrily

He turned to look at me and his eyes scanned through me before speaking

"And you're who to tell me that "he asked his gaze still fixed on me

"You don't treat people like that even if you're in higher position than them "I said totally ignoring his question

"Baby girl am sure your mother is busy looking for you,leave me alone,I have important things to do "he said angrily shoving me away

I feel to the ground getting my hand bruised and I just couldn't take it anymore,I stood up from the floor and went to him then slapped him across the face

"You animal "I said slapping him again

He just stood there without doing anything but I could tell with the look on his face he could kill me then and there.Then suddenly he moved close to me and said

"Mark my words little tigeress,you're going to pay for this "He whisphered to me then he went into the car and drove off.i went back to my car and there was Sarah right beside the car and I couldn't explain the look on her face

"What have you done,what have you done "she yelled at me

"I only put that man in his place "I replied suprised by her behavior

"Did you know who that man is "she asked worriedly

"No I don't and I don't want to know "I answered

"Bet you would want to know who he is coz you're in a real mess now,That's Miguel Gomez "she said

I couldn't believe my that the man I just slapped was Miguel Gomez,I felt upset and scared at the same time coz the one person I ever wanted to make pay was infront of me and all I could give him was just a fact and my mind couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I was now in a lot of trouble .We went to drop Sarah off at her place and she had told me to keep calm that everything was going to be alright but I knew that was a lie .We finally arrived home and I was walking to my room when I heard a voice behind me

"Ma'am you're back,should I set the table for your lunch "Beatrice asked me smiling

"No am okay "I replied gently

"Only if she knew what I just did "I thought

"Ok ma'am "she replied

"Is mum around "I asked her curiously

"No ma'am she told me to inform you that she and your dad had to go somewhere and they would be back in the morning "she answered me

"Okay thanks,I would be going into my room now "I told her

I got into my room and my phone beeped,I picked it to check what it was and it was a message from Sarah


I instantly went into my instagram account and there was the video of me slapping Miguel

"What!!,How did this video got taken "I thought nervously

I just couldn't believe it right now,the video is everywhere and am sure mum and dad are definitely going to see it

"What would I do now "I thought out aloud


Miguel pov

I paced to and fro in my office angrily,That little scum had the audacity to hit me on my face,I would surely make her pay.My pa suddenly entered the office with a phone in is hand

"Sir,you need to see this "He said the moment he got to my front

I collected the phone from him and checked what was in it and it was a video of that girl slapping me,I felt my blood heat up and I couldn't hold my anger anymore

"WHO IS SHE "I yelled angrily

He was taken aback with my rage but he answered anyways not to upset me

"She's diamond silvester the daughter of Alicia and Robert silvester "he replied with a shaky voice

I couldn't help but smile after hearing what he said

"Wow what a coincidence "I said smiling evilly

"Send a message to Robert am withdrawing all my shares from his company "I added storming out of the office

I have had to work for years to make this name and reputation for myself.My growing up wasn't easy my dad took all of my mother property and sent the both of us out and him marrying another woman.I was just a little boy then and my mum has to work hard just to send me to school but not long my mum also die and I was the only one left.I had to do different kinds of work and when I finally made it the first thing I did was collecting my mums property from my dad leaving him penniless and sent him packing with his new family.I had worked out to gain the respect people gave me and I wasn't going to loose it because of any girl,She's definitely going to pay


Diamond pov

It was finally morning and I couldn't sleep all night long,I knew things wasn't definitely going to be good,I waited patiently for my parents to arrive and not long I heard their car pullover outside.

I heard a knock on my door and went to open it

"Ma'am your parents want you in their room "Beatrice informed me the minute I opened the door

"Ok "I replied I ,closing the door behind me and heading for their room,I finally got to their room and I knocked on the door,waiting for their reply before entering

"Come in"I heard my mum said from inside

I went in and I could see my dad seated on the bed with his hand on his forehead and a finger tapping his head and my mum was walking around nervously with a newspaper in her hands.My mum moved closer to me once she noticed my presence

"What have you done diamond "she yelled at me slapping me on my face

"Just take a look at this "she said turning the front of the newspaper to me

And there in front of the paper was a picture of I and Miguel with a caption "FAMOUS YOUNG MODEL DIAMOND SILVESTER WAS SPOTTED SLAPPING THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS TYCOON MIGUEL GOMEZ "it said

"Mum I can explain,it's not how you think it"I said crying

"Just shut up,what would your explanation do now "she asked me angrily

"Alicia would you just let her explain herself "my dad said silencing my mum

After my mum stopped talking,I explained how everything happened and the moment I finished

"So you're now a social welfare worker,helping the poor "she said

"Am sorry " I said sincerely

"Because of you Miguel is withdrewing all of his shares from your dad company and you know what that means "She said crying

"Will you just stop it ,have arranged a meeting with him this afternoon,Am sure he would change his mind and please stop blaming diamond she did the right thing "my dad said trying to support me

"What if he doesn't,you know how powerful he is,no one would want to get any share in your company and that means the end "she said with fright in her voice

She turned and looked at me

"Just pray the meeting goes well,or else you're facing this yourself,no one is sharing it with you coz you caused all this "she said angrily

"Will you just leave "she added yelling angrily