
Married At Twenty

“I can’t get married to him “I cried telling my mum “You caused this diamond so you’ll have to fix it “mum replied me sarcastically without any emotion “I broke down crying realizing Am about to get married to someone who is 15 years older than me and the person I had hated growing up“What mess have i entangled myself in”I thought

Ola_Bi_Si · Teen
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12 Chs

Have To hide the truth

Diamond pov

"Andrea "I said shockingly not knowing how loud I was

"Miguel turned back looking at me shocked by my expression "

"Am just Suprise to see him here "I said nervously when I noticed Miguel look

"And you two know each other then "Miguel questioned

"Yes,we attend the same school "Andrea cut in before I could reply

"I hurriedly stood up from the couch,standing next to Miguel "

"We're not close,we hardly even talk "I said

"She's right,we hardly even talk "Andrea said stressing the last words and staring at me intensely

"Well andrea is the son of my mum best friend and he would be staying with us from today,I hope you make him feel at home "Miguel said to me

"Sure I will "I replied nervously

"I have to go get ready for work,so diamond will you show him to his room "Miguel said to me then hugging Andrea once again before heading to the room

"Why should I"I thought to myself

"I stood in the position i was without looking up at Andrea "

"What should i say to him "I thought inwardly

"I noticed Jessica one of the maids passing by then I called onto her "

"Yes ma'am "she said to me

"Will you please take him to his room "I told her,then hurriedly left but I could feel Andrea gaze following me till I left his sight

"Miguel has left for work and I couldn't go out of the room,i was afraid of running into Andrea "

"I really have to talk to him,Miguel shouldn't know about us "I thought

"I heard a knock on the door which made me more scared "

"Is it Andrea "I blurted out before going to open the door

"You have a visitor ma'am "the maid at the door said to me

"Visitor"I replied surprised coz i wasn't expecting anyone

"I headed to the sitting room wondering who it could be but a smile crept on my face the moment i saw who it was "

"Sarah "i said loudly running to hug her

"Where have you been all this while,I miss you so much "I said to her hugging her tightly

"Geez,am running out of breath diamond "she said jokingly

"Am sorry you know,I just have to rush down to see you the minute I arrived after hearing everything that happened "she said engulfing from the hug

"You travelled "I asked suprised pulling her to one of the couch to sit

"Yes I did,grandma wasn't feeling well and you know how those old people behave she wasn't ready to come to our place,so I and mum had to go over to her place,There wasn't any reception there that's why I couldn't get to you "she explained

"It's okay,am glad you're back now "i said to her happily

"She scanned me with her eyes before talking "

"You seem fine than the way I thought you would be "she said curiously

"Hope the little tigeress isn't loving the monster den now "she said teasingly

"Stop it,you know none of that isn't going to happen "Her replied her

"She was about to talk back when Andrea passed us by going out "

"Hi Sarah "he said going out of the house without hearing Sarah reply

"Wassup Andrea "she replied

"Wait,Andrea "Sarah questioned curiously this time

"What the heck is he doing here "Sarah questioned once again

"Shhh,will you lower your voice "I told her cautiously

"After which I explained everything to her "

"So you're gonna live with your boyfriend and husband "Sarah said to me

"My ex,not boyfriend "I corrected her

"You never broke up with him before marrying Miguel "she told me making me realize the hot mess I am in

"I just hope Miguel doesn't find out "I told her

"You cheated on Andrea with Miguel,you should know that diamond "Sarah said jokingly

"You're not helping the situation Sarah "I said to her

"Sarah stayed over with we till evening and before leaving she asked me to talk with Andrea so as to settle everything,

It was getting dark and Miguel wasn't back from work yet ,

I had call my dad to check on him and he was sounding a lot better ,

I walked over to the balcony to get some fresh air,I haven't heard of Andrea since he went out this afternoon so I knew I wasn't going to run into him "

"I looked up at the sky and this time everywhere was already dark"

"Why do I keep facing all this problems "i said to myself

"I was still deep in my thought when I felt a hand around my waist "

"Andrea "I said softly when I turned to the person

"He stood there quietly looking at me then he drew me closer to him giving me a kiss "