
Chapter 8 To share his bed

"You spoke to my parents," she started the topic and he nodded his head.

"Yes. About the marriage proposal," he confirmed.

"But, you know that I have just been divorced three days ago," she stated.

"I know. Forgive me if I rushed you into this," he said apologetically. "What I don't understand is why you chose me of all people. There are far better options," she went straight to the point.

He wondered what he was supposed to tell her. That he chose her because he loved her? That he chose her because she was not an option, but a priority and if its not her then it's not anyone else.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to dodge her question by saying,"I understand if you are not ready for another marriage. We can take some time to know each other if it will make you comfortable." "No! Let's get married!" she immediately exclaimed. She knew that if she told her mother anything else other than the wedding date, she would kill her.

Zhang Yu felt his heart pounding in his chest out of excitement.

"Are you sure about it? There's no rush. I can wait until you get comfortable with me," he said even though he wished that she couldn't change her decision.

"I'm sure. Let's get married," she said and he nodded.

"Uh, when would you like us to get married? And what type of wedding do you want?" he asked.

"Let's just register our marriage If you don't mind. I don't care about the date."

"Alright then. What do you think about Monday?" asked Zhang Yu. "Monday? You mean this coming Monday?" she asked, because the day today was Friday. "It is fine if you think that it's so soon. We can postp- " "No. Let's do it this Monday," she replied. "Are you sure?" he asked and she nodded. There was no reason in delaying the inevitable.

On leaving the cafeteria, the two walked together besides each other in silence. When he saw her fetch her phone from her handbag, he said,"Ms Yan Mei, allow me drop you off at your place." "Thank you Mr Zhang but it won't be necessary. I will take a cab," she said. Frowning, he said,"Why do you take a cab when the car is here. Please, let me drop you."

She smiled politely and said," Thanks for the concern really. But I will be fine."

Disappointed, he released a sigh and said," Alright. Let me at least wait here until you get a cab." "Okay," she nodded her head.

She needed time to convince her mind that she was getting married again.

They stood in silence as they waited for the cab to arrive. Looking at her from the corner of his eyes, he wondered if she was feeling cold given that her dress was short sleeved. But before he could ask her, she said," There it is." He looked ahead to see the car that came to park in front of them.

She then turned to him and said," I will leave now Mr Zhang."

Nodding, he said," Have a good night."

"Have a good night too Mr Zhang," she replied and opened the door before getting in the back seat and in no time, the car drove away.


Coming out of the bathroom, Zhang Yu wiped his hair with a towel as he walked to the closet. He then changed into his PJs and walked to sit on his bed. Two days for Monday to arrive, he thought. From then, he was going to share his bed with her and wake up to her face every morning.

He stretched his hand to get his phone from the bedside table. Going through it, he came across her contact and paused, looking at it. Should he give her a call? But won't she ask where he got her number?

Coming up with an idea, he decided to call her.

After a series of ringing, she picked it up.

"Hello?" she called. "Hey, this is Zhang Yu," he spoke calmly. "Oh, Mr Zhang Yu, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. How did you get my number?" "I called at your parents' and they gave it to me," he replied.

"Oh," she said realizing how stupid she was not realizing it. "Uh, did you want to say something?" she asked after much silence.

"I just wanted to know if you reached safely," he came up with an excuse.

"Yes I did. Thanks for the concern."

"You don't have to thank me as it is my responsibility. Remember that we are soon getting married," he said and she didn't reply to that. "Alright since you arrived safely then, I will hang up," he said. "Okay. Have a good night." "Sleep well too. See you on Monday," he said and getting no reply, he hung up.

The next day, Yan Mei was laying on the couch it being a weekend. She stared at the ceiling as she thought about the day after tomorrow. She was not ready at all. But thinking about it, she realized that this marriage might be easier because there were no emotions involved. She believed that neither one of them had feelings for the other and therefore, none will be affected by the other's actions.

Even though Zhang Yu didn't tell why he had chosen her, she believed that the reason was business related and there's no way someone like him could have picked interest in her.

Getting her phone, she found herself going to Weibo and she ended up visiting Wang Lu's page. She had thought that he had blocked her by now but he hadn't. She found that he had just dropped a post a few minutes ago where he was announcing his upcoming engagement party to Wan Jia. Going through the comments, many were congratulating him while some criticised him as he had just gotten a divorce.

Not enjoying what she was seeing, she left Weibo and dropped the phone.

She didn't get an opportunity to drown in thoughts as she heard a knock on the door.