
Chapter 6 Let her slip away

After learning about the untimely death of his step mother, Zhang Yu cursed as he had no option but to fly to Japan so he could meet his devastated father and young sister.

It took him a full month to settle everything in Japan and it's when he returned to China but not once did he stop thinking about Yan Mei and he couldn't wait to see her again.

The moment he returned, he gave his PA her name and description and then instructed him to find her.

But things didn't go as expected when he received the most devastating news of his life. Yan Mei had gotten married a week after he had left for Japan. He couldn't believe that he had lost the only woman he had ever picked interest in.

A number of ideas crossed Zhang Yu's mind at that time. He thought of breaking the marriage with his influence in the business world but he decided not to when he recalled her telling him that the man was the love of her life. If he did that and she found out in the future, she might hate him and he didn't want that.

Left with no option, he turned into her stalker, following her to every public place she went to but he always made sure that she didn't notice it, and he only watched her from the shadows. It was from there when he realized that she was unhappy and he assumed that it might be because her husband was not treating her right.

Slowly, he fell in love with her but he didn't cross the line though. He just watched hopelessly with a broken heart, waiting to see how things would go.

Back to present...

Now that she was finally divorced, he was not going to let her slip away like last time.

He looked for her photograph from the drawers and he took time looking at it, before tracing his fingers around her face and he mumbled," You are going to be mine."


Three days later, Yan Mei made up her mind and she decided to leave the house because it was not doing her any good.

When she got done with packing her stuff, she dragged the suitcases with her downstairs where she found the housekeeper. "Ma'am, you are leaving too?" asked the woman, surprised.

"Yes," she replied shortly. "Why? Did the young master ask you to leave the house?" she further inquired. "No I decided it," she replied before adding,"You don't have to worry about your job. I will recommend you to people who might hire you," she said standing besides her suitcases. "You don't have to worry about me Ma'am. I know that you have your own issues right now," she said, well knowing that she must be sad after separating with her husband. She saw and knew how much she loved him.

Yan Mei went to Zhen Jie's apartment where she was going to stay for a while until she gets her own place.

Having a seat on the couch, she leaned her back and closed her eyes. She just lost the man she loves, her marriage and the company was a mess right now. Everything she worked for was going down the drain. She exhaled through her lips and she got up to go to the bedroom. But before she could leave, her phone rang and she fetched it from her handbag to see that it was her secretary calling.

Picking it, she was informed that Wang Lu had withdrawn from funding their project. As expected, she thought.

After hanging up, she sat back on the couch with a number of thoughts crossing her mind.

All the share holders had been informed, and she knew that her mother must be furious right now. Just then, her phone rang and she saw that it was none other than her mother calling. Speaking of the devil, she thought before taking a deep breath and picked up.

"Yan Mei," she heard her call, much calmer than she had expected. "Mother." "I want you to come over at the house," informed Ms Yan. "Uh...today?" she asked. "Of course. I will be waiting for you," she said before hanging up.

Yan Mei was surprised. She was not scolded as she had expected. Perhaps she intended to do it in person when she gets home, she thought.

After taking a shower and changing into fresh clothes, she called her friends and told them not to come over as she was heading to her parents' house.

Parking in front of the Yan ancestral house, Yan Mei took a deep breath. Most of the time when she was called over, things did not go so well. Seeing her young brother's car, she wondered what he was doing here.

Yan Mei caught sight of the three sitting in the living room and the moment her mother saw her, she stood up and walked towards her.

"MeiMei are you alright? Let me hope you are not so stressed about the news at the company," she said and Yan Mei looked at her suspiciously.

Her mother was never this nice, unless she wanted to ask for something. What could it be this time? "No. I expected it to happen," she replied calmly.

"Alright then. Come and have a seat," she said and Yan Mei walked forward. She sat besides her brother Yan Peng who smiled at her and she returned it briefly.

Her mother sat besides their father and she started," Alright, since we are all here, then let me start. Earlier, we got scared when Wang Lu withdrew from the funding of our company's project but we are so happy to say that we got a solution. In fact, the offer is much worthy than what we lost."

Confused, Yan Peng asked," What is that?"

"A marriage proposal," she stated and both the siblings' eyebrows rose in question.

"I don't think am following," he added.

"Alright I will elaborate more. Very early in the morning, we received an important phonecall. Mr Zhang Yu, the CEO of the mighty Zhang group wants to marry our Yan Mei," she announced happily.