
You are marrying him!

Xiaozia was totally clueless as she was forced to look at the one of most gorgeous man she met, who had pinned her against the wall.

But His wolfish grin took the icing on the cake. And from the way his eyes glinted with he knows what effect he had on people, and made no effort to hide it.

His tall figure was all towered over me, but he leaned in until our faces were just inches apart.

As if by instinct, he gave me a once - over, before settling on my lips. lingering.

Damm it! He had me trapped like her prey, but instead of flight, my whole body was tingling with excitement. The betrayal!.

His warmth, his scent...I didn't understand but I felt safe. No! I should refuse to fall for all his charm.

Then she used some strength and kicked on the lower part of his leg to throw him away for her.

" ouch! are you crazy? what the hell are you doing?" he made a some distance from her and massage the part where he got hurt

" I think I should be the one asking this! you are the one who pinned me against the wall? I just came here to have dinner with my family not for anything else!" she folded her hands and shouted on him

" Wait! does this mean you're Tang xiaozia? This is interesting turn of events..." and looked at her surprisingly and thought about something " look, I know you don't know me, but..."

xiaozia stayed calm and just listened him " I think you should prepare yourself, my secretary told me that something big is going down which can drastically affect both of us".

" What the hell are you talking about?" she asked him

" There are some sinister schemes were going on downstairs and I'm afraid we could get caught in a crossfire, why don't you go with me for moonlit walk in a garden, I can explain you!"

'what a moonlit walk with such a handsome man it would be totally awesome but wait I can't go with anyone like this doesn't matter how much he is handsome, but what if whatever he is saying could be right too, but your own parents can't plan something bad for their own child, and I would be more safe to stay with my parents '.

" why the hell should I believe you? and go with you?" she looked into his wolfish eyes and asked him

" Trust me, I will keep you safe!"

" I don't need someone like you to keep me safe!"

" Then It's your loss, don't blame me later!" he coldly said this to her with no feelings .

And when both of them are talking to each other like this, only then their parents come there, And both of them fall silent.

" HongYi! my boy here you are!" and laughed a bit " oh! I see you've already met the lovely xiaozia" Mr. Wang li

" Xiaozia! this is li HongYi!" Mr.Tang made a formal introduction of hers to him and then he looked both of them and with a big smile on his face he said " Dear! You're marrying him".