
Marriage With My Ex Fiance

"We shouldn't Share the same room" "We are married" "But it's a contract marriage" "And there is no rule" Laura and Chris had an arranged marriage since little but Laura wasn't in support of her mother's idea to marry a poor man and got herself a boyfriend. Her father's betrayal and her mother's going into coma made matters worse and she break things off totally between the two family. Chris left the country devastated and came back years later as a very rich billionaire while Laura's company was in deep trouble and about to lose it to her stepbrother and needed his help badly. Chris agreed to help only if she fulfil their marriage agreement years back and the two found themselves in a contract marriage till the end of the project.

jayeobakehinde123 · Urban
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59 Chs

Chapter 15

Chris wanted to avoid Mira but it was too late and she already spot him from afar and started walking to meet him. He has tried to avoid her as much as possible but she is just persistence, he knows both her plan and his mum's is to use her presence in his house to send Laura out but that will never work.

He hates girls who are clinging and throw themself at a man like her, forbidding her from coming to his company was a wise decision to make or he would have to deal with her at work also although he is quite surprised that she actually listened to him

When he left years back, he met Mira in the first three months and his arrival and since then she is always around him like a fly and no matter how he tell her off she never yield to his words also getting support from his uncle and everyone who think he should use her to get their family to associate with hers.

"are you trying to sneak into the house?" Mira queried happy to see him but at the same time surprised that he's truly avoiding her

"no am not, I just want to take one or two things then go back" he answered and straighten up

"you must be very busy at the office, do you want me to help?" she asked concerned

"no, just go back to your family and help your dad with his business" he declined

"dad wants me to bring my husband back home with me, so I cant go alone" she said acting melancholy moving closer to him and placing her hand on his shoulders

Chris sighed, he doesn't want to reject her rudely or do anything to make her leave in anger because then the business deal between their companies will be broken and he wouldn't have anything to use in exchange for transferring the project to Laura's company

"suit yourself" he murmured and walk pass her to go to his room, Mira pull him back and suddenly hugged him

"what are you doing?" he asked trying to push her away but she held on tightly

"cant you tell me how long your contract with her is so I can know till when I will have to wait for you" she said in a low voice that makes it sound like she was pleading

"i don't love you" he blurted out instead and finally pull her away from himself

"and also, don't pull stunt like this ever again I don't want to do anything…" he was scolding when he sighted Laura standing on the stairs and looking at the both of them

"hey" he managed to say and walk up to her leaving Mira behind

"hey? Is that how you greet your wife?" Laura replied and continued down the stairs towards him

"i didn't know you are home" he said again

"maybe I should come home more often, seeing how pleasant and happy you look to see me" she replied again sarcastically and went past him instead to the kitchen to get some water

Chris was puzzled at her statement but shrugged and went to his room to freshen up before coming down minutes later, he entered the kitchen and saw both Laura and Mira cooking. Checking the food it turns out they are cooking the same thing, he walk away from the both of them and took some bread and jam with some milk

"no, no, no drop that I made breakfast for the both of us already" Mira snapped as she snatch the bread and jam out of his hand then place them back.

"look, I made something very easy to digest and delicious" she dragged him out to the dinning without him protesting and pull him to a chair

"sit down and I will serve breakfast in few seconds" she said excited and hurried back to the kitchen then came back with the food for the both of them in less than one minute.

She placed the served food in front of him and settle down beside him while Laura who has been ignoring all she's doing also came out of the kitchen and sat in front of them

Chris looked at her and stare at the food in front of him feeling reluctant to eat it, he hesitated before picking his spoon to eat the food while Mira will not stop talking and even offered to feed him

"stop, I will eat myself" he cautioned and start eating the food slowly

"Chris, do you remember when we both went together on a trip for the first time and I cooked, it was so bad" Mira commented

"hmm" Chris simply replied

"seeing how you couldn't eat till the next morning made me feel so sad, that's why I learned to cook after we came back" she continued happily

"hmmm I know" Chris replied shortly again

Laura scoffed silently hearing her words, she feels like shutting her up and stuffing some food in her mouth to stop her from saying anything else, for Christ sake this is dinning table not chatting room

She hissed again when Mira continue to talk abut some of their past memories together in the state and Chris also keep nodding and agreeing with her every words

Mira was silent for a few second smiling to herself as if she just remembered an embarrassing thing and blushed holding her face

"then, do you also remember the night we slept together" she blurt out grinning

Laura choke on her food and coughed, Chris who appears to be paying attention to Mira but he is not, he quickly took a glass of water and pass it across to her looking a bit worried

"did you choke on the food?" he asked concerned which annoyed Mira, she has been talking to him since and the only answer he gave to her was a nod or simply yes but not with her

"take it easy, the food is not running away" she said to Laura trying to keep a smiling face. She had said that on purpose to provoke her seeing that her other words didn't have any effect

"Chris, am almost done with my food and…" Chris interrupted her

"we didn't sleep together, we slept in the same room with your friend and she is the one who hugged you to sleep throughout the night not me" he told her sternly and continue to eat but she still dint give up and continue to talk and talk

Laura continue to ignore them focusing on her meal and was soon done with eating, she was about to stand up and leave when she heard Mira call her name and stopped

"Laura, you remember your words last night right? You are not going to go back on them?" Mira questioned holding on to Chris arm and she made a face like that of an innocent eighteen year old girl who might soon be wronged.

"which word are you referring to?" Laura queried back but Mira turned to Chris instead

"Chris, you know I talked with Laura about you and she said I should do whatever I want with you, she is not bothered by our relationship at all" she told him coquettishly. Laura opened her mouth in awe at he lies and irritating act, she place her hand on Chris's as she continued

"i know you guys didn't marry each other out of love but how could she say that" she added accusingly and blink her eyes in a way which irritates Laura. She is more pissed off because Chris just sat there doing nothing to stop her

"really?" Chris answered in another minute dropping his spoon then drank some water after

"you don't believe me?" she said like she was hurt by his words

"i don't how what else to say to a woman who is living in a married man's house" Laura responded admitting to what she said

"what do you mean? You know I and Chris had… she trailed off and stopped then turned back to Chris

"i don't mean to…"

"you don't have to explain anything" he told her then stood up

"what the heck!" Laura thought angry now, he must not want her to know more about his relationship with her wondering why on earth he agreed to get married to her in the first place although she practically forced him to

"am off to work" she informed him when she got to the living room where he is sitting about to open a newspaper.

"today is Saturday" he said

"i need to check some reports on the PK project" she explained

Chris nod his head at her and start to read the papers with him, Mira also came out of the kitchen and made her way to them then sat down closely to Chris.

Laura sighed in anger, she thought Mira was kidding yesterday but it appears not so she also should make her understand somethings clearly.

Laura walked closer to where Chris was sitting the called his name gently, he looked up at her and she bend a little and gave him a short kiss on the forehead.

"have a nice day, I will be back from work early" she added then turn and left in an hurry

Chris blink his eyes a couple of times, touching his cheek to see if what just happened is real

"what are you trying to do?" he thought

"what the hell!" Mira snapped angrily but Laura was already out of sight, she turned to Chris but he just stood up and went inside ignoring her completely.

Laura called her driver instead of driving herself then instruct him to take her to the company, she really doesn't work on Saturdays except there are urgent business to attend to at the business but she just wanted to get out of the house.