
Hints of Displeasure

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Only a year older than Nan Yan, Nan Yun was the third child of the Nan family. With a high talent for games ever since he was a child, he'd teamed up to play games at the same time as he was doing his studies, and he'd participated in various game tournaments. At the age of 19, he'd founded a club by himself. To this day, the club has won five championships and one world championship. He was now a coach as well as a player, and he could switch between the two roles freely. However, at this time he rarely personally participated in playing.

Nan Shang had originally been opposed to him playing games, but Nan Yun had been somewhat rebellious when he was young. Due to Nan Yun's rebellious personality, Nan Shang couldn't control him at all. Nan Shang finally gave in after Nan Mo had persuaded him it was for the best and took a hands-off approach. However, he hadn't expected that Nan Yun would really make a name for himself. When outsiders talked about his youngest son as the world champion of the game, of course as his father he was still very proud of him. 

The brother and sister played games for an entire afternoon. Nan Yan didn't have too much experience with games, but, because of Nan Yun, she had some experience with games and was quite skillful. However, compared with Nan Yun, a professional player, she still paled in comparison.

Nan Yan also knew her gaming abilities, so as long as she killed Nan Yun a few times in the middle of the game, she was satisfied. She didn't treat games as a central part of her life like Nan Yun did. To her, they were just entertainment.

"I have to say, your technique has improved a lot since the last time we played, and you've actually learned to squat back and flash me away. Not bad!" After the battle, Nan Yun smiled and looked at her as he praised her without restraint.

Nan Yan threw her phone aside and stretched lazily. "Thank you for the compliment, but I don't want to play any more. I've played all afternoon, and I'm tired, so you can leave now."

"Wait, you're already kicking me out? I've played games with you all afternoon."

"You also want me to treat you to a meal?" Tilting her head, Nan Yan asked her brother as she was lying on the bed.

"We're a family, so why do you make it sound as if we aren't? You don't need to treat me to a meal. We grew up eating at the same dining table." Nan Yun smiled and waved his hands at her. After he'd finished, he noticed that there was something weird about what she'd said, and he squinted his eyes as he asked, "Also? Why also?"

Nan Yan pursed her lips, and, remembering the extremely awkward meal she had eaten at noon today, she withdrew her gaze. She didn't intend to say any more. She covered herself with the quilt and closed her eyes. "Close the door when you go out. I'm going to take a nap. Call me for dinner in the evening."

"Okay, you take a nap. There's still some time before dinner." Nan Yun got up, nodded, and closed the door as he left. 


As dusk descended, the night sky was filled with mist and the temperature had dropped until it was chilling to the bone. The lights in the Fu family's castle were brightly lit, and, in the living room, Old Master Fu was sitting in the center of the sofa with a serious and authoritative expression on his face.

"Dad, it was indeed Xiao'er's fault for calling off the marriage, but Xiao'er has already apologized. Besides, there are no more comments on the internet that are unfavorable to the Nan family, and Xiao'er was scolded enough. Don't blame him any longer. By the way, the Nan family was also quite petty to cause such a big scene over such a small matter that they even came to you in person. Now, they've even called off the joint venture project with Mingdong..."

The atmosphere in the living room was quite tense. Wearing a purple coat, the woman sitting next to Old Master Fu put down the flower tea she was holding and glanced at the handsome man sitting beside her. She also looked at Old Master Fu once more. She hesitated, but she still opened her mouth and spoke in a tone with hints of displeasure.