
Marriage Rights: Billionaire's Forgotten Wife

Synopsis: Yu Qiao finished his matrimonial vow and officially married the ugly duckling while drunk. Rude? He didn’t give a damn since it was not his choice in the first place. The woman had enough money to save his father's company. Aside from that fact, it was just ‘not right’ to get married to the woman whom he always treated like a sister. "Leave me alone and I will do the same for you. We are still married legally so make sure you handle your special affairs discreetly." Her text message after leaving him alone after their supposed honeymoon night. Five years later, he was now a billionaire and wanted to have an annulment, just like they had agreed on. What would happen if the woman he married had hidden a lot of things from him and left him alone for his own sake? Would he change his mind? ----------------------------------- Hi everyone, Thank you so much for checking out the story as well as waiting patiently for it. I am still working on the update schedule but I do my best to upload as much as I can. Feel free to let me know if you see any correction or if you have any feedback. Appreciate it so much!

denthoughts · Urban
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166 Chs

All Quiet

Mo Lihua knows she cannot keep ignoring Yu Qiao's calls anymore, as the man may call her home instead.

The mere fact that he attempted to contact her multiple of times already and that he does not show any signs of stopping soon, means that he has yet to call Rita.

After all, the emergency number that Rita mentioned to him before is only a sham to make Yu Qiao stop calling her.

"All quiet." Mo Lihua ordered to everyone, including Fei Yan. An underlying threat can be heard in her clear and serious voice.

Fei Yan nodded before sweeping her eyes to the men around her. "Everyone shut up," she told the men in a deadly tone.

Clearing her throat before answering the phone, "Hello, Brother Qiao?" Mo Lihua spoke timidly, almost sounding cute. She slightly covered the phone with her hand in an attempt to block the possible sounds around her from being transmitted to the other side of the line.

"Huh? Why so girly now?" The man that is holding Fei Yan tightly in his arms suddenly asked in a loud voice.

"Sir, do not talk so loud. Just enjoy holding me ah. I am way softer compared to those who are thin that does not have meat…," Fei Yan moved her head to the side and whispered under her breath with a seductive voice as she caressed the man's arms around her.

Men: "..." We are not allowed to talk but you can flirt? What are you doing girl? We are supposed to be the enemy! So shameless!

Even if Mo Lihua heard what Fei Yan said, she was so immersed in the call that she did not show any reaction as she prepared to listen to Yu Qiao's response.

"Finally, you answered! Do you know how many times I have called you already? Why did you not answer immediately?" Yu Qiao continues the barrage of questions and complaints that were filled with worry and care for her. Mo Lihua, on the other hand, just silently listened. She was a bit distracted as she remembered how he carried Zang Fei out of the school.

'He got back from Zang Fei fast...' Mo Lihua thought to herself. She cannot deny that she preferred if Yu Qiao stayed with her instead of bringing Zang Fei home.

It was always painful to see them together. But Mo Lihua tried to act fine with it earlier since Yu Qiao will definitely see that something was wrong.

He may be dumb on other things, but Yu Qiao is very keen on details. Just like when they were kids, he would pretend to brush off her occasional outbursts and just accept the onslaught.

However, Mo Lihua then eventually learns that Yu Qiao goes the extra mile and often makes sure that the things that upset her will be out of sight and will not be mentioned again even if she did not explain herself.

Just like the incident when she stabbed Yu Qiao's hand with a pencil. Despite hurting him deliberately, instead of being scared and angry, the young him was always there for her.

"Lihua? Are you listening to me?! Why are you not talking?," Yu Qiao asked, sounding pissed off. "Are you with him now? Tell me the truth!"

"Him?," Mo Lihua asked back in confusion before it dawned on her what he meant. "You mean Yang Chen?" Then she looked around to the men and Fei Yan standing across her.

Yu Qiao hissed in annoyance. "Yes! You promised me earlier that you will not leave the school and wait for me!"

"I wish but I only have Fei Yan here..." She subconsciously murmured softly, thinking that it would be best if Yang Chen was with them instead of the goons that are wasting their time.

Mo Lihua's voice was too soft, giving him the impression of a girl that wants to see her lover so bad, which almost breaks Yu Qiao's heart to pieces.

"Really? Let me talk to Fei Yan." Yu Qiao decided to speak to someone else as he cannot bear the way Mo Lihua is speaking to him. Her voice was soft but monotonous at the same time, revealing her weariness in dealing with him..

'She does not need you!' Yu Qiao recalled the words Zang Fei said earlier, making his mind clouded once again. His aura darkened and a violence lurking within him is threatening to break out.

For Yu Qiao, if Mo Lihua does not need him, then how can he keep her close?

"En. One moment." Mo Lihua replied to him nonchalantly, covering the receiver of the phone with her hand before looking at her friend across her. "Fei Yan, Brother Qiao wants to speak with you."

"Eh? Why?" Fei Yan questioned with displeasure since she is enjoying her current situation. Not wanting to leave the embrace of the large arms around her, she said to Lihua, "Place him on speaker. They will behave and be quiet" speaking as if she was very assured of it.

Mo Lihua nodded before tapping her phone's screen. She then raised it up into the air indicating that Fei Yan can already talk.

"Brother Qiao, you need me?" Fei Yan asked loudly towards the phone.

"Fei Yan, where are you guys?" A deep voice came out from the phone, a tad angry and a tad impatient.

"Us? We just drove around because Lihua was not feeling well," Fei Yan answered.

Then Yu Qiao hummed before asking again, "She is not feeling well? Where are you right now?"

"We went to the mountains near the capital." Fei Yan replied without giving it much thought. She replied truthfully, underestimating Yu Qiao's overprotectiveness of Lihua.

"Ok. Wait for me. I will go there," Yu Qiao said before he hanged up so abruptly, that it made Fei Yan and Mo Lihua speechless.

Thank you for the continuous support!

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