
Marriage Contract With My Rich Ex-Boyfriend

When Diane Brown discovered that her husband of two years had been cheating on her because she was unable to have sex with him, she filed for a divorce, falling for her husband’s trap— a prenup to split half of her assets with him. Diane would rather give up all her properties to charity than to that bastard, but at her lowest, she discovered an unexpected ticket out— Christian Knowles, her ex, the new hot shot of NYC. Left with no choice, she shows up at Christian’s doorstep in tears, seeking his help while drenched in the rain. What would it be like for Diane to go begging the man she had been trying so hard to forget, the one she dumped to marry that jerk of a husband? As for Christian, whose heart should've steeled against the woman who broke it years ago, would he help her? But at what conditions? And what would happen once he finally learned the true reason Diane broke up with him? Will he still keep her by his side despite his beloved mother’s resistance?

Paschalinelily · Urban
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129 Chs

Still In Love With Her

"How did you find me?" Diane finally had time for Christian after filling her stomach. Thanks to the pill he gave to her, she was no longer feeling as if her head was about to split into two.

"Is that question important?" Christian narrowed his gaze at her.

Maya was at the moment in the kitchen doing the dishes. She didn't dare to let Christian do it after taking her in and feeding her. Also, this was her strategy of staying out of their way so they could talk.

Diane stared at Christian like he was crazy for even asking that question. "Well, Yes! Because I need to know if I have a stalker that needs to be reported to the police."

Christian leaned in close and said to her ears word to word, "Go ahead and report me to the police then."

Diane was stunned seeing how shameless he was admitting to stalking her openly. What kind of man was that?

"Are you serious right now?"

Christian scoffed. "Did you see my teeth?"