
Marquess of light

What could happen to a bright broken soul during a storm?? What if this soul is only a reflection of his past self? a broken shard of a mirror?? I am the Teller and here I will narrate the story of a man who become a woman who became a God, a Story where war and politics are the kings and the only hope to be safe is strength - - - - - Hello there my readers, this is my first novel on this site so if you have any suggestions feel free to talk, also English is not my first language so if you find any error leave a comment and I shall obey But remember to enjoy the novel and leave Powerstone ( and love obviously)

TheTeller_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Prelude: broken shard

Walking, walking now was the only thing to do, walking for hours, walking aimlessly, moving distracted me from the complete emptiness that surrounded me, it was like being in a closed room without light, at the beginning you move cautiously fearing what can be hidden in the void, where we humans have no power, but walking in the void for hours, days, you are no longer afraid of it as before, then start searching, looking for something different from the monotony of the emptiness that surrounds you and that can deny the fact that you are alone and that you will continue to be so.

The emptiness was now oppressive, because of its greatness the sounds I heard seemed to reverberate in space, the gentle beat of my heart becomes a running train, my steps earthquake shocks, my breath storm and my words thunder.

By now this emptiness so distant and oppressive had become my friend, walking in oblivion allowed me to think, think about the way of life that had now passed, so full but at the same time fast, too fast.

I see it, I see it!!! It is not light but shines, it is so different from the emptiness that surrounds me, from a distance I saw it and three days, at least I think, running it took me to get there, driven by the hope that it could be the light at the end of the tunnel, a dazzle that could bring chaos to this perfect and stoic world.

In front of me, there was neither the famous light at the end of the tunnel nor a door that could leave this infinite void.

I found myself in front of a mirror, large, one of those used in the middle of the rooms, which could be turned from anywhere and did not stand still, rested on a silver rod that touched the black earth, the glass closed in an ivory white frame, the mirror did not reflect my image as I remembered it: Tall with hazel hair and blue eyes, a thin build and a face that still had to lose the fat as a child on the cheeks, the mirror reflected a white flame that floated in nothing, inside there were light blue tones.

That flame was me, I could no longer fool myself into thinking I was walking, that I was in a coma and once awake I would continue to breathe to see the vibrant colours that surround us, no I was dead and now I was nothing more than a flame in the void.

The mirror vibrated and I began to reflect images, I saw a woman giving birth, a newborn who took his first steps, I began to see my life as if it were a movie, the mirror reflected everything even things that I wanted to forget, once I got to the end... When I die, the mirror began to repeat my whole life on its surface like a broken tape recorder.

I began to think that what was represented in the mirror was not my life but an invented story, I was losing myself.

After I do not know how many I saw the same scenes the mirror stopped on one in particular: there was a child who was running in the middle of a wood, after a while the child stumbled, and once he fell the child looked around and saw that he had injured the palm of his hand with a splinter of a mirror that was on the ground.

It was the first time I had lost blood, I awoke from the hypnotic dreams to which the mirror was leading me. Once out of the trance caused by the mirror, the mirror stopped reflecting images of my life, I could see again the flame in the mirror: it had become five times larger and had a golden outline, I had no time to marvel at my new shape, that I felt a pull as if they were dragging me into a narrow tube, I was compressed and stretched, Once in the tube I felt shot at very high speed towards the vacuum and after a while I crashed into a wall, the wall did not break but I passed the same and I found myself alone in a circular space, I looked around curiously, but shortly after I lost consciousness.

I don't know how much time has passed since I was unconscious but now I find myself again tight and closed inside something viscous, the first sensation I have felt for a long time, strange ... I feel sensations, "Ugh" I feel pulled, a pull, two pull, and I feel cold in the foot, "I feel cold?!?", I feel cold and I feel it on the foot, until recently I did not have a foot, "Ugh" and now I am overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions, air on the skin, I hear people talking, and a burning eyes and a blinding light, "Waaaaa", the crying was too childish to come from me, I was an adult and a vaccinated man but my tongue burned and it was clear that the voice came from me, the only conclusion was that I was reborn, standing in the void by now I had realized that I was dead but I thought I would stay there, in an infinite limbo in which I had to wait until it was decided what to do with me, and now I find myself in a new body living a new life.