
Deaths Embrace

Cooking for like forty people in a small kitchen was interesting to say the least. Me, the male Typhlosion Ricnoda, and the mother Zoroark Summer were the ones cooking. We also were trying our best to avoid stepping on each other the best we could during the process. When we had finished we had a small feast out in the main room with everyone, the four Zorua's were up and bounding everywhere for meat. When we had left the capital city a few unsavory people did follow us so I left a ghost double for them. They didn't listen to my warning and now they're six feet under, as I used ghost and psychic energy to bury them.

Which is one thing I've noticed if I think of a plausible use for my energy, I can try it as if creating my own attack pool. Which after the feast the next morning I held only two knives with plain clothes on. My opponent's were everyone else with Shel as the evacuation personnel as this isn't safe fighting. The old man without a prompt surprised me in taking off with electricity crackling after him. He appeared before me with a saw toothed long sword and swung at me with a blank expression. So I swat it sideways with the back of my left hand and cut his side with the knife in my right.

Next up was the twins who came charging with short swords as I kicked Francisco into a wall. Ducking under Gamma's decapitation x cut I kick his legs out tripping him as a catch Sez's attack with my knives. Looking him in the eyes I grin before a dark pulse of energy sends him flying into the charging kid horde. With a sharp turn I kick Gamma violently into Rose before he vanishes with Shel snatching him. Both reappearing at the side with Shel using heal pulse on the teenager coughing blood.

"Think, I may look human but I'm not, well not anymore at least!"

That was when the air by me distorted and Summer appeared from an illusion. She swung her claws at me as dark energy coated them and clawed my throat out. Grinning at her I noticed she shivered then screamed a girly scream, as a knife crackling electricity shot a bolt of lightning. It hit her squarely in the chest followed by me headbutting her in the face. She stumbled back as Francisco appeared behind me, his sword digging into my right shoulder. Grunting I send out a pulse of ghostly fire sending him and Summer flying back. My wounds glowed with purple flames that mended them.

Sez came from nowhere and dug his short swords into my back through my lungs. Grabbing him with psychic I yanked him off and threw him violently into the ground. A crater formed as he vanished into a dark hole due to Shel evacuating him from the field. That left only a handful of people but the other pokemon from Summer's store were simply watching. Seems they don't want to fight which is alright there are other uses for them here besides death fights. I heard the air whistle and the ground shake under me so I back flipped a few feet away, Rascal emerged from the ground in a rush of dark silver energy.

With Val flying straight into him as her wings glowed meaning she was using probably steel wing. As the two hit each other I threw my knives to the left and right into boulders flying at me. Looking up I saw Lockheart coming down with a violent spinning motion. Seeing her I stuck my tongue out playfully when my knives teleported and stabbed into her stomach. Following that she came crashing down into my grasp as I caught her by my knife handles and threw her away. Shel snatched her mid air and treated her when I saw Jewel darting at me.

I knocked her side ways with a psychic shield only for her to turn sharply and use quick attack. She became a blur then and bit into my chest as she tried digging into my body. Grabbing her tail I violently flung her into the ground with an electrical discharge. She was out for the count as I side stepped four different playful Zorua's as they hit the dirt giggling. Rolling my eyes when Summer appeared and tried ripping my stomach open only to get headbutted again. As she stumbled back onto her daughters I turned one hundred eighty degrees with a kick. Francisco looked surprised as I slammed my right leg into his flank.

He went tumbling to the medic area as he was out of commission now. Looking at my team I shrugged as they surrendered followed by the Zoro family. That was how six years ensued with this kind of training between us all, sometimes with them making me concede. During those six years I became very acquainted with the new emperor of Blackthorn Empire. Rosland looked surprised to have become the next emperor but accepted the decision of his father. His older brothers when I met them I was flooded by dark thoughts and resentment from the dead.

Their thoughts were even wide open revealing their plans and opinions while they smiled at me. Needless to say the first meeting ended in them dead as I snapped at them. I ripped prince Colons apart with my knives as I dug my fingers into his eyes gouging them out. Prince Edward took off running when I turned to him ready to murder him. What ensued was the palace getting a bit broken as he was admittedly quick. He dived into his fathers study as my knives sunk into his legs to drag him back to me.

He was screaming bloody murder, curses, and begging his father to help. His father watched blankly as I tore and shot his son apart outside his study. Emperor Alma when he questioned me and sons ghost under the effects of my death type. Learned why I went ballistic upon meeting them and to his entire population, dragons, and other pokemon. He announced a heart felt apology and stepped down a month later giving Rosland the throne. Rosland whenever he sees me, he is glad he didn't die on our first meeting.

Fulma, my birth mother, when she descended from the sky with a pack of Rayquaza once. Set the entire empire in a state of weird panicked reverence. When they came to visit me given that Fulma had become the leader as a black mega-evolved Rayquaza. The megastone embedded into her forehead shined faintly with a warm light when I touched it. However, what surprised me was the small Rayquaza in the middle of the pack which was hiding behind her. Seeing my gaze she chuckled and explained the situation, hearing it I chuckled softly at the young Rayquaza.

Although mom nearly bit Summer in half because she pranked her on the first meeting. The second meeting was after two years had passed and I had married the jovial Zoroark. Mom eyed her with quiet judgement making her shrink back but a Zoroark does what they do best, prank people. She made a bold move and well going with the prank caused a funny reaction. Needless to say mom grumbles at Summer every meeting between them but they like each other. Which human and pokemon relationships during this era isn't that unusual, there are a lot of odd couples, like a Diglet and woman.

It was after these six years though that the world started becoming turbulent. My group now called "Silence" had six hundred members to it now, with most of our human forces having guns. Ancient era modern guns is cheating but guns effective honestly. However, guns in our current situation do us no good to have as the world is being reformed. It was june twenty-third though and right now our mountainous base was sheltering four hundred others as the land was torn apart. Groundon and Kyoger were at each others throats causing mass destruction.

I was covering the base in a dome of every energy I could besides death. Holding it together as we were swept up in the changing of land masses various pokemon helping out. Even specialized humans and aura guardians who were taking shelter were helping me. Most though expended everything and turned into crystalized structures, those who expanded their life using aura vanished slowly with smiles. I only allowed those of an older age to help me, as I wasn't going to ask kids and young adults to help.

We held the dome for a solid month, parts of my body since I didn't want to rusk my equipment, turned into crystalized parts. By the time full limbs would crystalize I dropped the dome as various typing crystals lined the base. From ghost to fairy, even death that went unnoticed forming around me. Of a thousand humans and pokemon sheltered together, two hundred Silence member's became crystals or one with Aura in death. A hundred of the refugees had shared their fate, but many modern era extinct Pokemon like Tyrantrum are still kicking.

When I dropped the dome I fell onto my knees exhausted from expending energy. Looking around it seems everything is still mostly intact, getting up I slowly made my way through the base. Everything was still okay but crystals and the rare aura crystal. In one of the training grounds stood a crystallized giant of a man, Lander, a ground specialist that could create a large fortress. I see even you gave your life ya old demon....

In another room was the infamous "Dying Flare" a group of criminals, each crystalized with a cocky smile. Those guys were here? Then again for criminals they were pretty much anti-villains in how backwards their crimes were. Timthoy was a ghost specialist, he was a quiet but cocky man with a bad drinking habit. Salina a fairy specialist, was a temptress but couldn't ever get a husband. Yogan a poison specialist, a cocky bastard with a love for torture. Then Dawson a dark specialist, a man so cocky because he could outsmart the royal Blackthorn guard.

Similar sights of various specialists and pokemon were all over the base. That once I returned to where my own crystals were forming I took in the sight of them. They were nine feet tall in a half circle of flames, black as the void with streams of cyan blue green inside of them. In front of them and behind me was the entrance, now buried who knows how far underground. The remaining people and pokemon slowly gathered around me so turning to them all slowly. I noticed my team, Summer, and her kids approaching me as I sighed looking at everyone.

"Alright people listen up! We've very likely been buried underground due to Kyoger and Groundon! So while we have crops and stuff growing here we need to get top side! So rock types, fire types, psychic types, and dragon types your the leads on digging us a stairway out! Six hour shift rotations, refuse to help for no reason you'll get a reason."

We spent the next two years digging our way out of the base, when we had finally gotten out of it. We had dug thirty-eight thousand miles out meaning, eighty-four million twenty-one thousand and eight hundred, (84021800), stairway steps. Upon our exit we found ourselves out in the midst of a forest, which upon seeing it I knew where we likely ended up. My suspicion was confirmed upon seeing Yvetal and Xernes approach slowly from the trees with calm smiles. Xernes spoke up first upon seeing me exit as I galvanized the soil with electricity.

"Welcome to our home younger brother, we're glad you managed to survive those two tantrum."

Xernes spoke in a soft loving female voice, as she stared at me noticing my few crystallized fingers. Seeing them and knowing there's likely more parts she glowed a gentle warm green light. Next thing I knew was that my body parts which had crystallized felt itchy as they turned normal. Chuckling at the itchy sensation I gave my silent thanks to my sister. Yvetal though he cracked a joke which made our sister grimace and glare daggers at him.

"Does this make this the Death forest now? Since the old name gets out dated due to two creatures of death."