
Marked Ones: Advent of the Demon Prince

Lucius was born cursed by the power of demons to bear the Mark of the Abyss, a mark that grants him abilities beyond the understanding of man. The only future destined for him, like all other "Marked Ones" is servitude, ostracism, and death. Follow Lucius as he goes through a journey to discover the truth behind the Marks, tries to build a future of his own, and strikes back against those that forced this life on him. Existing in a world that hates him by nature of his curse, he will somehow find allies to rage against those who reject him. Lucius will fight to build a place for him and those he holds dear. He is even willing to fall into the depths of depravity to fulfill his goal. The only remaining question, is what waits for him on the other side of those goals...

VeeRoze · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

The Oracle

A beautiful blonde woman threw herself to a sitting position in her bed. Her sheets were soaked with sweat and her normally gorgeous hair fell like strings around her shoulders. A moment later, nausea overtook her and she quickly leaned over the side of the bed to release her stomach contents into a bucket she kept by her bedside for just such an occasion.


Two men in armor opened the door with a loud slam and entered the room, followed by a tiny woman in a maid uniform. The woman's eyes were glistening and her face painted with worry. "Lady Adellia are you okay? Please speak to me…What is wrong?" The kind maid looked rapidly between Adellia's face and her swollen belly.


Adellia put on a brave face and rested a hand on the maid's shoulder to comfort her. "Fear not my dear. Just a bad dream. Also I am afraid it will be time soon for the twins to make their appearance." Adellia placed a hand gently on her stomach and felt a pulsing, squeezing sensation in near her pelvis. It did not quite hurt at the moment, but rather an intense pressure. These feelings had been occurring for a few days, but they had gotten worse since yesterday.


"Oracle. We shall fetch the midwife. Until time of the birth, she shall stay with you." One of the armored men stated flatly.


He was completely unphased by the woman's beauty. In fact, he would often glance at her left hand which held a demonic symbol that one could easily mistake for a tattoo. Every time he looked at it his expression would momentarily contort in disgust.


Adellia merely smiled lightly at the guard and nodded her head in understanding. She did not miss his glances, but could do nothing about it. Such was her fate as a Marked One. Even though the Kingdom of Arcadios relied on her ability granted by the Mark of Prophecy, she was still treated like a stain on her race.


She was the current Oracle and descended from a long line of Marked Ones who held the Mark of Prophecy. The very reason she was pregnant now was due to the King commanding that she attempt to start raising the next in line for her position.


Every Oracle's job was to grant Arcadios prophecies that would help it avoid disaster. In addition to that, it was also their job to sire at least one child who shared the Mark of Prophecy so that the Kingdom would always have an Oracle to rely on.


"I am sorry to bring you into a world where even when relied upon, you are despised." She whispered to her belly. The maid looked on in sadness and wiped a sniffle from her nose.


"My lady…" the maid paused and looked to ensure that the guards were not paying attention. One had left to fetch the midwife, while the other had already stepped back outside the room. "What will we do if they don't have your mark…"


"The kingdom will do what they have always done. Any children without my mark will be…cleansed." Adellia said while squeezing the sheets. She specifically identified the father of the children to her kingdom as someone who had the highest likelihood of helping her produce a child with her same abilities.


Something she had not expected was to conceive twins. It was not that her visions were wrong, but that it simply did not show her the second child. When she identified the beastman who would help her give birth to a child with her power, she simply saw herself pregnant, and feeding an infant with her mark on their hand. She was never shown a second child and this terrified Adellia.


"Mylene…" Adellia said in a hushed whisper. "I need you to do me a favor. It is the most important and likely last one I will ever ask of you."


"Anything my lady."


"You have family who serve in the Petra house, yes?"


"I do, my husband's cousin is a head maid there and her husband a guard."


"When my child is born…I need you to use your dark magic on my baby. One will share my mark. I have seen this…but the other…I never saw them in my visions. What I need you to do is to curse them with sleep, blind, and paralysis…"


Mylene gasped as she struggled to contain a small yelp. She quickly looked towards the door to ensure the guard had not heard her or their conversation. Once she verified they were in the clear, she spoke, "My lady…that could kill the infant. Maybe even permanently disfigure them."


"I know. But there is a chance they could survive and if they do, then you we can make it seem like they died in childbirth. Maybe…just maybe they can survive and live some kind of life elsewhere."


Tears fell freely from the woman's face as she thought about losing one of her unborn children. She had quickly fallen in love with the life inside her and wanted nothing more than to experience the joys of motherhood. Though this life was far from ideal, it became a light in her life, a future worth seeing. Adellia locked eyes with her maid who looked conflicted.


"If it fails, and my child dies, I will not blame you. Because if we do not try, the Kingdom will execute them anyway. I would like to give them a chance…of course this is on the basis that your husband's cousin would actually care for a Marked One."


Mylene gulped and thought in silence for a moment before steeling her resolve. "Don't worry my lady. My husband's uncle was marked and he was very close with his daughter and my husband. She will no doubt take on this child. She cannot have one of her own anyway."


"Thank you, Mylene, thank you." Adellia continued to weep until there was a knock at the door. An elderly woman with a sour face entered and behind her was an elderly man in white robes.


He was one of the many people who attended to the Oracle and wrote down her prophecies. Adellia never cared to learn anyone's names other than Mylene because of how she had been treated her entire life in the castle.


"Oracle. I hear you had a 'bad dream' I came to make sure that if you saw a prophecy that it is recorded." The elderly man grumbled. He had under his arm a collection of parchment and placed them on a desk next to the entrance of the room.


Adellia thought back to the dream she had and remembered the terrifying smile on that unknown man's face. She remembered the flames of war and the dead laying in the mud. The Oracle then thought about her sad life in the castle. A life full of solitude and devoid of love, kindness, and common decency.


She looked at the elderly robed man and gave him a gentle smile. "Fret not. It was only a dream."