
Marked Ones: Advent of the Demon Prince

Lucius was born Marked and was abandoned by his birth parents. The only future destined for him, like all other "Marked Ones" is forced conscription into the military and death as fodder in the fields of war. Lucius struggles to find his place in the world and as a Marked One, experiences unfair treatment, betrayal, and ostracism from the larger society. Follow Lucius as he goes through a journey to discover the truth behind the Marks, tries to build a future of his own, and strikes back against those that forced this life on him. He is even willing to fall into the depths of depravity to fulfill his goal. The only remaining question, is what waits for him on the other side of those goals...

VeeRoze · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Life Continues

Two women sat together on a balcony sipping tea together. One was an otherworldly beauty with long, blonde hair and silver eyes like that of the moon. She smiled throughout the conversation she was having with her counter-part, a kindly looking woman dressed in a maid uniform.

Despite the smile, the blonde woman's eyes held a deep sadness that she had carried with her for seven years.

"My lady, I thank you for allowing me to enjoy tea with you again." Mylene said with a slight bow.

"Stop it Mylene. You are my 'maid' in name only. In reality you are my only friend, and as such when it is just us, please just call me Adellia. How many times must I tell you?" Adellia groaned. Though she sounded exasperated, there was a slight tone of amusement behind it.

"I know my la…Adellia. It is a hard habit to break though."

"Please at least do it for our daughters, if not for me." Adellia asked. "They do get along so well, and I would love for their parents to appear so also."

Mylene let out a small sigh and gave a wide smile. "Of course."

Mylene had found out she was pregnant not long after Lyrah was born. Derrik and herself were ecstatic about the news, however she quickly found herself concerned with who ever it was that replaced her caring for Adellia while she gave birth.

It was only be for a week or two at most that she would be away since Mylene was a commoner and a simple servant, but a lot of damage could have been done in that time. Especially so, given Adellia's state of mind.

Thankfully that time has long since come and gone. Over the last few years Mylene and Adellia had grown even closer, becoming the best of friends. Mylene would do anything for Adellia, including lay down her life.

When Mylene's daughter was just turning four, Adellia gave Mylene a warning that she had to return home right away. Of course, she listened to the Oracle without hesitation and headed straight home without delay.

When she arrived, her home had smoke coming from the windows. Derrik was nowhere to be seen and neither was her daughter. Instead, outside her home was a gathering of people, simply watching her livelihood burn away.

Without hesitation, Mylene ran forward and began to hear cries coming from inside the building. This made her dash wildly for the door and throw it open.

Smoke was billowing out of the windows and the open door, blocking all of her vision and searing her nostrils. The woman had ducked low to the ground and crawled along the floor to stay clear of the smoke.

She continued to search wildly for the source of the hoarse cries which started to become quieter. After almost a minute, Mylene had located her daughter, who had been trapped inside. She was able to drag her outside and provide her with water and fresh air.

Mylene heard Lyrah's laughter, which brought her back to the present. She turned to her dearest friend, and the savior of her daughter's life. "Thank you for this life Adellia. Without you…just thank you."


Lyrah sat and listened for her mother and Aunt Mylene to begin talking again. Once she had determined the adults were properly distracted, she gestured for her friend, Natali to come closer.

"I had a weird dream again Natali. The one about the scary man."

Natali's ice blue eyes looked at her excitedly. Her silent friend never said anything, but she was always happy to listen to Lyrah's fun and exciting stories from her dreams.

"Yeah! I had another one. He was fighting people again, but he looked so little! And it looked like the other people were winning!" Lyrah explained in an excited whisper.

Mylene had told her when she overheard Lyrah telling Natali about the scary man from her dreams, to not tell her mother about them ever. She was allowed talk about any of her other dreams, but the ones about the man were only supposed to be told to Natali.

Natali loved listening to the stories about him and Lyrah thought that Natali might have developed a little crush on him. She was always extra excited to listen to Lyrah's stories about him. Natalie especially enjoyed when Lyrah explained what his eyes looked like when he fought.

The first time Lyrah had a dream about him, she cried when she woke up. It did not show much in that first dream. The only thing she remembered seeing was a dark, scary cave. Even though she could not see them, she sensed monsters all around her.

In darkness, steps had approached her, but still nothing could be seen. Suddenly two glowing eyes lit up the darkness, one silver and the other a striking gold. When the man's face came into view, it was contorted in anger, the likes Lyrah had never imagined possible.

It was a look that seared into her very soul. As if her existence was an abomination to the being who possessed them. If given the choice of falling into the darkness behind those eyes, or the ones of the monster-filled caves, Lyrah would have happily fled into the caves.

She would have other dreams about him occasionally, but none were so intense as that first one.

Natali gently tugged at Lyrah's shoulders, trying to urge her to continue talking about her favorite character.

"Okay, okay! It was definitely the same person, but he was so little! And his eyes were different…" Lyrah began. She noticed Natalie's eyes begin to water because she thought that because his eyes were not the same, that Lyrah was not going to tell her about him.

"No no! It was the same person, but his golden eye was not gold yet. It was gray! He still had one silver eye. Kinda like mine! Oh and his hair was the same, and he still had the six sharp teeth too, so I know it was him."

Natali's tearful eyes vanished and she got up into a sitting position on her knees. She was completely engrossed in the story now. The excitable girl made Lyrah giggle, so she tousled Natali's snow-white hair.

"Anyway, he was in the woods and he was standing next to this girl with really, really pretty red-hair…" 

Please let me know what you think! I want to keep this story going because i really enjoy what i have planned for it!

Also thanks for those that gave me powerstones! It means a lot to me!

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