
Marked For Revenge

Me and my friend just live a pretty normal life. We go to school, do what other teenager will do. It's normal, really. But it's suddenly changed whe me and my friend decided to be an idol. More adventure will comes to our way. It make us can't trust even one person other than ourselves. Day by Day got even weirder, it plays with our mind and many things will be discovered. And the truth will be exposes and no one can believe it. Sometimes our enemy is really close to us without we knowing. (English is not my first language so forgive me if there was any mistake)

qrsxvx · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter - 3

Jiyeon POV

I was awake by the sound of doorbell. I wake Sungrin up and tell her to go upstairs and take a shower. I look at her as she lazily get up from the couch and walk to the stairs. After she out from my sight, I get up and go to the toilet to rinse my face.

After that, I opened the door to greeted by my brother, Park Jihoon. "Why are you here?" I asks.

"Can't I visit my own sister?" He reply sassily and make his way inside of the house.

Sometimes he reminds me of Sungrin, both of them can be pain in the ass. And it'll be 2x worse if they're together. "At least, tell me that you want to come. That way maybe I can cook you some food," I answers.

"Whatever, where's Sungrin?" He asks.

"She's showering. We just woke up. Make yourself at home, I'll go take a quick shower," I says as I make my way to upstairs.

"Okay!" He shouts. Probably to make sure that I heard him.

Sungrin POV

After done showering, I put on an oversized t-shirt with a black jeans. And then, I go out from my room and make my way downstairs. When I arrive at downstairs, the first thing I see is Park fucking Jihoon at the living room. He really is make this house like his own.

"Yah, why are you here this early?" I asks.

He startles a little bit and answers "Well, it's already 3 p.m., but if you wanted to call it morning, sure," He says.

I really sleep that long, wow. "Whatever. Why do you come here actually," I asks him.

"No reason, I just wanted to visit my sister, who happened to be your friend," He says. I just ignored him and make my way to the living room. He can be a brat sometimes.

After that me and Jihoon just talk a little bit and I finally sees Jiyeon at the staircase. Me, Jihoon and Jiyeon just spent our time doing something stupid until it's already 5 p.m.

"I should go home," Jihoon says.

"Bye," Jihoon says as he walks to the front door.

---Skip Time--- (after dinner)

After we done eating, I sit and watch Jiyeon do the dishes. I wanted to ask her about the audition but I'm worried that she'll overworked herself. But if I didn't tell her we never will discuss about this thing. After a few minutes fighting with myself, I decided that I'll tell her.

"Jiyeon," I called her. She replied with a 'hmm' as sign that she's hearing and tell me to continue. "When will we practice for the audition?" I asks.

"Maybe tomorrow," She answers casually.

"Sure," I says.

"By the way what songs will you perform?" I asks her again.

"I didn't decide it yet. What about you?" She says.

"Electric Kiss by exo. Because that song is just so * chef kiss " I answered.

"Cool, good choice. Maybe I'll choose Red Flavour by Red Velvet," She says.

"It's all done then. I wanted to go to sleep. Good night Jiyeon," I says.

"Good night Sungrin," Jiyeon says with a soft smile on her face.

I walk upstairs and jump on my bed. It's been a long time since I sleep this early.

Jiyeon POV

I watch Sungrin as she walks away. After I finish doing the dishes, I make my way to the bedroom and go to sleep.

---Next Morning---

I'm excited today because this is the day that Jiyeon and I will start practicing. It's been a long time since I last dancing and singing.

After wearing my outfit I make my way to downstairs. No, not to the kitchen, but to the practice room. Yeah, this house has practice room, cause me and Jiyeon like to dance. But I bet it's full of dust.

When I arrive there, I already see Jiyeon just finished warming up. 'Damn, what time did this girl woke up'. I step my feet into the practice room and greet Jiyeon. She then replies with a smile.

I start warming up, cause kids, you need to warm up your body or you'll get hurt. After done with the warming up, I already see Jiyeon dancing. Like damn, that grandma was fast. And then I start dancing at my own chosen song.

---After A Few Hours---

I lay on the ground with my chest moving up and down. Jiyeon then look at me clearly annoyed. What did I do anyway, I'm just tired. "Yah, get up you skunk," Jiyeon says with an annoyed face. How dare she called me a skunk, my pride is hurting right now. You get away this time Jiyeon cause that animal is cute.

"Don't wanna," I says clearly doesn't make any move that I'll move anytime soon.

"Get up and go take a shower," She says coldly.

I don't have a choice but to do what she says. "Okay, fine," I says as I get up from the floor and make my way out of the practice room. I go straight upstairs to take a shower because I don't wanna make the lion mads even more.

Jiyeon POV

After I get Sungrin to stand her butt off of the floor, I clean the practice room and close the lights. I go out from the room and go to the kitchen to make us lunch. I just cook some rice, kimchi and chicken, nothing much. It's just the two of us who eat it. After I'm done with the cooking, I go take a quick shower.


I put on a hoodie with a sweatpants and go downstairs to the kitchen. When I arrive, I already see Sungrin eating the food without even waiting for me. "Yah, why did you eat first?" I says.

"I'm hungry. It's your fault that you take 1 hour to finish showering," She says without looking at me and just continue with eating.

"Fyi, when I was cooking for like 30 minutes or so, that time you took a shower. So of course you'll done first than me," I says and sit in front of her.

"Just start eating will you, stop giving me a lecture," She says with an annoyed face.

"Are you on your period?" I asks half teasing half concern because she suddenly became moody and it's really not her usual self.

"I'm okay, just tired. That's all," She says with a sigh.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Finish your food faster and you'll get to sleep," I says. She just nods her head and continue eating.

After done with the food I tell her that I'll do the dishes and she'll just go to sleep. But she being the stubborn person she is tell me that she'll do the dishes instead but of course I force her to just go to sleep. And she having no other choice but to obey what I says walk upstairs and go to her room.

Well, it's been a long time since she dance and make her body move that much, so she of course will get tired. But she'll get used to it back eventually.

After I done with the dishes, I go to the living room and watch some dramas.

---The day of The Audition---

Third Person POV

Jiyeon wake up from her sleep and get up to see the clock. "I should probably take a shower and wake Sungrin up," She says to herself. She make her way to the bathroom and take a shower.

After done showering, she put on her outfit and make her way to Sungrin room. Whe she arrives, she open the door and still see Sungrin asleep. She go to her bed and shake her lightly to wake her up.

"Sungrin, wake up. Today is the day we will go auditioning," Jiyeon says.

Sungrin open her eyes slowly and says "Did you already take a shower?"

"Yes, now get up. I want to make a breakfast," Jiyeon answers.

Sungrin get up from her bed and go to the bathroom. Jiyeon hears a water running sounds and that is her queue to leave. Jiyeon walk downstairs to the kitchen and start making a breakfast.

---A Few Minutes Late---

Jiyeon POV

After done cooking, I sees Sungrin walk down the stairs and make her way to the kitchen. I greet her a good morning and she replies with a smile and a nod.

Whe we are eating, Sungrin suddenly ask me something, "Jiyeon, are you feeling nervous?"

I don't know why she ask me that but I answers her anyway. "No, why did you ask me that?"

"Your hand had been shaking since we start eating," She says.

I look down at my hand and sees my hands shaking. I'm not even feels nervous. "I don't know, just forget about it," I says.

She replies with a nod and continue eating.

After we're done eating, Sungrin insist that she'll do the dishes instead and I let her. I make my way outside and wait for her.

Sungrin POV

After I done with the dishes, I make my way outside and lock the door. I already see Jiyeon in a car. Of course she is the one that will drive us, I don't have license remember. I buckle up my sitbelt and Jiyeon start to drive the car.

After a few minutes, we arrive at our destination. We get out from the car and enter the building. I sees a receptionist table and make my way there while holding Jiyeon wrists.

The receptionist smiles at us and asks "What can I help you guys with?"

"We're here for the audition," Jiyeon answers.

"Oh sure, just turn to the right and go straight. You'll se many people there and wait until your name being called." She says with a smile on her face.

"Thank you," Jiyeon says and drag me there.

When we arrive there, she's not joking when she says there were many people here. I can't even count how many. Now, I'm the one that feeling nervous. How can I competed with this amount of people.

---After A Few Hours---

Me and Jiyeon waited for hours, the struggle is real. After a few minutes, Jiyeon named being called. She startles and look at me.

"Heating!" I says with a cheerful voice and a smile on my face.

"Wish me luck," She whispers to me.

And then I see her enter the audition room. Now I'm feeling ten times more nervous than before.

After a few minutes of waiting, I finally see Jiyeon get out from the room. I rush to her and ask "How it's going?"

"It's going great," She says with a big smile on her face. I guess that's a good sign. After a few minutes I hear my name being called. I look at Jiyeon to see her cheering for me. I smile at her and make my way to the room.

---Skip Time--- (cause I'm lazy)

After done dancing and singing, I hear people clapping. I guess I'm not bad after all. "We will email you if you'll be chosen," a judge says with a smile on his face.

"Thank you," I says while bowing down.

I make my way out of the room with a big smile on my face, and I ran to Jiyeon and hug her tightly.

"I guess you're doing good," She says with a smile.

"Yeah, I can say the same to you too," I says.

Then we laugh together and exit the building. We get in the car and drive home. It's not that bad after all.

When we arrive, we take a shower, Jiyeon make us dinner and we go straight to sleep. Because we're tired and need a rest. So bye-bye.


(1974 words)